

 yy4nnmm 2018-01-31




371.Don't go away.别离开我。

372.You're beautiful.你真漂亮。

373.I can't get over you.我忘不了你。

374.I am crazy about you.我对你很痴狂。

375.I have a crush on you.我被你迷住了。

376.I will always love you.我将永远爱你。

377.You're the one for me.你是我的惟一。

378.I am addicted to you.我已经放不下你了。

379.I'm infatuated with you.你使我神魂颠倒。

380.It was love at first sight.我是一见钟情。

381.I am lost in your eyes.我在你的眼神里迷失了。

382.I can't live without you.没有你我无法活下去。

383.I have strong feelings for you.我对你有感觉。

384.I have been coming on to you.我对你一直有好感。

385.I'm happy to have known you.能认识你我非常幸福。

386.I can't help falling in love with you.我无法不爱你。

387.You have been on my mind all the time.我满脑子都是你。

388.I passed a wakeful night for missing you.我想你想得睡不着。

389.Love is just to take up your hands and grow older and older together.爱就是执子之手,与子偕老。

390.You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。




391.You are my type.你是我喜欢的类型。

392.What time should we meet?我们几点见面?

393.Tom really turns me on.汤姆真让我神魂颠倒。

394.Tom dates around a lot.汤姆和好多女人来往。

395.That reminds me too much of you.这让我很想你。

396.Your eyes are really beautiful.你的眼睛真的很美。

397.How about having lunch with me?一起吃顿中饭怎样?

398.I thought I was falling in love.我想我堕入情网了。

399.How about going for a cup of coffee?一起喝杯咖啡怎么样?

400.I've been seeing Elsa for two years.我和埃尔莎交往两年了。

401.You look stunning in that necklace!你戴着这个项链简直美到哭!

402.Do you fancy going out with me tonight?今晚和我一起出去怎么样?

403.Can you squeeze me in sometime today?你今天能给我挤出点时间来吗?

404.You look more beautiful every time I see you.每次见到你,你都更漂亮。

405.Matt and Amanda are a match made in heaven.马特和阿曼达真是天生一对儿。

406.What about going for a drink after work today?下班后一起去喝一杯,怎么样?

407.For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.我也喜欢你啊,就像你喜欢我一样。

408.Look at them. They're head over heels in love with each other.看他俩,多么相爱啊。

409.If you go away, I'll be blue. I'll miss you when you leave.如果你走了,我会很沮丧。你离开,我会很想念。

410.I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.我打电话给你,是想知道明天一起吃顿中饭怎样?



411.I'm getting married.我要结婚了。

412.He asked for her hand.他向她求婚。

413.Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?

414.He asked me to marry him.他向我求婚。

415.Let's get hitched! 我们成为比翼鸟吧!

416.Let's tie the knot! 我们结为连理枝吧!

417.I want to have your children.我要跟你生宝宝。

418.I want to be with you forever.我要永远与你相守。

419.Let me take care of you forever.让我永远照顾你。

420.I want to grow old together.我愿意和你白头到老。

421.Will you be my wife/husband?你愿意成为我的妻子/丈夫吗?

422.I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。

423.I think it's time we settled down.我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了。

424.I want to spend the rest of my life with you.我要与你共度余生。

425.You pick the time and place for the wedding.你来选定婚礼的时间和地点吧。

426.I can arrange anything you want me to. But you're the boss.你让我干什么我就干什么,你当家。

427.I'll give it a shot anyway. Who knows what will happen!无论如何我会试一试,谁知道会发生什么呢。

428.The story of our love is only beginning. Let's write our own happy ending.我们的爱情故事才刚刚开始。让我们写下自己的快乐结局。

429.I have no idea if she will say yes when I make a proposal,but I'll give it a shot.我不确定她是否会答应我的求婚, 但我还是会试一试。

430.When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do.当我想到你的时候,我知道没有人会像你那样把我的心都握在心里。


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