

 百城主人 2017-12-30


褲子畫家Daniele da Volterra 奉教皇命為《最後的審判》遮羞



      John Opie, Lectures on Painting by the Royal Academicians, p. 282: “So habituated are the people of this country to the sight of portraiture only, that they can scarcely as yet consider painting in any other light; they will hardly admire a landscape that is not a view of a particular place, nor a history unless composed of likenesses of the persons represented... In our exhibitions, one’s ear is pained, one’s very soul is sick with hearing crowd after crowd, sweeping round &, instead of discussing the merits of the different works on view, all reiterating the same dull & tasteless question, Who is it? and Is it like?” ( C.B. Tinker, Painter & Poet, p. 22 ) 按此言發於一八四八年。最先是L.B. Alberti, Della Pittura: “Grandissima opera del pittore sarà l’istoria” (PMLA, 1909, W.G. Howard, “Ut Pictura Poesis”, p. 95 )。不過如 Jonathan Richardson: “A history is preferable to a landscape , sea-piece, animals, fruit, flowers, or any other still-life... the reason is, the latter kind... cannot improve the mind, they excite no noble sentiments”; William Gilpin: “History-painting is certainly the most elevated species. Nothing exalts the human mind, a mode of epic.” ( Elizabeth Wheeler Manwaring, Italian Landscape in 18th Century England, pp. 13-4 ); “David scolded Gros for having given up historical painting: ‘Vite, vite, feuilletez votre Plutarque.’” (Oskar Fischel & Max von Boehn, Modes & Manners of the 19th Century, tr. by M. Edwardes, I. p. 59) 至此始近吾國南宗論畫宗旨,如張彥遠《歷代名畫記》卷一所謂“以形似之外求畫”;歐陽永叔《盤車圖》所謂“古畫畫意不畫形”;東坡《開元寺王維吳道子畫》所謂“摩詰得之於象外”,《書鄢陵王主簿畫折枝》所謂“論畫以形似,見與兒童鄰。”晚近世而此說遂盛行於西洋。Clive Bell, Art, p. 30: “People who cannot feel pure aesthetic emotions remember pictures by their subjects.” 又:“His [the Quick Introvert’s] gift for simplification — ‘the liberating of what is significant from what is not’ (Clive Bell, Art, p. 12) — makes him paint pictures that are stylized designs, interpretations of nature far more vivid than any exacter portrayals.” Cf. Thornbury, Life of J.M.W. Turner, p. 104: “Turner had a horror of what he said Wilson called ‘being too mappy’; E. Moreau-Nélaton, Manet