

 360化学 2018-02-04



Nanoscale Horizons (IF: pending)


1. Chemical induced fragmentation of MOFs for highly efficient Ni-based hydrogen evolution catalysts

Nanoscale Horiz., 2018, Advance Article 

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00193B

Most MOF-derived materials are obtained by thermal decomposition in an inert atmosphere and the mechanism of thermal decomposition has been rarely studied. In this new article, researchers from Peking University provide insights into the chemical-induced fragmentation mechanism of MOF decomposition and its promotion effect on catalytic performance. This might provide a new pathway for the synthesis and modification strategy of MOF-derived functional materials.




2. Growth of high-quality covalent organic framework nanosheets at the interface of two miscible organic solvents

Nanoscale Horiz., 2018, Advance Article 

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00172J

Shoujian Li, Lijian Ma, and coworkers at Sichuan University report the first example of 2D COF (covalent organic framework) nanosheets made at the interface of two miscible organic solvents. This 'buffering interlayer interface' method offers a facile new way of growing high quality nanosheets.




3. Rational design of materials interface at nanoscale towards intelligent oil–water separation

Nanoscale Horiz., 2018, Advance Article 

DOI: 10.1039/C7NH00185A

Oil–water separation is critical for the water treatment of oily wastewater or oil-spill accidents. Zhong Chen and Yuekun Lai et al. discuss the rational design of materials interfaces at the nanoscale towards intelligent oil-water separation.




Chemical Science (IF: 8.668) 

1. Encapsulation of ultrafine metal-oxide nanoparticles within mesopores for biomass-derived catalytic applications

Chem. Sci., 2018, Advance Article 

DOI: 10.1039/C7SC04724J

Researchers in China and Spain have developed a strategy to encapsulate ultrafine metal-oxide nanoparticles (NPs) into KIT-6, a typical mesoporous silica. The method involves two steps consisting of the self-assembly of a MOF precursor in the silica mesopores, followed by a calcination process to transform the MOF into a metal-oxide NP. The NPs are confined and evenly distributed in the mesopores of the KIT-6 with a high metal loading of up to 13.6 wt %. These materials exhibit high catalytic performance compared to conventional supported Co-based catalysts.

中国华南理工大学和西班牙科尔多瓦大学的研究者开发了一种将超细金属氧化物纳米颗粒封装到典型介孔二氧化硅材料KIT-6中的新方法。该方法涉及两个步骤:首先在二氧化硅介孔中自组装MOF前体,随后经过煅烧将MOF转化成金属氧化物纳米颗粒。这些纳米颗粒被限制在KIT-6的介孔中并呈均匀分布,其金属负载量高达13.6 wt %。与常规的负载钴(Co)基催化剂相比,这种材料表现出了极高的催化性能。

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