
23 Lord of the Rings Locations You Can’t Miss in N...

 Nic1606 2017-12-14

1. Mt Ngauruhoe

Also known as Mt Doom! Like Frodo and Sam, you can climb ever closer to the fiery depths of Mordor by walking the Tongariro Crossing. This gives you the best views of Mt Ngauruhoe. If you are feeling extra fit, you can hike up Mt Doom itself!

For more information, check out our full Guide to the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and The Famous Lord of the Rings Filming Locations in Ruapehu.

2. Hobbiton

Hobbiton is a real place! You can potter around the village in The Shire, have a drink in the Green Dragon, dance under the Party Tree, and visit Bag End. Any true Lord of the Rings fan cannot come to New Zealand without visiting this iconic movie set.

Location: Matamata, Waikato, North Island
Tourism NZ

3. Kawarau Gorge

See the same gorge, otherwise known as the Anduin River, that the Fellowship of the Ring paddled down to be greeted by the two giant statues on either side on the river. Unfortunately, the statues were added in post-production… Nevertheless, Kawarau Gorge is pretty spectacular. Check out Lord of the Rings Locations in Queenstown for more information.

Location: Walks along Kawarau Gorge can be started from the Kawarau Bungy Jump Bridge, Queenstown, South Island.

4. Mt Sunday

This stunning location in Canterbury is the backdrop for Edoras, the capital of Rohan. You can easily picture where the Edoras set was on top of Mt Sunday.

Location: Access is via Hakatere Potts Road, Ashberton Lakes, Canterbury, South Island

5. Putangirua Pinnacles

There is no mistaking that these eroded pillars make up the Dimholt Road that Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli took when they first encountered the Army of the Undead.

Location: Aorangi Ranges, Wairarapa District, Wellington, North Island. Check out their exact location in Wairarapa – Guide for Backpackers.
Michal Klajban (Hikingisgood.com)

6. Skippers Canyon

“If you want him, come and claim him.” Yes, Arwen washed away the pursuing ring wraiths right here in Skippers Canyon. Find out more in Lord of the Rings Locations in Queenstown.

Location: Skippers Canyon is about 28km north of Queenstown, South Island. From Arthurs Point, take Skippers Road for almost 1 hour. Beware, Skippers Road is pretty gnarly to say the least.

7. Deer Park Heights

Deer Park Heights is the filming location for many scenes in Rohan. One example is the journey from Edoras to Helm’s Deep, where you can spot The Remarkables in the background. Sadly, the park has been closed to visitors since 2009, but you can still take a walk up there.

Location: Access is via the Kelvin Heights Peninsula on Peninsula Road then turn off just before Balmoral Drive. Queenstown, Otago, South Island.
Jeff Hitchcock

8. Twizel

Welcome to Gondor! With The Lord of the Rings Twizel Tour you can re-enact the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Stab a ring wraith in the face like Eowyn and shout: “I am no man!”

Location: Twizel, Canterbury, South Island.

9. Kepler Mire

“There are dead faces in the water!” Kepler Mire near Te Anau is the location for the Dead Marshes that Gollum leads Frodo and Sam through.

Location: The Kepler Mire is seen from Mount York Road, just off State Highway 95, a 10-minute drive from Te Anau, Fiordland National Park, South Island.

10. Snowdon Forest

Snowdon Forest in Fiordland National Park is the location of Fangorn Forest. This is where Gandalf whistles for his majestic horse, Aragorn tracks the hobbits’ trail into the forest, and it is the home of the ents.

Location: At Bog Pine Paddock, Snowdon Forest. From Te Anau, take State Highway 94 then Kakapo Road then Takaroa Road. Fiordland National Park, South Island.
Satoru Kikuchi

11. Mt Victoria

In The Fellowship of the Ring the Hobbits hide from the ring wraiths on the walking track of Mt Victoria. Highlights are when Merry breaks his carrot and Frodo shouts: “Get off the road!”

Location: Central Wellington, North Island. Find out how to get to Mt Victoria in our Wellington – Guide for Backpackers and Guide to The Lord of the Rings in Wellington.
 Jeff Hitchcock

12. Weta Cave & Workshop

Ok, so this isn’t exactly a filming location, but it is the studio where the props, costume, make-up and special effects were created for The Lord of the Rings. See Guide to The Lord of the Rings in Wellington for more information.

Location: Miramar, Central Wellington, North Island. Take Bus 2 to Miramar and simply ask the driver to tell you when to get off at the Weta Cave. Don’t worry, this happens often. Otherwise, it is located on the corner of Weka Street and Camperdown Road.


13. Waiau River

Another Anduin River shot. This location on the Waiau River was used in the opening aerial shots in The Fellowship of the Ring. You can either drive to this location or see it on the Kepler Track, one of New Zealand’s Great Walks.

