

 胡萍萍1slpkl66 2017-12-01


同学们看到会问,什么叫连贯性。简单来说,就是你作文中用first, second这类词,使你的文章看起来是一个有机的整体,而不会让人觉得是句子的简单堆砌。比如下面这个例子。

To get the most out of his textbooks, a student should follow several steps very carefully. First, he should make a preliminary survey of each book to get a general idea of what the book contains. Second, he should read for deeper understanding and formulate questions as he reads. Next, he should make notes of the major points of each chapter. After that, he should test himself to be sure that he can answer questions likely to be raised in class and in examinations. Finally, he should review his notes and reread any parts of the book that are unclear to him.

Kathleen E. Sullivan. Paragraph Practice

同学们看了后,心里大概在想“不就是标‘第一’, ‘第二’, ‘第三’嘛”,我自己在作文中经常这样用呀。而且,少标了一二三影响真的那么大嘛。那么,我们再来看下面一个例子。

A good vacation means different things to different people. People long for new sights, new sensations. They want a vacation to take them away from home. A trip to the beach or the mountains refreshes the city dwellers. Other people think that a chance to stay at home is the best vacation. They want the ease and restfulness of familiar surroundings. They feel lying around the house in old clothes is great. They enjoy working in the garden and talking to the neighbors. For them, not having to face the world or go to work in the morning is vacation enough.



A good vacation means different things to different people. For some, the best vacation is the one that takes them away from home. They long for new sights, new sensations. A trip to the beach or the mountains refreshes the city dwellers. For others, a chance to stay at home is the best vacation. These folks want the ease and restfulness of familiar surroundings. They like lying around the house in old clothes. They enjoy working in the garden and talking to the neighbors. For them, the “new sights” or new sensations” of not having to face the world or go to work in the morning is vacation enough.

Glenn Leggett. Handbook for Writers




1 你可以重复。重复什么呢,重复关键的词或词组。这里要特别给大家提到,我们经常用的代词就是一种重复手段。比如上文中的“the best vacation”, “new sights”, “new sensations”, 还有代词”they”, “them”,都是重复手段。

2 你可以使用并列的语法结构。比如上文中的”For some”, “For others”。

3 你可以运用一些过渡的表达。这些表达大家可能再熟悉不过了,如moreover, therefore, however等。


表列举:again; also; and; besides; equally important; finally; last; first (second, third…); firstly (secondly, thirdly…); In the first place (in the second place); for one thing, for another thing; on the one hand, on the other hand;in addition; likewise; next; too

表因果:as; since; so; therefore; hence; accordingly; because; because of; thanks to; owing to; be due to; consequently; as a result (of); from; give rise/birth to; otherwise; then

表举例:for example; for instance

表概括: in short; in brief; in conclusion; to conclude; on the whole; generally speaking; in a word; all in all; to sum up; to summarize

转折关系: but; yet; however; although; though; whereas; while; nevertheless; oppositely

让步关系: even so; in any case; in any event; after all; even if/though; in spite of; admittedly

递进关系: moreover, further more; what’s more; in addition (to); besides; and also

表等同: that is; that is to say; namely; in other words; is equal to

比较关系:like; likewise; similarly; in the same way; compared with; in comparison with

对比关系:on the contrary; in contrast (with); by contrast; instead (of); unlike

时间顺序关系: before; earlier before; previous to; preceding; later; afterwards; after a short time; shortly after; then; as soon as; at that time; at the same time; in the meantime; meanwhile; at last; finally; eventually; in the end


Most people like to talk, but few people like to listen, yet listening well is a rare talent that everyone should treasure. Because they hear more, good listeners tend to know more and to be more sensitive to what is going on around them than most people. In addition, good listeners are inclined to accept to tolerate rather than to judge and criticize. Therefore, they have fewer enemies than most people. In fact, they are probably the most loved of people.

Kathleen E. Sullivan. Paragraph Practice








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