

 百城主人 2017-12-30












          “Contradiction exists in all things.” [1] Including or excepting the essay from which the statement is taken? 




            J.M. Edmonds, The Greek Bucolic Poets ("The Loeb Classical Library").

         Theacritus II: “And no sooner was I ware of the light fall o’s foot across my threshold than I went cold as ice my body over, & the sweat dripped like dewdrops from my brow; aye, & for speaking I could not so much as the whimper of a child that calls on’s mother in his sleep; for my fair flesh was gone all stiff and stark.” (p. 35)按參觀第五十五則。

            V: “You shall tread sheep’s wool as soft as sleep.” (p. 69) Herodes, Mimes, IV (“The Loeb Class. Lib.”, p. 143): “[The bonbon] as soft as sleep”; Virgil, Eclogae, VII, 45: “somno mollior herba (grass softer than sleep)” (“The Loeb Class. Lib.”, I, p. 52) 參觀 G.A. Borgese, I vivi e i morti, p. 161: “... rientrava la sera, con member piene di stanchezza dolce come il miele.”

            V: “But when her goatherd boy goes by you should see my Cleärist Fling apples, & her pretty lips call pouting to be kissed.” (p. 73)  Aulus Gellius, IX. ix 論迻譯希臘詩為拉丁,不得逐字硬翻 (“Non semper aiunt enitendum, ut omnia omnino verba in eum, in quem dicta sunt, modum vertamus. Perdunt enim gratiam pleraque, si quasi inuita et recusantia uiolentius transferuntur.” Attic Nights, tr. by J.C. Rolfe, “The Loeb Classical Library”, II, p. 176),舉  Virgil, Ecl., 64-5: “Malo me Galatea petit, lasciva puella, / Et fugit ad salices et se cupit ante videri.” (“Loeb Class. Lib.”, I, p. 2?)  Theocritus 此節可謂入妙云云。竊謂視原文不啻過之,即Paradise Regained, II, 161-2: “[Women] skilled to retire, & in retiring draw. / Hearts after them tangled in amorous nets.”又按 Aristophanes, The Clouds, 997 謂妓女以蘋果擲少年 (μηλω βληθείς) 以為勾搭,B.B. Rogers 譯本 (G. Bell & Sons) p. 128 註云:“Throwing an apple was the recognised love-challenge amongst the Greeks & Romans.” 又按 Theocritus, Virgil 所寫景象,可與宋玉《好色賦》末句參觀。一入 Swift 筆下,遂成醜態,參觀 Gulliver’s Travels, Pt. IV, ch. 7  “female Yahoo” 勾引雄者事 (“Oxford Standard Authors”, p. 313-4: “with a counterfeit show of fear” etc.) [2]。【史達祖《祝英臺近》:“見郎和笑拖裙,匆匆欲去,驀忽地、肯留芳袖。”Montaigne, Essais, II. 15 (Pléiade, p. 97)  Virgil [3]。】

          V: “’Tis true Alcippa kissed me, but she forgot to kiss by the pot.” (p. 79)  Hans Licht, Beiträge zur antiken Erotik, S. 143  Eunikos 劇,又 Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, tr. by J.H. Freese, p. 310 Plutarch, Moralia, 38c  “Topf”  “Henkelkuss” [4] (dass man ein Kind an beiden Ohren nahm und küsste, wobei das Kind mit seinen Patschhändchen ebenfalls nach den Ohren des Küssenden greifen musste)

            VIII: “A maid with meeting eyebrows.” (p. 119) 按參觀 Leigh Hunt, Men, Women & Books: “Criticism on Female Beauty”; Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, III, p. 145  Émeric-David: “The typical Greek beautiful woman must be tall... the eyebrows slightly arched & almost meeting.”

