
How can I practice Shambhavi Mahamudra? What is the procedure?

 kevingiao 2018-01-16

27 Answers

Chiragh Menon
Answered Apr 28 2017

There is Shambhavi Mudra and Shambhavi Mahamudra.
Firstly it is a Mudra. Mudra is a Sanskrit word and as anyone who has read and understood a little bit of Sanskrit would know that every word is cleverly and scientifically crafted. The meaning of it can vary from context to context providing the flexibility of use and the prowess of the users. And shambhavi means Twilight zone - a zone where you are crafted in ur body but at the same time will be able to touch other dimensions to. Or simply feel blissful. It depends from person to person. But surely a feeling of pleasentness.
Now shambhavi mahamudra requires some energy processes, and for most of we are not yet aware of our energy systems and that's why an insistence for guidance from some who understands it - here we call as guru. Just like how we go to school to learn from a professor or a teacher who is adept in his field similarly a some one who kinda knows about such stuff, we can learn from them. So if one wants to learn Shambhavi Mahamudra, it would be best to make one self available to learn it asap it's pretty amazing what it can do.
But it is difficult to say what Shambhavi Mahamudra or Shambhavi Mudra can do, but surely we can experience it, even if it only gives us some pleasantness. Who wouldn't to want to experience plesantenss?
Shambhavi Mudra is can be learnt sitting at home, somehow it is been made available by Isha foundation itself
Isha Upa Yoga Practices : Learn Yoga Online
The video offers an introduction to yoga, also sadguru and Isha.
It offers 7 tools, tools for Health, Success, Peace, Joy, Well-being and Inner exploration (Shambhavi Mudra).
It's pretty much a session - so if you can get an hour or so to devote for it that would be best. , This is the session that was made for international yoga day celebrations.
If you could see, even for these practices the care, precautions and preciseness. It is needed, and one can surely now imagine the insistence for a person who can provide some assistance in these things.
Note to the readers
So am I a fan Isha? Not really. For yoga is Science and dosent seem to ascribe to any particular belief system and also seems to work for anyone who dose it which seems to be the definition of science :p
And some how Isha foundation (even with their commercialisation and some seriously intriguing questions that one could get their hands on online) seems to offer something that actually works.
And how am able to say so much about Shambhavi? Personally I read a lot, generally curiouse about things around me which made me question, think and explore. Eventually landing me to learning Shambhavi Mahamudra. (Mind you it had really taken a really long time to just make up my mind to actually learn go and get initiated into it)
But today, I practice it everyday , and it's been 2 years and tons of changes and more. And I came to realize it that reading, knowing about things and conconceptualizing and phphilosophing things have it's own fun. But once you do it - the experience speaks for itself. You would know once you do give it a try :)
Hope you get what you are looking for.
33.7k Views · 62 Upvotes
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Doug Sandlin, Co-Founder of Living Unbound; Meditation retreat instructor and leader.
Answered May 7 2017 · Author has 884 answers and 1.1m answer views