raconté par lui-même, I, p. 21: “Peinture d’histoire was the worst insult Manet could offer to an artist.’” (Joan Evans, Taste & Temperament, p. 84) 此正José Ortega y Gasset 所謂 “dehumanization of art”, “the tendency to purify art”, “progressive elimination of [realism] (Melvin M. Rader [1], A Modern Book of Esthetics, p. 346) 之證(參觀 R. Müller-Freienfels, Psychologie der Kunst, I, S. 67: “rein Malerei... [Manet, Trübner], die auf die künstlerische Reizung der Netzhaut und nicht auf die der Assoziationszentren ankommt”; J. Segond, L’Esthétique du sentiment, pp. 84-9: “la peinture pure”.)【É. Gilson, Peinture et réalité “tableau” “peinture”; R. MacCallum, Imitation & Design “a pull toward the object or nature” “a pulling away from the object” 皆此意。】吾國却物極必反,漸生異議,晁無咎《鷄肋集》卷八《和蘇翰林題李甲畫雁》第一首即云:“畫寫物外形,要物形不改。”《靜修先生文集》卷三《書東坡傳神記後》云:“‘意思’者,必至於形似之極,而後可以心會焉。非形似之外,又有所謂‘意思’也,亦下學而上達也。余去歲題畫卷云:‘煙影天機滅沒邊,誰從毫末出清妍。畫家也有清談弊,到處南華一嗒然。’此又可為學形似而不至者之戒也。(卷十一《米元章雲煙疊嶂圖》第二首)”王若虛《滹南遺老集》卷三十九八云[2]:“夫所貴於畫者,為其似耳。畫而不似,則如勿畫。然則坡之論非歟?曰:論妙於形似之外,而非遺其形似。世之人不本其實,無得於心,而借此論以為高。畫山水者,未能正作一木一石,而託雲烟杳靄,謂之氣象,自欺而巳矣。”謝在杭《五雜組》卷七云[3]:“宦官、婦女,每見人畫,輒問甚麼故事,談者往往笑之,不知自唐以前,名畫未有故事者。蓋有故事,便須立意結構,事事考訂,人物衣冠制度,宮室規模大略,城郭山川,形勢向背,皆不得草草下筆。非若今人任意師心,鹵莽滅裂,動輒託之寫意而止也。”顧亭林《日知錄》卷二十一云:“古人圖畫皆指事為之,使觀者可法可戒。自實體難工。空摹易善,於是白描山水之畫興,而古人之意亡矣。”《北江詩話》卷四云:“凡作一事,古人皆務實,今人皆務名。即如繪畫家,唐以前無不繪故事,所以著勸懲而昭美惡,意至善也。至董、巨、荊、關出,而始以山水為工矣。降至倪、黃,而並以筆墨超脫為工矣。求其能繪故事者,十不得三四也。而人又皆鄙之,以為不能與工山水者並論。豈非久久而離其宗乎?”葉德輝《觀畫百詠》卷一云:“思翁天姿高妙,不耐為北宗刻苦細緻之筆。其實北宗人物衣冠可考古製,樓台界綫必準折算,乃至動植飛潛,象形體物,固非南宗諸家僅以雲山為供養也。昔盛伯兮祭酒好尚北宗,嘗戲言唐人論字有《非草書》篇,欲吾作《非大寫》敵之。”又云:“宋畫院畫花草、翎毛、走獸、蟲魚等物,皆有根據,如《毛詩》、《爾雅》、《山海經》、《本草》諸圖,較之畫馬、畫牛、畫龍、畫猿、畫蝶、畫松、畫梅僅以一物名者,殊有道藝之別。”又云:“古人不為無益之事,左圖右史,本以相資。故唐、宋畫史,畫人物狀貌,必分別南北,畫宮室輿服,必考定時代。山水遠近,有一定尺寸;樓閣曲折,有一定繩墨。以資考證。”卷三云:“一為法古,如兩漢經師篤守家法,不肯有所出入;一為逢時,如魏晉人清談,全襲《老》、《莊》,有時亦暢玄風,但苦不得歸宿。”又云:“自思翁尊南抑北,三百年靡然向風。康、雍、乾、嘉四朝內廷供奉,尚有工北宗之人,其他士夫殆無有能為大小李將軍者矣。”劉中叔《左庵集》卷六《原畫》云:“古畫於史事而外,尤詳典章名物,與學術相輔,不僅為美術之一端。《左傳》謂:‘夏,遠方圖物,鑄鼎象物。’《國語》曰:‘省其典圖刑法。’相如《子虛賦》曰:‘不可勝圖。’足徵古人以象為主,後世以降,始蹈空摹”云云。蓋與西方談藝沿革,不啻倒行回轍。以漁洋論詩之尊摩詰,而《蠶尾續文‧跋宋牧仲論畫絕句》一文及《居易錄》論畫皆尚北宗,足徵風會。郎園雖尊北抑南,而《觀畫百詠》卷二稱李唐《深山避暑圖》之有丹楓,以為筆妙補天,得“輞川不問四時之意”云云,不免矛盾,亦見積重難返矣(參觀第三百九十一則引 J. Volkelt, System der Ästhetik, Bd. I, s. 542,又四百二十八則)。




