

 风吟楼 2018-01-27





With all my heart I take this occasion to entreat you not to be turned away by the call of vulgar strength, of stupendous size, by the spirit of storage, by the multiplication of millions, without meaning and without end.


泰戈尔(1861-1941),是印度伟大的诗人、文学家、艺术家和著名的社会活动家,他是1913年诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize in Literature)得主,也是第一位获此荣誉的亚洲人。



My young friends, I gaze at your young faces, beaming with intelligence and eager interest across the distance of age. I have come to the shore of the sunset land. You stand over there in the land of the rising sun. My heart reaches out to your hearts and blesses them.


What a delight it may be for you, and what a responsibility, this belonging to a period which is one of the greatest in the whole history of man! We realize the greatness of this age dimly, in the light of this glowing fire of pain, in the suffering that has come upon us, a suffering that is world-wide; we do not even know fully what form it is going to take.


The seed, in which life remains self-contained, does not know its complete truth. Even when the sheath bursts, it is not known in what shape its life will manifest itself, what fruit the branches will bear.


What is the greatest fact of this age? It is that the messenger of an immense future has come; he has knocked at our gate and all the bars have given way. Our doors have burst open. The human races have come out of their enclosures. They have gathered together.


There are no longer walls to hide us. We have, at length, to prove our worth to the whole world, not merely to admiring groups of our own people. We must justify our own existence. We must show, each in our own civilization, that which is universal.


Now I am in China, I ask you, I ask myself, what have you got, what out of your own house can you bring in homage to this new age? You must answer this question. Do you know your own mind? Your own culture? What is the best and most permanent in your own history? You must know at least that, if you are to save yourselves from the greatest of insults, the insult of obscurity, of rejection. Bring out your light, add it to this great festival of lamps of world culture.


Love gives beauty to everything it touches. Not greed and utility; they produce offices, but not dwelling houses.


To be able to love material things, to clothe them with tender grace, and yet not be attached to them, this is a great service.


Providence expects that we should make this world our own, and not live in it as though it were a rented tenement. We can only make it our own by some service, and that service is to lend it love and beauty from our soul.


Look at the miracle of expression in all the things of creation, the flowers, the stars, the blade of grass. You cannot analyze this elusive beauty in your laboratory and pocket it.


I am tired and old. This is perhaps my last meeting with you.


With all my heart I take this occasion to entreat you not to be turned away by the call of vulgar strength, of stupendous size, by the spirit of storage, by the multiplication of millions, without meaning and without end.


Cherish the ideal of perfection, and to that relate all your work, all your movements. 


Then, though you love the material things of earth, that will not hurt you and you shall bring heaven to earth and soul into things.



1. 无问西东,只问自由,只问盛放,只问深情,只问初心,只问敢勇,无问西东。 

You focus on doing what you are really into without caring about the practical stuff. What you dedicate yourself into and will always dedicate yourself into are freedom, blossom, devotion, original aspiration and guts.

2. 这个时代缺的不是完美的人,缺的是从自己心底里给出的,真心,正义,无畏和同情。 

What this era lacks is not the person who is perfect but the person who is with virtue, justice, courage and compassion.

3. 不要放弃,对生命的思索,对自己的真实。

Never forget to reflect on life and be truthful to yourself.

4.  你怪她没有对你真实,可你给她对你真实的力量了吗? 

You whined that she didn’t tell you the truth but did you give her the strength to be truthful to you?


5. 我怕你还没想好怎么过这一生,你就连命都没了。 

I’m so afraid that you don’t think through how you will live your life but then you give your life away.

6. 我就是那个给你托底的人,我什么都不怕,就怕你掉的时候把我推开。

I’m that person who carries you when you fall down. I am not afraid of anything but fear that you will daff me away when you fall down.

7. 逝者已矣,生者如斯,对以后的人好吧。

 Ashes to ashes, treasure those around you.

8. 人把自己置身于忙碌当中,有一种麻木的踏实,但丧失了真实。 

When people put themselves in daily errands, they will get certainty. Such certainty, however, is not real.


9. 你看到什么,听到什么,做什么,和谁在一起,有一种从心灵深处满溢出来的不懊恼,也不羞耻的平和与喜悦,这就是真实。

No matter what you see, what you hear, what you are doing and who you stay with, you don’t feel  regretted from the bottom of your heart but sense a strong feeling of serenity and happiness without being ashamed, and that’s what we call trueness.

4. 愿你在被打击时,记起你的珍贵,抵挡恶意;愿你在迷茫时,坚信你的珍贵,爱你所爱,行你所行,听从你心,无问西东。 

I sincerely hope that you can remember how precious you are when you are discouraged by the viciousness and I also truly beg you that you can believe how special you are and love who you really love, do what you should do, follow your heart without caring about practical gains or loss.

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