

 hlx1236 2018-01-16


Neto AS, Dessap AM, Papazian L. Focus on ARDS.Intensive Care Med, 2017, 43(10): 1495-1497.


Since 1967, when first described, ARDS has been widely recognized as a major health problem worldwide, carrying a high morbidity and mortality [13]. This focus editorial summarizes recent advances about the incidence, pathophysiology,right ventricular dysfunction, and mortality of ARDS.



Despite the attempt to homogenize its definition following the publication of the Berlin criteria,there is still a high heterogeneity in the epidemiology of ARDS across the world [3]. Indeed, estimates of the incidence of ARDS are highly variable,ranging from less than 2 to more than 70 cases per 100,000 person-years, with the most recent study on the topic suggesting a higher incidence in Europe,North America, and Oceania compared to South America, Asia, and Africa [2, 3].However, it is important to emphasize that this scenario could only reflect the under-recognition of this syndrome [3]. 


Recent reports suggest a progressive decline of the incidence of ARDS. In a study conducted in Rochester, cases fell by half between 2001 and 2008 while mortality remained stable [4]. Nearly all of the reduction in the incidence was observed in hospital-acquired ARDS,suggesting that ARDS could be prevented through strategies addressing its related risk factors [4, 5]. 


However, in some instances, patients meeting the Berlin criteria for ARDS lack exposure to common risk factors [6]. It was recently reported that the prevalence of patients with ARDS but without common risk factors was as high as 7.5% [6]. According to medical history, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology, and chest computed tomography (CT) scan patterns, four etiological categories were identified in this group of patients: immune,drug-induced, malignant, and idiopathic [6]. The overall ICU mortality rate was higher in patients lacking common risk factors as compared to their counterparts, even after adjustment for potential confounding factors [6].




1. Beitler JR,Goligher EC, Schmidt M, et al, ARDSne(x)t Investigators (2016) Personalized medicine for ARDS: the 2035 research agenda. Intensive Care Med 42:756-767

2. Villar J, BlancoJ, Ann JM, et al, ALIEN Network (2011) The ALIEN study: incidence and outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome in the era of lung protective ventilation.Intensive Care Med 37:1932-1941

3. Bellani G, LaffeyJG, Pham T, et al, LUNG SAFE Investigators, ESICM Trials Group (2016) Epidemiology,patterns of care, and mortality for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units in 50 countries. JAMA 315:788-800

4. Li G, Malinchoc M,Cartin-Ceba R, et al (2011) Eight-year trend of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Am J RespirCrit Care Med 183:59-66

5. Neto AS, Jaber S(2016) Whats new inmechanical ventilation in patients without ARDS: lessons from the ARDS literature. Intensive Care Med 42:787-789

6. Gibelin A, ParrotA, Maitre B, et al (2016) Acute respiratory distress syndrome mimickers lacking common risk factors of the Berlin definition. Intensive Care Med 42:164-172


It is already well known that ventilator-induced lung injury contributes to ARDS-associated mortality [2, 3]. Recently, some biological markers have been proposed as potential biomarkers of ARDS, such as the soluble form of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE). This biomarker is a trans membrane receptor tha tcan bind multiple ligands resulting in intracellular signaling, leading to activation of the proinflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor κB [7]. Plasma levels of sRAGE could change according to ventilator settings in ARDS patients, as recently suggested by a study describing a significant decrease of sRAGE 1 h after a recruitment maneuver followed by an increase toward baseline values 4 h after the maneuver [7]. It has also been shown that sRAGE is higher in non-survivors than survivors in early pediatric ARDS and strongly correlated with number of non-pulmonary organ failures [8].


Other biomarkers of endothelial injury are also investigated in ARDS patients. Higher levels ofcirculating endothelial cells were found in the blood of patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS as compared to those with mild or without ARDS [9].Soluble thrombomodulin (sTM) is another biomarker of endothelial injury investigated in ARDS patients [10]. A recent post hoc analysis of a huge cohort showed that higher plasma levels of sTM are associated with increased mortality in ARDS patients [10]. Also, the lack of association between the sTM levels andgenetic variants reported in this latter study suggests that the increased levels of sTM may reflect severity of endothelial damage rather than genetic heterogeneity [10]. Finally, the prognostic value of plasma soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) was recently assessed in a series of 632 ARDS patients, and increased levels of plasma suPAR were significantly associated with ICU mortality [11].