Thanks for the A2A.
As other answers have already covered, Shambhavi Mahamudra is a technique specifically taught by the Isha Institute, the organization led by the teacher known as Sadhguru.
I don’t know much about that organization, and would suggest that you check their information for further details.
Shambhavi (or Sambhavi) Mudra, on the other hand, is a traditional mudra (seal) that can be beneficial to meditation practices.
As with various mudras, bandhas, pranayama (directed breathing), etc., that can be beneficial additions to a core practice of meditation, Shambhavi mudra is something that will likely be useful after meditating daily for at least a few months.
Until your brain and neurochemistry change a bit as a result of meditation practice, any “augmentations” in the form of mudras and bandhas likely won’t create any noticeable effects.
(I disagree that it can be dangerous; I’d say the likely result if you’re not ready, via sufficient meditation practice, is that it will simply seem to have no effects).
Down the road, though, Shambhavi mudra can be useful because, as with all behavior, it creates neurochemical effects in the brain and body - and in this case, it creates effects that can help to deepen and enhance meditative states.
It is also often used with pranayama-based kriyas (actions), specifically the technique known as spinal breathing. This lesson from the Advanced Yoga Practices website describes how to Sambhavi mudra, and how it relates to spinal breathing, and other facets of yoga and meditation.
I worked with AYP techniques for a few years, and found that they work well, just FYI.
In terms of the spinal breathing kriya, Shambhavi mudra is an augmentation that can help the so-called “opening of the third eye”, or Ajna chakra. Many people (including myself, when it first happened, over ten years ago) experience fairly dramatic “visuals” in conjunction with this process - which is a result of neurochemical changes taken place in the brain and body.
However, certain texts, the Yoga Spandakarika being one, consider such effects to be obstacles, because they can be distracting to the egoic mind.
The “big deal” resulting from the opening of the Ajna chakra is not the possible visuals or possible sensations - but, rather, the clarity of mind that results over the long-term.
All effective meditation processes, practiced consistently and sufficiently over time, lead to a balancing of brain chemistry that ultimately leads, in conjunction with mindfulness, presence, and so on (i.e. paying attention to thoughts, emotions, life, reactions, etc. outside of sitting meditation practices, during daily life) — to naturally balanced, fulfilled consciousness and experience.
And so, Shambhavi mudra can be a helpful, additional technique in this overall process.
However, exactly as with physical exercise - it’s not any single technique or activity that is of ultimate importance (there’s no “magic pill” or “super-practice”).
It’s making effective meditation practices, mindfulness/presence practices* during the day a part of your daily life, over time. The resulting changes in your brain and neurochemistry then lead to the fulfillment, empowerment, creative contribution, peace, clarity and so on that the ancient texts in essentially every tradition, state will result from spiritual (aka consciousness-opening) practices.
*Basically, mindfulness/presence practices taken together, just involve learning the difference between your naturally undisturbed stable awareness, in experience, and the ever-facilitating thoughts, feelings and reactions that have always “felt like me” to the ego-concept that drives everyone’s life, until it’s true nature as a deeply-conditioned concept is experienced directly. For some tips of this facet of balancing your brain to experience fulfillment, empowerment and creative contribution — please see the lessons, techniques and resources at the Living Unbound website.
39k Views · 31 Upvotes · Answer requested by Sumitra Menon

Achintya Idam, Meditation Leads To Spiritual Body Awakening
Updated Jul 9 2016 · Author has 345 answers and 500.1k answer views