            X: “Bombyca fair, to other folk you may a Gipsy be; sunburnt & lean they call you; you are honey-brown to me. Of flowers the violet’s dark.” (p. 135) 按悅目即姝,惟愛所丁。此 Michelangelo 所以問:“Dimmi di grazia, amor, se gli occhi i mei / veggono ’l ver della beltà ch’aspiro, / o s’io l’ho dentro allor che, dov’ io miro, / veggio più bello el viso di costei.” (The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, tr. by J.A. Symonds, XXV, p. 27),而答云:“beltà che tu vedi è ben da quella”,則非情人眼裏出西施之謂。【□Catullus, LI....□□乃眼花撩亂[5]】至與 Theocritus 此首相印可者,則 Godschalk: “Amas ut pulchram facias” (R. de Gourmont,Le Latin mystique, p. 143 ); Congreve, The Way of the World, II, i: “You are no longer handsome when you’ve lost your lover. Beauty is the lover’s gift.” 也【cf. Fontenelle: “L’amour est le revenu de la beauté.” (quoted in Saint-Beuve, Les Grands Écrivains Français, éd. M. Allem, VII, p. 5)】。此意始見於 Plato, Rep., 474D; Plutarch, Moralia, I, p. 241; Lucretius, IV, 1160: “Nigra melichrus est, immunda et fetida acosmos. / caesia Palladium, nervosa et lignea dorcas” etc.; Ovid, Ars am., II, 657: “Nominibus mollire licetmala: fusca vocetur, / Nigrior Illyrica cui pice sanguis erit” etc. (cf. Remed. am., 323 et seq.); Moliere, Le Misanthrope, II, v: “La pâle est au jasmin en blancheur comparable; / La noire à faire peur, une brune adorable” etc.; John Suckling, “Sonnets” II: “I ask no red & white, / To make up my delight; / No odd becoming graces, / Black eyes, or little know-not-whats in faces; / Make me but mad enough, give me / Good store of love for her I count; / I ask no more, / ’Tis love in love that makes the sport. / There’s no such thing as that we beauty call, / It is mere cozenage all.... / If I a fancy take / To black & blue, / That fancy doth it beauty make. / ’Tis not the meat, but ’tis the appetite / Makes eating a delight”; Pierre Janet, L’Amour et la Haine, p. 151: “La beauté de la femme est dans des nerfs de l’homme”; Robert Herrick: “No Loathesomeness in Love” (Poetical Works, ed. L.C. Martin, p. 13); “Qui du cul d’un chien s’amourose, / Il lui paraît une rose.” (À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, “La Pléiade”, I, p. 123, Françoise) 其見於散文者如 Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, Pt. III, Sect. ii, Mem. 3, Subs. 1: “Love is blind”一節論 “Quisquis amat ranam, ranam putat esse Dianara.” (“Everyman’s Library”, vol. III, p. 155);又 Voltaire,Diction. Philos., art. “Beau”: “Demandez a un crapaud ce que c’est que la beauté, le grand beau, le to kalon. Il vous répondra que c’est sa crapaude” etc. (Oeuv. Comp., éd. Moland, XVII, pp. 556-7)。【即《莊子》所謂“猨,猵狙以為雌”一節之意[6]見第四百六十二則。拉丁諺亦云:“驢以驢為美,豕以豕為麗。”Asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher.Thomas Dekker, The Honest Whore, Pt. II, Act II, Sc. I, Bellafront: “So crowes are faire with crowes.” (Dramatic Work, ed. F. Bowers, II, 154)】至 Stendhal, De l’Amour, ch. XVII: “Même les petits défauts de sa figure, une marque de petite vérole, par exemple, donnent, de l’attendrissement à l’homme qui aime... Si l’on parvient ain i à préférer et à aimer la laideur, c’est que dans ce cas la laideur est beauté.” (éd. “Le Divan”, p. 80) 而發揮無餘蘊。即日本諺謂:“In a lover’s eyes, pockmarks become dimples.” [7](見 Ploss, Bartels & Bartels, Woman, ed. By E.J. Dingwall, I, pp. 213-4引)之意。【Don Quixote, Pt. II, ch. 47: “The pock-marks on Clara Perlerina’s face are many & large, but those who are fond of her will assert that those are not scars at all but graves where the hearts of her lovers lie buried.” (tr. S. Putnam, II, p. 814)】《盱江全集》卷三十四《贈卿材》所謂:“女色無定美,寵至美則多。”《苕溪漁隱後集》第三十一引《復齋漫錄》云:“諺云:‘情人眼裏有西施。’山谷取以為詩,故《答公益春思》云:‘西施逐人眼,稱心最為得。’”張平子《西京賦》所謂“惟愛所丁”也。【《全三國文》卷二十三蔣濟《萬機論》:“語曰:‘兩目不相為視。’昔吳有二人共評玉者,一人曰好,一人曰醜,久之不決)。二人各曰:‘爾可求入吾目中,則好醜分矣。’”(劉晝《正賞第五十一》本此。)】【《拍案驚奇》卷十七云:“人生最怕的是眼裏火。一動了眼裏火,隨你左看右看,無不中心像意的。”《金瓶梅》第七十二回:“不管好歹的都收攬下,原來是一個眼裏火。”《水滸全傳》第二十一回:“佳人有意村夫俏,紅粉無心浪子村。”《通俗編》卷二十二引魯連子云:“心誠憐,白髪玄;情不怡,姸色媸。”謂是“情人眼裏有西施”語之祖。馮夢龍《山歌》卷四《出》云:“當官銀匠出細絲,護短爺娘出俊兒。道學先生口裏出子孔夫子,情人眼裏出西施。”《紅樓夢》第七十九回香菱云:“這是‘情人眼裏出西施’。”《金瓶梅》第三十七回:“自古道:‘情人眼裏出西施’。”《渾如篇‧論子弟有三揣‧其三‧揣自己年貌》:“情人眼裏出西施……這西施料難是你,不如歸去且徘徊。”《倪文正公遺稿》卷二《代友贈人》:“端非情眼出西施。”】《淮海集》卷十二《眇娼傳》所謂:“諺有之:‘心相憐,馬首圓。’自余得若人,還視世之女子,無不餘一目者。夫佳目,得一足矣,奚以多為?”(參觀第五百七十三則。)江進之《雪濤小書》卷四所謂:“閩人篤於男色者,見一美姬姿態絕倫,乃嘆日:‘可惜是婦人耳。’又有與眇姬相處者,寵戀異常。或詰曰:‘此少一目,何足戀?’其人低徊嘆曰:‘公不知趣,我看了此姬,天下婦人都似多了一隻眼。’”Martial, III, 8 [Quintus in love with one-eyed Thais]: “Unum oculum Thais non habet, ille duos.” (Loeb, I, 1680) 又第二五一則、七三八則。又第二百十四則眉[8]【[補二一三則《眇娼傳》]Anatomy of Melancholy, Part III, Sect. II, Mem. V, Subs. II: “Petrarch hath such another tale of a young gallant, that loved a wench with one eye, & for that cause by his parents was sent to travel into far countries, ‘after some years he returned, & meeting the maid for whose sake he was sent abroad, asked her how, & by what chance she lost her eye? No, said she, I have lost none, but you have found yours.’” (“Everyman’s Library”, vol. III, p. 200)《西洋記》六十四回:“哈里虎一手拔出箭頭,連眼珠兒都帶出來,說道:‘兩只眼本是多一只,去了他也罷。’”】孫子瀟《天真閣集》卷一《雜言》云:“妍媸在情,色居其名。”卷十六《情箴》云:“美惡至無準,惟情所軒輊”;“兩心果相悅,凡質皆先施。素意苟不屬,姱容亦仳倠。”(又第七百三則。)(Aldous Huxley, Texts & Pretexts, p. 53: “Suckling puts his argument in the conditional If. But in point of actual fact it is almost infinitely improbable that he will take a fancy to black & blue. Nature & second nature have limited him to white & gold, to olive & black, to sunburn & chestnut... There are values which persist, because there is a physiology which persists &, along with a physiology, a mental structure.”Anatomy of Melancholy, Pt. III, Sect. ii, Mem. 2, Subs. 4 (“Everyman’s ... [9]

