
Feeling Good

 宋文玲9bwgwx6m 2018-01-25

Awakened by the morning sun在晨光中苏醒

The new day have just begun又开始崭新的一天

Through the open window Warm and gentle wind和煦暖风透过窗台

Invites you to take a walk邀你一同散步

You’re walking down the sunny street走在洒满阳光的街道

Humming moving to the beat跟着节拍

Of the happy song哼着轻快的小曲

From your headphones 

Passing block by block那歌声一首一首从手机中传来

Feeling good with no reason不需要理由的开心

Free your soul from the prison让灵魂从枷锁中释放吧

Leave behind useless ado丢掉那些没完没了的忙碌吧

Sun is shining so bright太阳是如此的闪耀

Everything is alright万物是如此的祥和

The whole world is smiling to you世界都在朝你微笑

Lay down beneath the shady tree躺在大树下乘凉

Evoke the pleasant memories…想起旧时愉快的时光

In the shape of the clouds在那云彩之间

What can you see?你能看见吗?

Bunny or fairy elf?小精灵在那玩耍

Remember your childhood dream还记得那儿时的梦

Perfect, shiny and agleam是那样的闪闪发光

Start to do all those things 

You wanted to do快去做你想做的事吧!

And you’ll find yourself去寻找真正的自己!

Feeling good with no reason开心不需要理由

Free your soul from the prison从沉闷中释放自己

Leave behind useless ado抛下那毫无用处的繁忙吧!

Sun is shining so bright阳光是多么的闪耀

Everything is alright万物是多么的和谐

The whole world is smiling to you世界都在朝你微笑

Feeling good with no reason幸福为何需要理由

Free your soul from the prison快放开自己的天性

Leave behind useless ado让那些困扰都走开吧!

Sun is shining so bright阳光那么明亮

Everything is alright万物那么和谐

The whole world is smiling to you全世界都在朝你微笑

Feeling good with no reason幸福不需要理由

Free your soul from the prison快释放自己

Leave behind useless ado抛开烦恼吧!

Sun is shining so bright快奔向那明亮的太阳

Everything is alright祥和的万物

The whole world is smiling to you和那朝你微笑的世界

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