If you want practice any mudras, mahamudras, bandhas, pranayama, kriayas, etc., for Kundalini Awakening seriously for a prolonged duration of time, take for guaranteed that you will irreparably damage your body and mind. THESE ARE DANGEROUS.
Because these are not the causes of Samadhi or spiritual awakening. These are the results of Samadhi or spiritual awakening.
Spiritual awakening is nothing but Kundalini awakening. The ancient Indian Yogis and Seers told what happens during meditation. They told that when Kundalini awakens, breathing alters-body position changes- involuntary body movements take place-gaze gets fixed- different types of speech is produced (kriyas),body starts twisting itself in certain positions (asanas), hands and fingers start gesturing in different ways, tongue and eye movements happen (mudras), EYES START ROLLING UPWARD, GETTING FIXED AS IF DEAD, etc. The ignorant followers would have taken such effects of Kundalini as the cause to awaken Kundalini and attain Self-realization. I see a 99% people deluded about spirituality and meditation. I have come to the conclusion that Spirituality and meditation have become comedy of errors and/or tragedy of logic.
Ajna Chakra, Spiritual eye, Third eye, SHIVA’S EYE, RUDRA’S EYE, ALL-WITNESSING EYE, etc., all refer to your SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, not a real eye with sclera, cornea, pupil, lens, aqueous humour, fluids, etc. ONLY IGNORANT PEOPLE WILL TAKE IT AS A REAL THIRD EYE.
As for Tantra, Tantra is the expansion or extension of Vedantic/Upanishadic truth of a higher Self. If Vedanta/Upanishads talk about reality of Pinda and Brahmanda (Brahm-Supreme Sound/Vibration-Oneness-like subatomic particles have one principle of energy or vibration), Tantra elaborates on such principles and gives us the means to know such principles by direct experience from the scratch to liberate or enlighten ourselves. Tantra may also have come into existence because of the corruption of Vedanta/Upanishads by some ignorant people.
Some Tantras have teachings of real enlightened people which are written to enlighten us and others are of ignorant people, sadists or propagandists who wanted to delude us.
Now people with medical science background are talking about ACTIVATING PINEAL GLAND to get enlightened. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Tomorrow, some fake guru will tell passing small electric currents would awaken your pineal gland and you will attain Samadhi and straightaway go to the 10th Heaven.
I have been advising people not to get deluded and suffer their entire life with harmful spiritual practices and teachings of fake gurus. The following has been told time and again and I will keep continuing it as long as a lot of people understand the DANGERS INVOLVED IN WRONG MEDITATION PRACTICES.
You can see my blog “kundalini-brahmajnani.blogspot” to get out of delusions about spirituality and meditation.
When the mind becomes still, breath becomes equanimous, or A MOMENTARY swabhavika kumbhaka (natural cessation of breath) is achieved, breath starts moving upwards through a spiritual channel located in the spinal column and awakens your spiritual body.
You will experience the following when your spiritual eye (third eye) opens,when your third eye (PINEAL GLAND FOR SOME PEOPLE) gets activated, when you enter your fourth level of consciousness, when deep meditation happens, when Kundalini awakens, when Samadhi is achieved, when Prana Shakti enters Sushumna, when you have transcendental consciousness, or simply put when MEDITATION REALLYHAPPENS:
· You will see a brightness or whiteness everywhere, you turn in all directions, the brightness is the same everywhere. There is nothing apart from this brightness – no objects, no you (i.e., no body).
· You will experience pitch darkness everywhere. You are unable to move your body and unable to stop seeing this darkness.
· You will see a very small white light or bright light against aclearbackground. Its size will be that of a small grain of fine sand.
· You will see lotuses of various colors with few petals or innumerable petals. The lotus will be seen either as a bud or as fully blossomed. The fully blossomed lotus will not be facing upward but facing you.Most prominent would be a huge dark pink lotus with innumerable petals.
· You will see all the colors of the prism at the same time. These may be circling on one another, like that of a shooting target sheet. The center of these circling lights will be pure white color. The outer colorful circles will start fading and the center color, i.e., the pure white starts growing and becoming bigger and bigger until you see nothing but pure whiteness or brightness everywhere.
· You will see very queer, strange-looking, terrible and frightening forms of human-like beings.
· You will see all the planets aligned in a line.
· You will experience that the surroundings in which you are meditating have dissolved into a void and only whiteness remains.
· You will see water everywhere; to the right, left, up and down;and you will see yourself right in the middle of deeper water and drowning/going still deeper. You will feel you are unable to breathe and would definitely die.
· You will see your spiritual, ethereal, or astral body (Sukshma orAtivahika Sharira) sitting and meditating. This body is entirely different from what anyone has ever read or imagined.
· You will experience that you are overtaken by extreme happiness or bliss,as if you have been intoxicated with happiness.
· You will experience indescribable peace. You will experience that your body has become very light.
· You will experience sudden jerks or intermittent jerks of arms,legs, neck or trunk; sudden jolts/shocks in any part of the body or the whole body as if you have touched a live electric wire.
· Brief shaking of the extremities or the whole body later progressing into violent shaking or convulsion.
· Swaying of the trunk in circular or semicircular fashion.
These are some of the meditation experiences you will have when MEDITATION REALLY HAPPENS.For a longer list of meditation experiences, their significance,dangers in meditation, obstacles in meditation, etc., visit my blog “kundalini-brahmajnani” the link of which is in my profile.
All the above are my experiences during SILENT MEDITATION.
If you experience pain, ache, heat, something moving like air or worm in a body partor inside a body cavity or other unnatural sensations in any of your body parts, stop such a meditation practice immediately. Do not do vipassana here. Vipassana means an insight into your real Self which can be achieved through silent meditation, spiritual awakenings and spiritual experiences, and not by observing your body sensations.
Concentration between the eyebrows, looking up at the forehead or down at the tip of the nose,moving eyes sideward, turning eyes up or down, rotating eyes, continuously blinking to see some light, deliberately pressurizing the Ajna Chakra area may lead to pain, headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness,etc.These activities are unnatural. All these are physical activities or exercises and not meditation.
Deliberately shaking the neck and concentrating or focusing on Ajna Chakra to see a light,moving extremities or body in a rhythmic manner,concentrating on spinal column,sitting too long in yoga posture even when you experience pain or numbness,etc., will cause damage to the nervous system,rupture of vertebral discs,spinal and back problems, tremors, paralysis etc.
Never meditate on your third eye, Ajna Chakra or any Chakras, tip of your nose, or anybody part /cavity if you are having pain, ache, warmth,heat,pressure, feeling of tightness or heaviness, feeling of something like air moving or worms crawling in a body area fatigue, drowsiness, headache,dizziness, giddiness,etc.
Never meditate on ears, don't try to listen to some sounds through your ears, closing your ear/s with finger/s and trying to listen to some sounds,closing your ears with your fingers and pressing your forehead forcefully and moving your head up and down, etc.You will have ear problems, tinnitus,vertigo, dysequilibrium, etc. GIVE UP SUCH PRACTICES IMMEDIATELY.
Do not practice imagination and visualization techniques. Meditation is practiced to find the reality about oneself, not through imagination. Can imagination lead to reality? If you want your imagination to become a reality, then that imagination may lead to hallucination and other mental disorders.
My request to those who teach such practices—Do not impart harmful teachings that will ruin others' physical, mental, and spiritual health in the long run or when practiced seriously for longer duration of time. Teach Silent Meditation with concentration or focus on SILENCE. Silence has no Karmic reaction! Practice, Preach, Teach, and Live it.
For more details on meditation experiences, dangers in meditation and different types of meditation techniques, meditation process, etc:
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
26.6k Views · 31 Upvotes · Answer requested by Sunita Tejus

