
双语 | 狗狗让学生脸上充满笑容

 zhangsanshi211 2018-01-31
2018-01-30 21世纪英文报

The perfect formula for making stressed-out college students smile: furry faces plus wagging tails. That’s the idea behind Kent State University’s Dogs on Campus Pet Therapy Program and similar programs at more than 400 US colleges. 


“Students who are away from home, especially the new freshman, are trying to find their way, trying to make friends and go to school … and they miss their family,” program founder Kathleen Adamle explained. “But most of all they miss their dog or their pet. They can talk to their friends and family, but they really need that touch of their pet. It’s very cathartic for them.” 

“远离家乡的学子,尤其是大一新生,正努力寻找人生道路、努力交朋友、并努力融入学校 …… 他们想念自己的家人,”项目创始人Kathleen Adamle解释道,“但是更重要的是他们想念自己的狗狗或者宠物。他们可以和朋友家人聊天,但是却很想摸一摸他们的宠物。对于他们来说,这是很好的宣泄方式。”

Throughout the school year, Adamle, a College of Nursing professor emerita, and other volunteers bring their friendly, specially trained dogs to visit students at the library, residence halls and other places on the Ohio campus. The goal is to lift the spirits of students who may be homesick, stressed, or just need a break from studying.


Kent State’s program, the first in the US, began more than a decade ago after Adamle was walking her own dogs on campus and kept getting stopped by students who wanted to pet them. Seeing their smiles made her wonder if pet therapy which has traditionally been used for people in hospitals or nursing homes could benefit college students. 


“I thought: Why can’t we take this philosophy and bring it to a well population?” she said. 


The program has been a huge success and has had the added benefit of helping to bridge cultural gaps at Kent State, which has students from more than 120 countries. 

该项目取得了巨大的成功,并缩短了肯特州的文化差异 —— 该州拥有来自120个不同国家的学生。

“When we first started, I had a lot of onlookers,” Adamle said. “You have to understand that, culturally, not all dogs are house pets in other countries. The international students were a little leery at first. 

“一开始,我们有很多旁观者,” Adamle说道,“你要明白,在文化上,不是所有的国家都把狗当做家庭宠物。国际学生开始有一点疑虑。”

“However, I will tell you that now, especially at the finals week visits at the library, everybody from every country comes. They do not necessarily touch the dogs, but they’re all smiling. They all take pictures. 


“This program has brought people together. They sit together and pet a dog. They talk to each other maybe they would never have talked to each other before. I do believe this is a common factor for all students, no matter what country they’re from, what their race is, their religion, their culture. It doesn’t matter.”


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