

 smiller2016 2017-11-25




银发族占领KTV 来自RoundTable英语新闻脱口秀 05:42


You are listening to roundtable. Now, let’s move on to the last topic discussion for today. Apparently, about 80% of KTV goers in the city of Guangzhou during the weekdays are pensioners. So, Ryan…

Yes, would you just call me a pensioner, Heyang?



I am not, because…

 Fine, it’s ok, you’ll give me pension? Anyway,  continue.



 You are resourceful and fabulous.

Yes, what is your question, Heyang?



My question is, so, how come, the elderly also like to join you in KTV?

Well, let me talk about that. Sometimes I’d like to join my friend He Baogen, who is 101 years old...


Wow, your friend!


But he is so cool. Anyway, don’t laugh, all right? Who retired from a local clothing factory and has gone to KTV almost every week to sing songs. Sorry I haven’t been able to make it, buddy. And chit chatted with friends afterwards, they have a buffet, well, keep in mind, his wife has passed away, ok?



Oh, sorry about that.

So he felt so happy to finally maybe have something to do, sing his favorite songs which were popular during his younger days. Newsflash, we are not actually friends, but I think we could be, and that’s why I said that. Well, if you are listening, He Baogen, I’d love to be your friend, because I love KTV, and I think this guy’s find a great way to spend some time. You know, this is a very lucrative thing to do I think. And KTVs and other business should go after this demographic and, here is why, all right, the Ministry of Civil Affairs says the number of elderly citizens aged 60 and above topped 230 million in 2016, 16.7% of China’s population is reported by the China association of mayors estimates that figure will hit 480 million by 2050. That’s a lot of people spending money in your joints, where you wouldn’t normally make money. I would go to the KTV during the day if I could. But I can’t, but he can. And he is 101 years old. You know, if he can enjoy himself at that age during this kind of thing, I think that is only awesome.



Well, Do you think that is kind of mind boggling that the elderly are taking over the KTV, OK? Huang Shan, what do you think?

Well, actually, I am happy for them, I am really happy to see those elderly people, they find a way to enjoy their twilight lives, and we also heard so many stories like an old couple, they sold their house and they traveled around the world. 


Yeah, that’s awesome.


So now we see more and more elderly people they just join maybe the luxury cruise trips to travel to some island, also to explore the outside world, I really happy to see they enjoy their lives.


Yes, like I said, that guy is 101 years old, if he can find something, well, is not just thinking about, well, is this going to be my last day? But instead, looking forward to the next day. Imaging, sing with your friends, and have a buffet afterwards.


That’s so cool


Once a week, that sounds good to anybody. I love buffets. I love KTV. Put those two together, for me, yeah, and my friend are here.



I see that eagerness in your eyes, Ryan. It’s a little intimidating.

Here is the thing, you know, this guy, also I want to say, he loves his wife, you know, imagine how it must be, how hard that must be, so, for these kind of people, to be able to find something to do, to spend their time, I think that’s only good things, we don’t, we don’t, you know, taking over the KTV, how many people do you think are at the KTV during the daytime.



That’s also a good reason why elderly folks should take over amusement parks everywhere during the weekdays, when, us, we are locked at our jobs in the office, we’d love to be doing stuff other than making money, but we can’t, but you guys taking it over, I am happy about that.

Just be careful, you know, make sure that you are not going to have a heart attack on that rollercoaster. You know, make sure that, make sure that you are ok to do these kind of things, but you know, KTV, singing the songs from your youth maybe taking you back to those times when you are younger. That sounds awesome, I do that all the time, when I get a chance at the KTV



I thought it is only in your shower, but…or maybe in the office.

That’s my favorite, the KTV.


Your “Hamburger girl.”


Hamburger girl, oh, god, don’t get me started. 



And, this guy invents his own dance moves, too. I think there is one thing about…

Watch out, Hamburger girl, No. 6, I am still waiting hamburger girl, so let me know. Watch out!



Ok, that could be up for some competition.

I could make a mean hamburger too, so watch out.



At karaoke, when you, you can perform in a way and sing your heart out, I think in a way it’s stress relief and expressing yourself.

And I’ve heard Heyang sing some Bon Jovi in the office, too.


It’s a good exercise, yeah, good work out.



Thank you for that little disclosure, without my permission, but you are forgiven. You are listening to roundtable, that’s it for today’s show, Bye-bye, everybody.




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