Kamal Sharma, Meditation Expert, Healing Power, Chakra Awaking, Kundilini Awaking
Answered Oct 21 2015

Shambhavi Mudra is a highly regarded practice in yogic and tantric texts.Shambhavi is a powerful mudra used during meditation to still the mind and to experience higher stages of consciousness. Shambhavi mudra is mentioned in the yogic text Gheranda Samhita. Shambhavi mudra essentially involves gazing at the eyebrow center.
How to do Shambhavi Mudra (The Eyebrow Center Gazing) ?
Sit in any meditative asana like Padmasana, Siddhasana,Sukhasana or Swastikasana.
The fingers can assume Jnana mudra or Chin mudra and the palms can rest on the knees.
Shambhavi mudra is nothing but gazing at the eyebrow center. With our eyes we cannot actually see the place where the two eyebrows meet. But an attempt is made to focus the vision between the eyebrows. Roll both the eyes upwards and try to gaze at the eyebrow center.
When you do this, you will be able to see the two eyebrows as two curved lines meeting at the center. It forms a kind of V-shaped line with a dip at the center.
Concentrate the eyes on this dip in the lower center region of the V-shaped line.
Maintain this position for as long as you can. Initially, the eye muscles will start to pain after few seconds or within minutes. Relax the eyes and bring it back to the normal position. Rest for some time and try again. With practice one can maintain this gaze for longer period of time.
Breathe normally during the practice. As you proceed with the meditation technique, your breath will slow down and become more subtle.
Shambhavi mudra can take one into deep states of
meditation Shambhavi mudra activates the Ajna chakra.
Rest on Almighty
Jai Mahakaal
58.8k Views · 55 Upvotes

