

 书生味道 2017-12-24
In 1991, the Library of Congress and Book-of-the-Month Club listed the 10 most influential books in the United States according to a survey. How many have you read?


1. The Bible.


2. 'Atlas Shrugged,' by Ayn Rand.

  《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》 安·兰德

3. 'The Road Less Traveled,' by M. Scott Peck.

   《少有人走的路》 M·斯科特·派克

4. 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' by Harper Lee.

   《杀死一只知更鸟》 哈珀·李

5. 'The Lord of the Rings,' by J. R. R. Tolkien.

   《指环王》 J.R.R. 托尔金

6. 'Gone With the Wind,' by Margaret Mitchell.

   《飘》 玛格丽特·米彻尔

7. 'How to Win Friends and Influence People,' by Dale Carnegie.

   《人性的弱点》 戴尔·卡内基

8. The Book of Mormon.


9. (tied, in alphabetical
In 1991, the Library of Congress and Book-of-the-Month Club listed the 10 most influential books in the United States according to a survey. How many have you read?


1. The Bible.


2. 'Atlas Shrugged,' by Ayn Rand.

  《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》 安·兰德

3. 'The Road Less Traveled,' by M. Scott Peck.

   《少有人走的路》 M·斯科特·派克

4. 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' by Harper Lee.

   《杀死一只知更鸟》 哈珀·李

5. 'The Lord of the Rings,' by J. R. R. Tolkien.

   《指环王》 J.R.R. 托尔金

6. 'Gone With the Wind,' by Margaret Mitchell.

   《飘》 玛格丽特·米彻尔

7. 'How to Win Friends and Influence People,' by Dale Carnegie.

   《人性的弱点》 戴尔·卡内基

8. The Book of Mormon.


9. (tied, in alphabetical order by title) (排名持平,按首字母顺序排列)

   'The Feminine Mystique,' by Betty Friedan.

  《女性的奥秘》 贝蒂·弗里丹

  'A Gift From the Sea,' by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

  《海的礼物》 林白夫人

  'Man's Search for Meaning,' by Viktor Frankl.

  《追寻生命的意义》 维克多·弗兰克

  'New Passages,' by Gail Sheehy.

  《新中年主张》 盖尔·希伊

  'When Bad Things Happen to Good People,' by Harold S. Kushner.

 《当厄运降临在好人身上》 哈罗德 S. 库什纳

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