

 静笃书画 2018-01-09





















A dream scenario: the road to escape

By Zhou Wenhan


  Zeng Jianyong's artwork depicts the following objects, lives, signs and symbols:

  Objects: First, there are daily objects such as clothes, curtains and umbrellas. They provide shelter and protection and give the protagonists psychological security. Then there are books, black scarves and crosses - key words in his recent paintings that carry strong ideological marking. Books have broad implications: they used to signify remarkable power with the information and knowledge they carry, but now, in the age of the Internet, their status has been weakened. The cross and symbols related to religious ceremonies and conversion are his recent interests. These religious signs and illustrations, and even objects that look unrelated to religion at first sight, are symbolic. For example, the rope wrapped around a tree is a metaphor of the social training system that exists all around us, although it is difficult to identify its handlers.

  Animals: There are three kinds of animals in his paintings. The first are pets, such as dogs and cats and other animals that are easily approachable. They have lived with the protagonists for a long time and have been personified. The second are animals that are free and fragile at the same time, such as birds and butterflies. Normally, birds are flying observers of the landscape. But in Zeng Jianyong's paintings, they are no longer the free creatures that soar in the sky. Having lost their energetic wild nature, they are the parasitic, half-wild and half-domesticated animals, looking at, circling around and shying away from the characters. Butterflies and other insects are fragile, short-lived creatures. They live on beautiful but vanishing flowers and bushes. They are the ornaments of ornaments. In addition to this, the artist also uses the visions of birds and butterflies and their distance to the characters to suggest a sense of space. The third type is the bone structures of animals, which seem to suggest a connection based on evolution.

  Plants: Parts of branches first appeared in his figure paintings, perhaps for the sole purpose of decoration. However, the branches and bamboo sticks are broken by people, implying a separation from their roots. Bundled and tied plants emerge at a later stage. Together, they indicate discontinuity and interruption caused by outside forces.

  Landscape: Finally, there are large areas of landscape. I have seen the artist taking landscape pictures and paying attention to the ripples around water plants. But what impressed me most is the illusionary fantasy he creates in his paintings. Landscape is no longer an undoubted existence; it is blurry, close to an illusion, but bears touches of realism. His choices in the following two aspects help construct this illusionary image. First, his use of colors separates the picture and the reality, as the colors bring a sense of unreality to his art. Second, he is fond of using scenes that appear in dreams or water scenery that looks like a dream, both of which seem unstable and unreal.

  Now, let us face the most obvious "physical markings" of his figure paintings: splintered eyeballs and physical trauma. Zeng Jianyong once said that his first visual experience of the physical trauma he represents in his characters came from the image of his father's pumping heart and the contracting and expanding blood vessels that he saw through a medical device in a hospital. In his first series of paintings, the wounds are depicted as big cuts or infections. But later, he depicts infections less and puts more emphasis on cuts instead. The wounds are swollen, making a much stronger visual impact.

  The artist's first depictions of splintered eyeballs are a series of blank eyes without the sclera. Later, he shows cracks in the pupils, as well as on the body, which, as you may guess, could be the result of external attacks, self-inflicted injuries or illness. They are, I believe, metaphors for psychological problems and illness. More significantly, the splintered eyeballs imply a rejection of their function as the body's most important receiver of information at the Mirror Stage. Scientific research indicates that the eyes are a child's most developed organ by the time it reaches the age of six. The splintered eyeballs mean that they can only receive fragmented information from the outside world. Is this a refusal to absorb social information and thus a refusal to grow up? Or is this a self-inflicted injury resulted from being injured? Or could it mean that the images reflected through these eyes are distortions of distortions?

  Visually, the splintered eyeballs and the childlike bodies construct dynamic contradictions and tensions, with the splintered eyeballs likely being the result of a fragmentation of the inner world, while the physical injuries on the body are caused by outside forces. Such contradictions and tension, perhaps, are the secret of "the Otherness of the ego" in Zeng Jianyong's paintings. That the characters' superficial completeness is disrupted and damaged by such internal and external elements suggests the existence of several egos and outside forces.

  The wounds could be said to be markings imposed upon children by the established, adult world. Or, in other words, it could be a physical curse cast by the "physics of power". As Michel Foucault points out, the establishment of political and economic institutions in a modern society depends on the power of training, where schools, factories, general and mental hospitals, army and other training institutions use all kinds of surveillances, inspections, awards and punishments to "regulate" both the body and mind of the people. The demand for "socialization" also plays a part. In order to "get better used to society", people have to be taught how to allocate time and space, control their gestures and behaviors, and accept education and training of different sorts. Special institutions constantly monitor, inspect, compare, evaluate and grade people's activities, behaviors, performances and abilities. They set the standards on what is "normal" or "good", based on which they evaluate and put individuals in categories or exclude them, forcing them to surrender, thereby producing "tamed bodies".

  What is interesting about Zeng Jianyong's artwork is that, while the trauma of the characters refers to the psychological shadow cast by such training, the characters themselves are placed in a private environment of families and friends, in which they are protected by those intimate relationships. Sandwiched between these two are the escaping colors, dreams, fantasies, childhood innocence and landscapes. Such is the case with Zeng's recent "Trainer" series. As he puts on "a showcase" of training in a family setting and correlates images to those that appear in art history, the picture itself seems less cruel and becomes a friendlier artistic vision.(JingDuZhai2013)

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