Anand Balaji
Updated Sep 20 2016 · Author has 267 answers and 84.8k answer views

Follow below procedure (as per Isha Yoga) if you did earlier or you knew the terms of each steps.
Note - I studied 3 years back, not sure if changes made to these steps after that. Its my learning sharing this world. Its individual interest to follow my steps.
Sit in Ardha Siddhasana = Invocation to the Teacher:
Opening Chant:
Om Sahana Vavatu,
Sahanau bhunaktu,
Sahaveeryam Karvavahi,
Tejasvinam Vadhita Mastu,
Maa Vid Visha Vahaihi
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi
1. Patanga Asana (butterfly flap) - 2 mins
2. Shishupala Asana (rocking a baby) – right leg 2 mins and left leg 2 mins
3. Nadi vippasanna – 3 times (10 moves each)
Ardha Siddhasana positions:
4. Sukha Pranayama (or Sukha Kriya) – 6 to 7 mins
5. Chant A-U-M – 21 times
6. Kapala Bhati Pranayama (or Fluttering of Breath) - 4 to 5 mins
7. Muladhara Bandha – 1 time (2 neck locks, 1 anal and 1 stomach lock)
8. Ajna Chakra (or 3rd eye meditation) – 2 to 3 mins
Closing Chant:
Asato Maa Sadhgamaya,
Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya,
Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya,
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi
33.3k Views · 94 Upvotes · Answer requested by Chetan Sood

Elie Mrad
Answered Apr 25 2016

It is very bad to practice Shambavi Mahamudra without proper initiation. Sadhguru says it best: if you could just read the instructions and do it, I would have written a book and told you to read it.
There is a whole 4-day program to initiate you into Shambavi Mahamudra. It's called Inner Engineering. You can't possibly learn it in 5 minutes by reading the instructions.
You will do big harm to yourself. This is no joke. Please do not do it online. It needs to be done under professional supervision.
16.6k Views · 60 Upvotes

Sunyananda Jatilaki, as taught by masters' lineages
Answered Dec 26 2015 · Author has 66 answers and 247.1k answer views

Sambhabi Mudra, also called Bhairavi Mudra is eulogized as having no comparison as it deals with Ajna Chakra and activates all its faculties. Yoga scriptures from Tantrik and Natha sect like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gherand Samhita, Amanaska Yoga, Tripurasara Sammuchaya, Vigyana Bhairava, Siva Samhita speaks about the efficacy Sambhabi Mudra in driving out invading thoughts from the mind, which is the state of Pratyahara as described in Yogasutra of Patanjali. By achieving a thoughtless state, one-pointed ‘dhyanam’ happens automatically.
These texts how­ever do not give full instruc­tions of this pow­er­ful tech­nique but rather only hint at what it truly is. It has been a well guarded secret in yoga and only dis­closed to a deserv­ing dis­ci­ple on whom a guru is extremely happy. The Agya Chakra opens dur­ing this mudra and the yogi becomes aware of the divine knowl­edge.
It is said that the Mudra is very secret and its practice is only given to selective few who have qualified to nreceive this: “esa hi sambhabi mudra sarva sastresu gopita” and “guhyat guhyatara vidya na deya yasya kasyachit”.
Shamb­havi Mudra, is an open-eyed med­i­ta­tion designed to inte­grate (or per­haps rein­te­grate) our inner and outer worlds..One pointed internalized concentration with a fixed unblinking external gaze with open eyes is what Sambhabi Mudra is. When the focus of the open eyes.is at the centre of the eyebrows, eyes although looking,, but not seeing any external objects; with the perfect concentration, state of Sambhavi is achieved.
This means sitting in any meditative posture, and steadily gazing upward with open eyes for as long as possible. When the eyes become tired, close the eyes and fix the gaze in front of the closed eyes which is called Chidakasa.By Guru’s grace when it is imbibed in a student and practiced under the guidance of the Guru, Sambhabi mudra berings the state of ‘Shoonyashoonya’. Vij­nan­ab­hairava Tantra. Sambhabi mudra directly awakens Ajna. It causes external mind to turn off and awaken inner awareness.
Gorakshanath considers Sambhabi not a mere Mudra but Uma, the priomordial energy : ‘adishaktiruma chaise matto janmabati pura’.
30.7k Views · 26 Upvotes