          XI. The Cyclops: “O well I wot pretty maid for why thou shunnest me so; one long shag eyebrow ear to ear my forehead doth go, & but one eye beneath doth lie, & the nose stands wide on the lip. Yet be as I may, still this I say, I feed full a thousand sheep.” (p. 143) 按即《西游記》第二十三回豬八戒所云:“娘,上覆令愛,不要這等揀漢。師父俊雖俊,却沒用。我醜自醜,有幾句口號兒:‘雖然人物醜,勤緊有些功。若言千頃地,不用使牛耕’”云云也。Tasso, Aminta, II, i, Satiro 亦然。

            XVIII. “The Epithalamy of Helen” (pp. 225 ff)  Hans Licht, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, Eng. tr., p. 55 scholiast說此云: “The epithalamium is sung, in order that the cries of the young bride, while she is offered violence to by her husband, may not be heard, but may be drowned in the song of the girls.”

            XXVII. “Daphnis: ‘Even in an empty kiss there’s a sweet delight.’ Acrotime: “Look ye, I wipe my mouth o’ your kiss & spit it from me.’” (p. 333)  Guarini, Pastor Fido: “Bocca baciata a forza, / Se ’l bacio sputa, ogni vergogna ammorza.” ( Luigi Russo, Gli scrittori d’Italia, I, p. 550) Cf. Lewis Carroll, Sylvie & Bruno, ch. 16 on “unkissing”; “The Rural Dance about the May-pole”: “The girls did then begin to quarrel with the men; / And bid ’em take their kisses back, & give ’em their own again.” (The Faber Book of Popular Verse, p. 42)

           Daphnis: ‘Your youth passes you by like a dream.’ Acrotime: ‘But the grape’s in the raisin, & dry rose-leaves may live.’” (p. 335) 按妙喻,參觀 Greek Anthology, Bk. V, 304: “When you were a green grape you refused me, when you were ripe you bade me be off, at least grudge me not a little of your raisin.” [10] (Eng. tr. W.R. Paton, “The Loeb Classical Library”, I, p. 293)。至 Bk. V, 28: “I don’t accept a bramble for a rose.” (p. 143)  “Il n’est si belle rose qui ne devienne gratte-cul” 之意矣。又 Lucian, The Downward Journey: “Hermes: ‘Here are 300 babies.’ Charon: ‘It’s green-grape dead you have brought us.’ Hermes: ‘Here you are again, 398, all tender & ripe & harvested in season.’ Charon: ‘Good Lord, yes! They are all raisins now!’” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, tr. by A.M. Harmon, II, p. 11),當是希臘文中常喻。又 Acrotime: ‘Why hast thou put thy hand in my breasts?’ Daphnis: ‘I am fain to give thy ripe pippins their first lesson.’” (p. 341) 按以婦人乳為蘋婆果乃希臘詩中常喻[11] ,參觀 Hans Licht, Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, Eng. tr., pp. 271, 311.;又第五百三十一則 Orlando Furioso, XII. 14;又 R. Coolus & A. Rivoire, Pardon, Madame..., Acte I, Sc. X: “Et un corps de 16 ans! Avec des petits seins durs comme pommes!” 參觀第二百七十九則。

            Bion XV: “’Tis said a continual dripping will e’en wear a hollow in a stone.” (p. 415) 按字書僅知引Lucretius, I, 314: “Stillicidi lapsus lapidem cavat.” Robert Greene, Arbasto 中引申之云:“In time we see the silver drops / The craggy stones make soft; / The slowest snail in time we see / Doth creep & climb aloft. / With feeble puffs the tallest pine / In tract of time doth fall; / The hardest heart in time doth yield / To Venus’ luring call.” (A.H. Bullen, Poems Chiefly Lyrical from Romances and Prose-tracts of the Elizabethan Age, p. 9) 諺云:“烈女怕纏夫”(《湘綺樓日記》光緒九年六月廿七日引),此之謂也。E. & J. de Goncourt,L’Amour au XVIIIe siècle, p. 38: “N’est-ce pas un principe partout répété, un fait affirmé bien haut par les hommes, qu’il suffit de dire trois fois à une femme qu’elle est jolie, pour qu’elle vous remercie à la première fois, pour qu’elle vous croie à la seconde, et pour qu’à la troisième elle vous récompense?” 可參觀。

            Moschus I: “The Runaway Love” 按此 Venus 失子零丁也:“And the reward shall be the kiss of Cypris.” (p. 425) 其意至 Apuleius, Metam., Lib. VI. 7 而增飾為 “Accepturus ab ipsa venere septem savia et unum blandientis appulsu linguae longe mellitum.” [12]  Johannes Secundus, Basia V 所詠 (Cataglottism)

            V: “Pan loved his neighbor Echo; Echo loved a frisking Satyr; & Satyr he was head over ears for Lydè... for by just course, even as each of those hearts did scorn its lover, so was it also scorned being such a lover itself” etc. (pp. 459-461)  Heine, Lyrisches Intermezzo: “Ein Jüngling liebt ein Mädchen, / Die hat einen andern erwählt; / Der andre liebt eine andre, / Und hat sich mit dieser vermählt” etc. (Werke und Briefe in 10 Bänden, Aufbau, 1961, S. 88); Neuer Frühling: “Der Schmetterling ist in die Rose verliebt” usw. (S. 218); Édouard Grenier, “Plainte”: “Le vent aime la fleur; la fleur le papillon; / Le papillon l’azur; l’azur le doux rayon / De l’étoile lointaine; / L’étoile aime la mer, et la mer, le rocher / Qui reçoit ses baisers sans se laisser toucher / Par l’amour ou la haine” etc. (G. Walch, Anthologie des poètes fr. contemporains, I, pp. 75-6); Mrs Alderson to Mrs Taylor: “Mrs Inchbald says the report of the world is that Mr Holcroft is in love with her, she with Mr Godwin, Mr Godwin with me, & I am in love with Mr Holcroft.” (F.K. Brown, William Godwin, p. 112)  Hardy, The Hand of Ethelberta 所謂 “concatenated affection” (Carl J. Weber, Hardy of Wessex, p. 62 )Jean Rousset, La littérature de l’âge baroque en France, p. 40 Chréstien des Croix, Les Amantes 本事云:“Eurialle est amoureux de Floris, et haï d’elle: Ariston aime Clorinde qu’elle dédaigne pour chérir Eurialle” etc. 謂為 “la chaine d’amours en cascades”

