

 黄三岁大爱人生 2018-02-13




A blockchain,[1][2][3] originally block chain,[4][5] is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography.[1][6] Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block,[6] a timestamp and transaction data.[7] By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is 'an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way'.[8] For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority.

  狭义来讲,区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一种链式数据结构, 并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。











Laravel 5.5
PHP 7.0.12(Cli)
Redis of Windows
Windows10 专业版 x64





/* 一个区块的结构: block = { 'index': 1, 'timestamp': 1506057125.900785, 'transactions': [ { 'sender': '8527147fe1f5426f9dd545de4b27ee00', 'recipient': 'a77f5cdfa2934df3954a5c7c7da5df1f', 'amount': 5, } ], 'proof': 324984774000, 'previous_hash': '2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824' }*/




class Blockchain{ # 区块链 public $chain; # 交易 public $current_transactions; # 节点 public $node; public function __construct() { $this->chain = json_decode( Redis::get('BlockChain'),true); $this->node = json_decode(Redis::get('BlockNode'),true); $this->current_transactions = array(); # 创建创世块 if( count($this->last_block()) == 0 ){ $this->new_block('1',100); } } # 获取区块链信息 public function getChain() { return $this->chain; } # 获取交易信息 public function getTran(Type $var = null) { return $this->current_transactions; } # 获取节点信息 public function getNode(Type $var = null) { return $this->node; } /* 将新节点添加到节点列表中 :param address: 节点的地址 :return: None */ public function register_node($address) { $this->node[] = $address; Redis::set('BlockNode',json_encode( $this->node )); } /* 确定给定的区块链是否有效 :param chain: 区块链 :return: 如果有效则为真,否则为假 */ public function valid_chain($chain) { $last_block = $chain[0]; $current_index = 1; while($current_index < count($chain)){ $block = $chain[$current_index]; // print_r( $last_block ); // print_r( $block ); // print('\n-----------\n'); # 检查块的散列是否正确 if($block['previous_hash'] != $this->hash($last_block)){ return false; } # 检查工作证明是否正确 if( ! $this->valid_proof($last_block['proof'],$block['proof'])){ return false; } $last_block = $block; $current_index ++; } return true; } /* 共识算法解决冲突 使用网络中最长的链. :return: True 如果链被取代, 否则为False */ public function resolve_conflicts() { $neighbours = $this->node; # 去除重复的节点 $neighbours = array_unique($neighbours); $new_chain = null; # 我们只是在寻找比我们更长的链条 $max_length = count($this->chain); # 抓取并验证我们网络中所有节点的链 foreach($neighbours as $node){ $url = 'http://'.$node.'/block/chain'; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //返回数据不直接输出 $content = curl_exec($ch); //执行并存储结果 curl_close($ch); if($content == null) continue; $content = json_decode($content,true); $length = $content['length']; $chain = $content['chain']; # 检查长度是否更长,链条是否有效 if($length > $max_length && $this->valid_chain($chain)){ $max_length = $length; $new_chain = $chain; } } # 如果我们发现一个比我们的更长的新的有效链条,就取代我们的链条 if($new_chain != null){ $this->chain = $new_chain; Redis::set('BlockChain',json_encode( $this->chain )); return true; } return false; } /* 生成新块 :param previous_hash: (Optional) 前面的块的哈希 :param proof: 证明工作算法给出的证明 :return: 新的块 */ public function new_block($previous_hash,$proof) { $previous_hash = $previous_hash != '1' ? $this->hash($this->last_block()) : $previous_hash; # 创建一个新的块并将其添加到链中 $tmpBlock = array( 'index' => count(@$this->chain) + 1, 'timestamp' => time(), 'transactions' => @$this->current_transactions, 'proof' => $proof, 'previous_hash' => $previous_hash ); $this->current_transactions = array(); $this->chain[] = $tmpBlock; Redis::set('BlockChain',json_encode( $this->chain )); return $tmpBlock; } /* 生成新交易信息,信息将加入到下一个待挖的区块中 :param sender: 发件人的地址 :param recipient: 收件人的地址 :param amount: 数量 :return: 将持有此交易的Block的索引 */ public function new_transaction($sender,$recipient,$amount) { # 将新的交易添加到交易列表 $this->current_transactions[] = array( 'sender' => $sender, 'recipient' => $recipient, 'amount' => $amount ); return $this->last_block(); } /* 简单的工作量证明: - 查找一个 p' 使得 hash(pp') 以4个0开头 - p 是上一个块的证明, p' 是当前的证明 :param last_proof: :return: */ public function proof_of_work($last_proof) { $proof = 0; while(!$this->valid_proof($last_proof,$proof)){ $proof ++; } return $proof; } /* 验证证明: 是否hash(last_proof, proof)以4个0开头? :param last_proof: 先前的证明 :param proof: 当前证明 :return: 如果正确则为真,否则为假。 */ public function valid_proof($last_proof,$proof) { $guess = $last_proof . $proof; $guess_hash = bin2hex(hash('sha256', $guess, true)); return preg_match('/^0000/is', $guess_hash ) ? true : false; } /* 生成块的 SHA-256 hash值 :param block: 区块 :return: */ public function hash($block) { # Hash区块 # 我们必须确保字典是有序的,否则我们将有不一致的哈希值 $block_string = json_encode($block); return bin2hex(hash('sha256', $block_string, true)); } # 返回链中的最后一个块 public function last_block() { return @end($this->chain); }}