Shyam, Years of experience taught me about the Self, the ever illuminating shine
Answered Feb 6 2017

Shambhavi Mudra is a highly regarded practice in yogic and tantric texts. Shambhavi is a powerful mudra used during meditation to still the mind and to experience higher stages of consciousness. Shambhavi mudra essentially involves gazing at the eyebrow center.
How to do this Mudra-
· Sit in any meditative asana like Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana or Swastikasana.
· The fingers can assume Jnana mudra or Chin mudra and the palms can rest on the knees.
· Shambhavi mudra is nothing but gazing at the eyebrow center. With our eyes we cannot actually see the place where the two eyebrows meet. But an attempt is made to focus the vision between the eyebrows. Roll both the eyes upwards and try to gaze at the eyebrow center.
· When you do this, you will be able to see the two eyebrows as two curved lines meeting at the center. It forms a kind of V-shaped line with a dip at the center.
· Concentrate the eyes on this dip in the lower center region of the V-shaped line.
· Maintain this position for as long as you can. Initially, the eye muscles will start to pain after few seconds or within minutes. Relax the eyes and bring it back to the normal position. Rest for some time and try again. With practice one can maintain this gaze for longer period of time.
· Breathe normally during the practice. As you proceed with the meditation technique, your breath will slow down and become more subtle.
· Shambhavi mudra can take one into deep states of meditation.
Benefits of doing this Mudra -
· Shambhavi mudra is considered one of the most important mudras for meditation. It helps to transcend the mind and reach higher states of consciousness. It can help one reach the state of Samadhi. The eyes have a direct connection with our mind. When the eyes are moving, the mind is more active. When you fix the eyes at one point, the mind also settles down and thoughts are reduced. The Gheranda Samhita declares that one who masters Shambhavi mudra becomes equal to Lord Siva, Vishnu and Brahma.
· Shambhavi helps to strengthen the eye muscles. By constant practice, the muscles can sustain the position for a long period of time for prolonged meditation.
· Shambhavi mudra activates the Ajna chakra.
8.2k Views · 8 Upvotes · Answer requested by Simi Batra

Lakshmi Vishwanathan, Content Writer at Satven Engineering Services (2017-present)
Answered Aug 13, 2015

Please don't give these instructions online. I have done Shambhavi myself and please don't give any of these instructions online at all. It is flutter and not Kapalabhati. Kalabhati is deep and flutter is very very superficial. They are not synonyms.
19.9k Views · 34 Upvotes

Luke Mosse, atheist
Answered Jan 19, 2017 · Author has 619 answers and 367.6k answer views

It’s best to learn this process from Isha if you decide to learn it at all.
It’s complicated to learn. Isha teaches it very well - for me over a 48 hour period (I did Inner Engineering online and learned Shambhavi on the weekend). There are a lot of subtleties to the procedure.
You should know that everybody who learns this from Isha does so with the agreement that they won’t go and teach it to other people. After a few months or years of doing it yourself, you will understand why.
I really recommend that if you want to learn it you invest the time and money. In terms of return on investment it’s undoubtedly worth it.
8.8k Views · 27 Upvotes

Sunil Atmakuri
Answered Aug 1

Hello Dear,
The process of doing Shambavi Maha Mudra consists of a series of actions and would take 21 minutes to complete.
BUT you’ll need the right teacher who could teach you the technique properly.
Please do not do things by reading 10 people who read will interpret in 10 different ways and no one guide at that point chances are one will do it wrong 99% of the times.
Things with immense power are not to be treated delicately but with utmost cautiousness.
There are sessions Provided by ISHA called the Inner Engineering it almost available in 10+ countries check and en-role.
Shambhavi Mahamudra - Inner Engineering
Thank you,
3.5k Views · 3 Upvotes