            Simias of Rhodes  “Pattern poems” (pp. 489 ff.) 按即 Technopaignia,其源流詳見 J.W.H. Atkins,English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase, p. 167; English Literary Criticism: The Renascence, pp. 146-7P. Daudin: “Les vers figures” (Vie et langage, Mars 1960, pp. 152-8) 考此亦詳。近日西洋詩人如Guillaume Apollinaire  集中每見此體【Guillaume Apollinaire, Calligrammes 中有 “Paysage”, “La Cravate et la montre”, “Coeur couronne et miroir”, “La Mandoline, l’oeillet et la bambou”,“ La Colonne poignardée et le jet d’eau”, “Aussi bien que les cigales”, “Du coton dans les oreilles”, “Éventail des saveurs” (Oeuvres Poétiques, “Bibl. de la Pléiade”, pp. 170, 192, 197, 203, 209, 213, 284, 287, 298) 諸首】,Dylan Thomas, Vision & Prayer 亦其類,在吾國則習見不鮮矣。



















          《前集》卷一:“甫聽鸎語媚春華,秭鳺先鳴起怨嗟[13] 。石望夫歸山望子,魂為鳥去血為花。高枝倦羽驚難宿,獨枕懷人感越加。燈火未消還起坐,一鈎殘月藥欄斜。《夜聞子規》”按第四句前人多有此意。[唐徐凝《翫花》云:“誰為蜀王身作鳥,自啼還自有花開。”唐楊行敏《失題》:“杜鵑花裏杜鵑啼,淺紫深紅更傍谿。”《海錄碎事》卷二十二引張承吉句云:“杜鵑花發杜鵑叫,烏臼樹生烏臼啼。”晏叔原《鷓鴣天》云:“陌上濛濛殘絮飛,杜鵑花裏杜鵑啼。”(《歷代詩餘》卷二十七)《列朝詩集》丁八載王百穀《哭袁相公》云:“山上杜鵑花是鳥,墓前翁仲石為人。”魏憲《詩持二集》卷四載盧士厚《寄諷魏惟度》云:“淚既可花亦可鳥。”魏氏評云:“比杜鵑也。”呂晚村《東莊詩集‧夢覺集‧遊慈相寺》:“最是客游難久住,杜鵑落過杜鵑啼。”卓爾堪《明末四百家遺民詩》卷五劉城《杜宇》:“血染花成色,魂依鳥作音。”《晚晴簃詩滙》卷四十一陸葇《南安早發》:“最是斷腸聽不得,杜鵑花裏鷓鴣聲。”屈大均《翁山詩外》卷十四《杜鵑花‧之二》:“上作啼鵑下作花。”又見第六十七則宋湘《荊山守風》。蔣心餘《忠雅堂詩集》卷二《過金山‧之二》:“日午魚龍呼不起,郭公墳上郭公嗁。”宋芷灣《滇蹄集》卷二《杜鵑花盛開作歌》:“舉頭看杜鵑,低頭聽杜鵑。”參觀第六十七則。至倪象占韭山《清明卜算子》云:“紅笑紅啼兩不分,是杜鵑開也。”(《賭棋山莊詞話》卷七)更參以李義山《早起》之“鶯花啼又笑,畢竟是誰春?”南唐成彥雄《杜鵑花》:“杜鵑花與鳥,怨艷兩何賒。疑是口中血,滴成枝上花”,又《槿花》之“殷鮮一相雜,啼笑兩難分”兩詩語意。特過前人矣。]第三句頗能烘託取神。




[1] “On Contradiction”: “Contradiction exists in [the process of development of] all things.”(矛盾存在於一切事物[的發展過程]之中。)

[2]《手稿集》313 頁行間重引 Swift 此節。



[5] 此處字跡漫漶不辨。



[8] 即下文,見《手稿集》318 頁眉。

[9] 此見《手稿集》313 頁行間,下文脫落。



[12] 阿普列烏斯《變形記》原文:“Accepturus indicivae nomine ab ipsa Venere septem savia suavia et unum blandientis appulsu linguae longe mellitum.”


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