      Gilbert Ryle,The Concept of Mind 辨析精微,筆舌犀利,然每用盡氣力,不離故處。

            P. 51: “The statement ‘the mind is its own place,’ as theorists might construe it, is not true, for the mind is not even a metaphorical ‘place.’ On the contrary, the chessboard, the platform, the scholar’s desk, the judge’s bench, the lorry-driver’s seat, the studio & the football field are among its places. These are where people work & play stupidly or intelligently”; p. 58: “Overt intelligent performances are not clues to the workings of minds; they are those workings”; p. 328: “The behaviorists’ methodological programme has been of revolutionary importance to the programme of psychology. But more, it has been one of the main sources of the philosophical suspicion that the two-worlds story [i.e., Mind & Body, ‘the Ghost in the Machine’] is a myth.” 按此理美學家早窺之。Bosanquet: “The first & main thing which the word ‘feeling’ suggests to me is the concernment of the whole ‘body-and-mind’ as Plato puts it in building up his account of psychical unity on the simple sentence, ‘The man has a pain in his finger’ (Rep., 462 D). It is the whole man who has the pain, & in it is one, though it is referred to the finger & localised there.” (Three Lectures on Aesthetic, Preface) 故其書屢用 “body-and-mind” (p. 59, p. 85)

            P. 149: “People, with the exception of Aristotle, [are] oblivious to the differences of logical behavior between [achievement verbs & task verbs].” 按當是指 Metaphysics, 1048b, 30-34. 修詞學者有 “Ergebnisobjekt, effiziertes Objekt” “Richtungsobject, affiziertes Objekt” 之別(參觀 Otto Jespersen, Modern English Grammar, vol. III, ch. xii, p. 230 ff.)。




            A.W. Verrall, Collected Literary Essays 冠以行述,載少作一詩諷 Bain, Mental & Moral Science,刊於 The Tatler in Cambridge,其詞曰:“There was a Professor called Bain / Who taught, in the Land of the Rain, / That the ultimate fact / Which induced you to act / Was an Inkling of Pleasure or Pain.// He proved that Volitional Force / Depended entirely on Sauce, / Inasmuch as the Question / Was one of Digestion, / And Morals would follow of course. //... Faith, Charity, Hope were reducible / To Phosphate or Salt in a Crucible, / Dissent &Dysentery / Both ‘Alimentary,’ / Manners & Mammon both fusible. / If Flesh can be sane or insane, / And Meat the sole Factor of Brain, / Then hey! for the Cooks, / Since the Moral of Books / Is ‘Leave Writing for Eating,’ O Bain.” (pp. xvi-xvii) 語甚詼諧。余未見 Bain 書,如Verrall 所嘲,則 Feuerbach 之說也。“Die Naturwissenschaft und die Revolution” 云:“der Nahrungsstoff ist Gedankenstoff... der Mensch ist was er isst” (Sämtl. Werk., neu hrsg. W. Bolin und Fr. Jodl, Bd. X, S. 15, 22) 且引 Jacob Moleschott, Lehre der Nahrungsmittel 曰:“Träges Kartoffelblut, soll es den Muskeln Kraft zur Arbeit, dem Hirn den belebenden Schwung der Hoffnung ertheilen? Armes Irland! Du kannst nicht siegen in dem Kampf gegen den stolzen Nachbar, dessen üppige Heerden die Macht seiner Söldner erzeugen!” (S. 22) 後來撰 “Das Geheimnis des Opfers” 引經據典,發揮此意尤暢:“Wie die Speise, so das Wesen, wie das Wesen, so die Speise... Ein Gott isst nur was er ist... ‘Ohne Phosphor kein Gedanke’ und ohne Salz kein Witz, kein Scharfsinn..” (Bd. X, S. 13, 58, 61) Swift, The Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus, Bk. I, ch. 4: “What makes the English Phlegmatick and melancholy but Beef? What renders the Welch so hot and cholerick, but cheese and leeks? The French derive their levity from their Soups, Frogs, and Mushrooms.” (Satires & Personal Writings, ed. W.A. Eddy, p. 116) Maupassant: “Le génie, c’est un bon estomac!” (Georges Normandy, Maupassant intime, p. 119) 甘地少時聞人云:“The English are able to rule over us because they are meat-eaters.” 遂竊嘗羊肉一臠,哇而出之,夜夢一羊鳴於腹中(John Gunther, Inside Asia, p. 386 引),大類吾國“羊踏菜園”故事,亦師其意也。Ben Johnson, Every Man out of His Humour , V. iv: Carlo: “’Tis an axiom in natural philosophy, what comes nearest the nature of that it feeds, converts quicker to nourishment... Now nothing resembling man more than a swine, it follows, nothing can be more nourishing”; Taine, Vie et opinions de M. F.-T. Graindorge, ch. V (Complete Plays, “Everyman’s Lib.”, I, p. 139): “Quand vous voyez à votre future des joues roses et des yeux candides, ne concluez pas qu’elle est un ange, mais qu’on la couche à neuf heures et qu’elle a mangé beaucoup de côtelettes”; Oliver Twist, ch. 7: Mr Bumble to Mrs Sowerberry: “It’s not Madness, ma’am. It’s Meat. You’ve overfed him, ma’am... If you had kept the boy on gruel, ma’am, this would never have happened”; Marcel Pagnol, Topaze, Act. IV, sc. I: Castel-Bénac à Suzy: “Vous lui avez révèle les grandes nourritures et maintenant, parbleu, il a l’intelligence et l’énergie d’un homme bien nourri.” 皆可參觀。Coleridge Kant, Vermischte Schriften 云:“Does not a man live on the food of Oxen? His vital power humanizes as thoroughly as a beast’s beastifies it. — The same worms may often serve for food to bird & fish; but the bird birdifies, and the fish fishifies them.” (René Wellek, Immanuel Kant in England, p. 304 ) Walter de la Mare: “Miss T.”: “It’s a very odd thing — / As odd can be — / That whatever Miss T. eats / Turns into Miss T.” 之意。Lotze, Microcosmus, Bk. IV, ch. 4 (tr. by Hamilton & Jones) 論此最詳,有云:“The grazing ox shows no lack of strength or courage... The strength of bears & elephants is mainly sustained by vegetable nutrition, & the carnivorous hyena exhibits neither strength nor courage” etc.[4]

