Gangadhar Bareddy
Answered Sep 27, 2015

greetings... practically saying
1) shambhavi mudra doesnt involves in usage of any mantra.
2) with out any proper guidance of guru dont do it. you will sense high inconvinience with eyes and danger.
3)please dont follow youtube video to practice it.
4)you should not see directly to the middle of eyebrows directly...it needs to concentrate on one medium infront of us and then bringing the eye concentration towards middle of eyebrow gradually...VERY IMPORTANT THING IN THIS MUDRA PURPOSE IS TO GET RID OF ILLUSIONS.
feeling the presence of goddess is easy once you know the line that deviates reality and illusion.
15.9k Views · 15 Upvotes

V Samarasan, Surati Yog Meditation
Answered Jun 12, 2016 · Author has 2.2k answers and 674.9k answer views

An exercise for sense control Part of Sagun Bhakti or Pre Nirgun Bhakti
Shanmukha Mudra: This is a very sacred exercise. It is also a very difficult one to practise. It consists in closing with the fingers of both the hands the eyes, the ears and the two nostrils. By gradual practice, one should try to practise this mudra for as long as seven minutes at a stretch. Inhaling of breath should be done once in seven minutes. Through regular practice, this form of sense control can become a habit. No discomfort will be felt from control of the breath. By this practice, all the sense organs and the mind get absorbed in exploring the internal. The purpose of this discipline is to turn the sense organs away from the influence of happenings and objects in the outer world. Shanmukha Mudra is to reveal to us the vibrations of the "Om." When we concentrate on this"Om," the senses and the mind turn away from the external to the inner world of the Spirit.
Sambhavi Mudra: This mudra aims at controlling the five Karmendriyas, the five jnanendriyas and the four psychic agencies---Manas, Buddhi, Chittam and Ahamkara. All these fourteen elements have to be directed towards the spiritual quest. The Aham ("I") is sustained by Ahamkara (egoism), Chitta, Buddhi and Manas. When Ahamkara is destroyed, the Chitta (Heart) becomes purified. A pure Chitta imparts illumination to the Buddhi (intelligence or discriminating power). When the Buddhi is illumined the mind becomes pure. And only a pure mind can control the sense organs and direct them in the right path.
After the sense control comes the Mind control, Nirgun Yog or Nirgun Bhakti, Nirgun Yog has five Mudras, of Maha Yogeshwars.
3.5k Views · Answer requested by Rajkoti Reddy Gondi

Answered Jan 13, 2016 · Author has 184 answers and 49.8k answer views

It is taught as a part of Inner Engineering Program designed by Sadhguru.
Check this link : Inner Engineering - Inner Engineering Online | Isha Yoga
You'll get all the required information here.
13.1k Views · 18 Upvotes

Guru Raghavendra, Spiritual master
Answered Sep 23, 2015

6.4k Views · 7 Upvotes

Shridhar Tambulwadkar
Answered Oct 10, 2016

Yes Shambhavi Mudra is a Yogic Posture.
Fountainhead of Kriyayog “Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiree Mahashay “ is seen sitting in Shambhavi Mudra in his only available photo.
But this Mudra should not be seen in isolation. This is part of ancient Yog Sadhna which is imparted to the disciple by Sadguru. This is one of the various steps of Kriyayog( Ancient Indian Yog Sadhana which is reffered to as Karmyog in Bhagwadgita). Only aim of doing this sadhana is to know one’s true self.
Initiation of Shambhavi Mudra is given by Sadguru to a worthy disciple as and when Sadguru decides to shower his grace. disciple need not ask for it.
Shambhavi Mudra is part of a very austere sadhana and no one should do it referring to a book or internet. Please understand that any yogi who knows it shall never reveal it on internet or in a book. It is a secret to be learnt from a Brahmgyani Guru.
If it is available on internet then it is from a unworthy teacher. It is of no use. Dont waste time on that. Instead start searching for a true Yogi.
Buy book Puran Purush Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiree. A lot of in depth informatiion is given on this topic and many related ones.
4.6k Views · 2 Upvotes