Altogether, these promising endothelial biomarkers may guide the development of future strategies targeting endothelial stabilization, repair, and/or functional replacement incertain ARDS categories. However, their prominent involvement during indirectlung injury likely reflects increased inflammation and both pulmonary and systemic endothelial damage. Indeed, the severity of pulmonary vascular injuryis quite disparate between ARDS patients and may prevail during indirectinjury.



7. Jabaudon M,Hamroun N, Roszyk L, et al (2015) Effects of a recruitment maneuver on plasma levelsof soluble RAGE in patients with diffuse acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective randomized crossover study. Intensive Care Med 41:846-855

8. Yehya N, ThomasNJ, Meyer NJ, et al (2016) Circulating markers of endothelial and alveolar epithelial dysfunction are associated with mortality in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med 42:1137-1145

9. Moussa MD,Santonocito C, Fagnoul D, et al (2015) Evaluation of endothelial damage in sepsis-related ARDS using circulating endothelial cells. Intensive Care Med 41:231-238

10. Sapru A, CalfeeCS, Liu KD, et al, NHLBI ARDS Network (2015) Plasma soluble thrombomodulin levels are associated with mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med 41:470-478

11. Geboers DG, deBeer FM, Tuip-de Boer AM, et al (2015) Plasma suPAR as a prognostic biological marker for ICU mortality in ARDS patients. Intensive Care Med 41:1281-1290


Right ventricular dysfunction may reflect the presence of lung vascular dysfunction during ARDS.In a series of more than 750 patients, the prevalence of acute cor pulmonale during ARDS was found to be 22%, with severe forms being associated with increased mortality [12]. A simple clinical risk score of acute cor pulmonale was proposed, including four variables: pneumonia as a cause of ARDS, driving pressure at least 18 cmH2O, PaO2/FiO2 ratio less than 150 mmHg, and arterial PaCO2at least 48 mmHg [12]. This score may help in selecting patients to be monitored for early identification of acute cor pulmonale, preferably with transesophageal echocardiography [12]. Indeed, recent studies and reviews have reinforced the seminal role of ultrasound in general, and transesophageal echocardiography in particular, in the diagnostic workup and monitoring of ARDS patients [13]. The direct assessment of pulmonary vascular dysfunction at the bedside is still a clinical challenge, but emerging techniques like electric impedance tomography may provide informative data on regional distribution of lung perfusion in the near future [14].

右室功能不全反应了ARDS患者肺血管功能不全。在一组750例患者中,ARDS患者急性肺心病发病率22%,严重患者与病死率增加相关。有学者提出了包括4个变量在内的急性肺心病危险评分:ARDS的原因是肺感染,驱动压> 18 cmH2OPaO2/FiO2 <150 mmhg,="" arterial="" paco2=""> 48mmHg。这个评分有助于对可疑急性肺心病患者选择监测如经食管超声检查。最近的研究也强化了超声检查的作用,特别是经食管超声检查在ARDS患者诊断和病情监测中的作用。床旁直接评价肺血管功能不全是一个临床挑战,但是在不久的将来新的技术如电阻抗断层等检查有助于提供局部肺灌注分布的信息。


12. Mekontso DessapA, Boissier F, Charron C, et al (2016) Acute cor pulmonale during protective ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: prevalence, predictors,and clinical impact. Intensive Care Med 42:862-870

13. Papazian L,Calfee CS, Chiumello D, et al (2016) Diagnostic workup for ARDS patients. IntensiveCare Med 42:674-685

14. Mauri T, EroniaN, Turrini C, et al (2016) Bedside assessment of the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on lung inflation and recruitment by the helium dilution technique and electrical impedance tomography. Intensive Care Med 42:1576-1587


The majority of the patients diagnosed with ARDS present it in its moderate form, with an in-hospital mortality rate around 40% [3]. There is a high variability in reported mortality of ARDS patients, probably reflecting differences in care, risk factors, ability to diagnose, and resource availability. However, in general, recent studies suggest a decrease in mortality rate from ARDS probably due to better ventilatory care and control of modifiable risk factors associated with mortality[15].


While we are interested in developing new concepts or techniques to improve mechanical ventilation care or associated measures, we should have in mind that this typeof support cannot cure the patient if the cause of ARDS is not promptly identified and the resulting treatment quickly initiated. This is particularly the case in ARDS related to a direct lung injury which needs a systematic approach based on bronchoalveolar lavage and blood samples to identify the cause of ARDS and to guide the correct treatment [13].



15. Laffey JG,Bellani G, Pham T, et al, LUNG SAFE Investigators and the ESICM Trials Group(2016) Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome: the LUNG SAFE study. Intensive Care Med 42:1865-1876

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