      T.L. Peacock, The Misfortunes of Elphin, ch. 1: “Prince Seithenyn held the office of Lord High Commissioner of the Royal Embankment, & he executed it as a personage so denominated might be expected to do: he drank the profits & left the embankment to his deputies, who left it to their assistants, who left it to itself.” Erasmus, Praise of Folly: “[The Pope & the Cardinals] are all content to reap the profit, but as to the burden, that they toss as a ball from one hand to another, & assign it over to any they can get or hire.... ecclesiastical governors have their deputies, vicars, and curates, nay, many times turn over the whole care of religion to the laity. The laity make it over to the priests; the priests assign this task over to the regulars, the regulars to the monks, the monks bandy it from one order to another, till it light upon the mendicants; they lay it upon the Carthusians” etc. (George Allen & Unwin’s “Pocket Crowns”, no. 14, p. 170)

            Ch. 2. Seithenyn 自辯一段議論,極類《官場現形記》中大臣口角。

            Ch. XI: “‘The War-Song of Dinas Vawr,’ the quintessence of all the war-songs that ever were written, & the sum and substance of all the appetencies, tendencies, & consequences of military glory.” 誠然。凡興師皆以揚威伐罪為口實:“The great wars of aggression from antiquity down to our own times all find a far more essential explanation in the idea of glory... than in any rational & intellectualist theory of economic forces & political dynamisms.” (J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens, tr. R.F.C. Hull, p. 90)[5] ,此歌獨抉發其隱衷之出於貪與妬:“The mountain sheep are sweeter, / But the valley sheep are fatter” etc.

           Crotchet Castle, ch, 4, Dr Folliott: “I can taste, in my mind’s palate, a combination [of sauce]” etc. Alcman, 124 (J.M. Edmonds, Lyra Graeca, vol. I, p. 115) 始云:“She [Memory] that looks with the mind”,遂導 Hoccleve, Shakespeare 所謂 “mind’s eye”。近人J.E. Downey, Creative Imagination, p. 11 Shakespeare 語而引申之曰:“A phrase which has been paraphrased to include the mind’s ear also &even the mind’s nose. Not all images are visual.” 惜未聞 Peacock: “my mind’s palate” 也。

            Ch. 6. Dr Folliott 欲奪取 Mr Henbane 所藏毒藥,擲之泰晤士河中:“Let the frogs have all the advantage of it.” Mr Crotchet: “ Consider, doctor, the fish might participate. Think of the salmon.” O.W. Holmes, Address to Massachusetts Medical Society, May 30, 1860: “I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind & all the worse for the fishes.”