Location: About 13km out of Te Anau. The Waiau River can be accessed by State Highway 95. About 11km south of Te Anau, turn onto Rainbow Reach Road. Southland, South Island.

14. Mavora Lakes

Follow Merry and Pippin’s trail where they got loose from the orcs on the edge of Fangorn Forest, just like Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli did in The Two Towers!

Location: From Te Anau, travel about 30km on State Highway 94, turn off onto Mavora Lakes Road for about 18km to Mavora Lakes Park. Southland, South Island.
nova viator

15. Mararoa River

Another Lord of the Rings location in the Mavora Lakes area, the Mararoa River was used in the scene where The Fellowship leave Lothlorien. The filming location is at the swingbridge at the southern end of South Mavora Lake.

Location: Access is via Mavora Lakes Road about 65km away from Te Anau. Take State Highway 94 south for 30km then turn on Mavora Lakes Road for about 35km until you reach South Mavora Lake. Southland, South Island.
Jeff Hitchcock

16. North Mavora Lake

The last location in the Mavora Lakes Park includes these two filming locations on the shores of North Mavora Lake. The shore is unmistakably the place with The Fellowship end their Anduin River journey. Nearby in the forest is also the area where Merry and Pippin hide from the Uruk-hai. Because all that forest looks the same, here is the specific GPS coordinates for that forest location: 45° 16.024’S 168° 10.500’E.

Location: Access is via Mavora Lakes Road about 71km away from Te Anau. Take State Highway 94 south for 30km then turn on Mavora Lakes Road all the way to the end of the road. Southland, South Island.
Jeff Hitchcock

17. Twelve Mile Delta

This campsite location on the banks of Lake Wakatipu is the location where Frodo, Sam and Gollum watch the battle between Faramir’s rangers and the Oliphaunts, as well as the scene where Sam and Gollum talk about: “PO-TA-TOES: boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew!” For more information, see Lord of the Rings Locations in Queenstown.

Location: From Queenstown, take the Queenstown-Glenorchy Road for 10km to the Twelve Mile Delta Campsite. The location is on the Bob’s Cove Track. Otago, South Island.

18. Paradise

Not too far from Glenorchy is a place called Paradise. This happened to be the location of Isengard seen when Gandalf approaches Saruman’s tower.

Location: Access is via the Glenorchy-Paradise Road at the GPS coordinates: 44°40’25.0″S 168°20’27.4″E. This is a gravel road. Otago, South Island.

19. Mt Gunn

One of the stunning locations where the beacons were lit between Gondor and Rohan. This is definitely a stand out moment in the films for New Zealand scenery. You can either get a view from Mt Gunn by hiking or taking a scenic flight.

Location: Get views of Mt Gunn from the Franz Josef Glacier Valley access track. Turn off State Highway 6, about 500 metres south of Franz Josef Village onto the Franz Josef Glacier access road until you reach the car park. Then follow the glacier access track. West Coast, South Island.
Pseudopanax at English Wikipedia

20. Tukino Ski Field

On the small club ski field on the slopes of Mt Ruapehu you can find the location where Frodo, Sam and Gollum look at the Gates of Mordor.

Location: Access is via Tukino Skifield Road off State Highway 1 about 22km from Wairou. Tukino is well-signposted but be aware this is a gravel road. Mt Ruapehu, Manawatu-Wanganui, North Island.
Michal Klajban (Hikingisgood.com)

21. Whakapapa Ski field

Another ski field on Mt Ruapehu, Whakapapa was the location of a few Mordor scenes including the opening scene in The Fellowship of the Ring where the Isildur cuts Sauron’s finger off. It is also the location where Frodo and Sam catch Gollum and where Gollum leads the Hobbits to Emyn Muil.

Location: For locations, check out The Famous Lord of the Rings Filming Locations in Ruapehu.

22. Mangawhero River

Just before the magnificent Mangawhero Falls is the location where Gollum catches a fish. Delve a little further along the river and you’ll find a spot where Frodo and Sam passed a ruined column in a clearing.

Location: Signposted off Ohakune Mountain Road, Mt Ruapehu. Manawatu-Wanganui, North Island. Check out the full guide in The Famous Lord of the Rings Filming Locations in Ruapehu.
 Jeff Hitchcock

23. Tawhai Falls

And while you are in the Ruapehu area, check out Tawhai Falls. The waterfall and pool below was partly used when Gollum is catching a fish while Faramir and his rangers aim their arrows at him. Tawhai Falls is now commonly known as Gollum’s Pool.

Location: The short walking track to Tawhai Falls starts 4km from Whakapapa Village along State Highway 48. Manawatu-Wanganui, North Island.

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