Roshan Sharma, lived in India
Answered Feb 13, 2017 · Author has 2.2k answers and 376.4k answer views

I have written a blog on
“Shambhavi MahaMudra : A powerful technique of Meditation”
Check it out.
3.7k Views · 1 Upvote · Answer requested by Chaitanya Tyagi

Nikhil Prasad, lives in India
Answered Dec 6, 2016

SHAMBAVI MAHAMUDRA This is one of the 196 yoga sutras, this practice should be done under fully trained teachers.
You need to get initiated first to do this practice.
If you guys are serious about learning shambavi plz take help from me.
4.4k Views · 4 Upvotes

Saket Upadhyay, studied at Uttarakhand Technical University
Answered Sep 30, 2015

Yoga - Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Buy this book and read it once. You will get better insight about the mudras.
Page on flipkart.com
11.7k Views · 1 Upvote

Praveen Murugesan, works at athenahealth
Answered Oct 21, 2016

Even a simple yogic practice should be done under the guidance of a guru. For a practice like Shambhavi, it is better we goto people who have proved themselves in this. Am talking about Isha yoga. I, myself am a good example for the results of whether their yoga worked or not(IF YOU BELIEVE ME :-)). BUT, you dont have to believe me. Learn it, practice it for 48days and if you are not interested leave it. The class duration is 10 days max. Hope you feel the love of the ultimate being(God) inside you.

Winston Pinto, works at Upwork
Answered Nov 1, 2015

Don't follow these steps, it will only damage you if you are not initiated. Learn it from an isha yoga class close to you. For more details check the isha foundation website.
350 Views · 4 Upvotes

Shipra Bhardwaj, M.A. yoga Yoga & Meditation
Answered Mar 5, 2017

Thanks for A2A
Shambhavi mudra is focusing on the eyebrow centre with eyes open or closed. So basically, your pupils are stretched to look up at the centre of the eyebrows. Your eyes can remain open as you to this mudra or close (even if closed, your pupils are still looking up)
Concentrate in this mudra for as long as comfortable and slowly increase.
One can also do khechri mudra with it that is, rolling your toung to touch the roof towards the back of your mouth.
4.4k Views · Answer requested by Jayesh Acharya

Pranav Swaroop, works at HCL Technologies
Answered Nov 4, 2016

You are 99%correct Mr.shivam. Please rad about pranic healing by master chao sui GMCKS. TRY reading about arhaatic yoga for GK.

Master Tat, Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh -Spiritual Mystic Master Tat of the Astral Physic
Answered Nov 22, 2015

Set on the floor with legs crossed and then take your arms with hand hold together around your left ley and life it up off the floor and meditate.

Nadathoor Iyengar, I have had a couple of 'spiritual awakenings'.
Answered Oct 4, 2015 · Author has 86 answers and 37.9k answer views

I was once practicing all the Mudras...a long time ago.
Now I know that Mudras will lead you to nothing. As an object for meditation, they are good. And that is all. It cannot take you to the next step.
It is said that this Mudra will clean your lungs and that Mudra, your kidneys, but such statements are just beliefs people have and there is no substance to that.
Let go of this Mudra. The fact that you have entered this dimension, portends something good for you. Don't get bog down. Go further.

Yogeshvar (M.Karthikeyan), Traditional teacher of yoga and vedanta
Answered Aug 15, 2016 · Author has 153 answers and 50.7k answer views

Traditionally we start from what we want to achieve (sadhya) and find the right approach to that (sadhana). Your question probably stems from a situation where some 'shambavi mahamudra', a high sounding yoga practice was marketed a lot and had invoked interest in you, probably due to the promised results.
If you tell me what you are actually looking for.... The reason this maha mudra or whatever it is, is very appealing to you ,i will be able to give some recommendations.
6.4k Views · 2 Upvotes · Answer requested by NambiG Samy

Sidhu Kumar
Updated Sep 21, 2015

This is not a subject on online activities
285 Views · 1 Upvote

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