            Ch. 7. “There was an Italian painter, who obtained the name of Il Brugatore, by the superinduction of inexpressibles on the naked Apollos & Bacchuses of his betters... [London aldermen] issued an order that no plaster-of-Paris Venus should appear in the streets without petticoats.” Daniele da Volterra Michelangelo 所畫 Giudizio Universale 上加袴,人呼為 “Il Braghettone” (R.J. Clements, Michelangelo’s Theory of Art, p. 101)Anatole France, Les opinions de M. Jérôme Coignard, ch. 17 M. Nicodème, président de la compagnie de la pudeur 語云:“Je m’emploie à faire disparaître les nudités exposées dans les lieux publics... Sachez que la société que j’ai fondée fait faire des trousseaux pour les jeunes mariés, où il se trouve des chemises amples et longues, avec un petit pertuis qui permet aux jeunes époux de procéder chastement à l’exécution du commandement de Dieu relatif à la croissance et à la multiplication.” J.-J. Brousson, Anatole France en pantoufles 記一事尤趣:“Le conservateur pudibond de musée qui a fait mettre des feuilles de vigne en zinc aux antiques: ‘Ce n’est pas que je sois bégueule, mais la plupart de ces héros et de ces dieux passent la mésure. Ces gasconnades peuvent induire en erreur les jeunes personnes qui viennent ici dessiner. Ces petites filles se montent l’imagination. Quelle disillusion le soir de leurs noces! De là des déprisement, des divorces. C’est pour remédier à ces catastrophes conjugales que j’ai fait accrocher, par-ci, par-là, quelques feuilles de vigne. Je n’en aim is, d’ailleurs, qu’aux exagérés. J’ai respecté la nudité des statues, qui se conforment au canon normal. Ne quid nimis... A celles qui en ont plus que moi, une feuille de vigne. Mais aux parfaites, rien!” “T” [of Punch], Friends & Adventures: “All the nude gods, heroes, heroines, & goddesses in our Lemprières at Stonyhurst had all the regrettable parts of their bodies covered with neat bathing drawers. I even remember taking a copy of Silas Marner from the big library & found a word scratched out on several of the first few pages.... ‘wellxxxx [bred],’ ‘thoroughxxxx,’ ‘countryxxxx’ etc. ‘Modesty powder’ which makes bath water opaque was issued to religious persons.” Brousson 所記當與 Heine, Gedanken und Einfälle: “Wenn das Laster so grossartig, wird es minder empörend. Die Engländerin, die sonst eine Scheu vor nackten Statuen hatte, war beim Anblick eines ungeheuren Herkules minder schockiert: ‘Bei solchen Dimensionen scheint mir die Sache nicht mehr so unanständig.’” (Sämtliche Werke, hrsg. G. Karpeles, Bd. VIII, S. 320) 合觀,相映成趣。Cf. Montaigne, Essais, III, 5, La Pléiade, p. 826. Baudelaire, Journaux intimes, éd. Van Bever, pp. 99-100: “Tous les imbéciles de la Bourgeoisie qui prononcent sans cesse les mots: immoral, immoralité, moralité dans l’art et autres bêtises me font penser à Louise Villedieu, putain à cinq francs, qui m’accompagnant une fois au Louvre, où elle n’était jamais allée, se mit à rougir, à se couvrir le visage, et me tirant à chaque instant par la manche, me demandait devant les statues et les tableaux immortels comment on pouvait étaler publiquement de pareilles indécences. Les feuilles de vigne du sieur Nieuwerkerke.” Harold Acton, The Last Medici, p. 296: “Even the nude statues in the Uffizi worried Cosimo’s conscience... There was in Florence at that time a canon so foolish that he wished to put breaches on a crucifix.” “Suneon Solomon sent pictures to the Royal Academy portraying 'spiritual but physically complete beings, wearing aureoles round parts of their persons not usually submitted to public inspection.”

[1]Melvin M. Rader”原作“Melvin R. Rader”。




[5]R.F.C. Hull”原作“R.H.C. Hull”。

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