class BlockController extends Controller{ # index public function Index(Request $request) { # 获取最新的节点信息 return view('block'); } # 挖掘新区域块 public function Mine(Request $request) { $BC = new Blockchain(); $node_identifier = Uuid::uuid4(time())->toString(); # 我们运行工作证明算法来获得下一个证明。 $last_block = $BC->last_block(); $last_proof = $last_block['proof']; $proof = $BC->proof_of_work($last_proof); # 给工作量证明的节点提供奖励. # 发送者为 '0' 表明是新挖出的币 $BC->new_transaction('0',$node_identifier,1); # 通过将其添加到链中来锻造新块 $block = $BC->new_block('0',$proof); $response = array( 'message' => '新区块', 'index' => $block['index'], 'transactions' => $block['transactions'], 'proof' => $block['proof'], 'previous_hash' => $block['previous_hash'] ); $str = array( 'message' => '新区块'.$block['index'].': '.$block['previous_hash'] ); # 添加节点记录 $BC->register_node(explode('/',$request->url())[2]); echo json_encode($str); } # 新的交易记录 public function TransactionsNew(Request $request) { $BC = new Blockchain(); $sender = $request->post('sender'); $recipient = $request->post('recipient'); $amount = $request->post('amount'); if($sender == null || $recipient == null || $amount == null){ return false; } # 创建一个新的交易记录 $index = $BC->new_transaction($sender,$recipient,$amount); $response = array( 'message' => '交易将被添加到块 ' . $index ); print_r($response); } # 显示整个区块链 public function Chain() { $BC = new Blockchain(); $response = array( 'chain' => $BC->getChain(), 'length' => count($BC->getChain()) ); echo json_encode($response); } # 注册节点 public function NodesRegister(Request $request) { $BC = new Blockchain(); $nodes = $request->post('nodes'); if($nodes == null){ return '错误:请提供一个有效的节点列表'; } foreach($nodes as $node){ $BC->register_node($node); } $response = array( 'message' => '新的节点已被添加', 'total_nodes' => $BC->getNode(), ); print_r($response); } # 解决节点冲突 public function NodesResolve() { $BC = new Blockchain(); $replaced = $BC->resolve_conflicts(); if($replaced){ $response = array( 'message' => '我们的链已被取代', 'new_chain' => $BC->getChain() ); }else{ $response = array( 'message' => '我们的链是权威的', 'new_chain' => $BC->getChain() ); } echo json_encode($response); // print_r($response); }}


# 区块链Route::get('/block','BlockController@Index');Route::get('/block/mine','BlockController@Mine');Route::post('/block/transactions/new','BlockController@TransactionsNew');Route::get('/block/chain','BlockController@Chain');Route::post('/block/nodes/register','BlockController@NodesRegister');Route::get('/block/nodes/resolve','BlockController@NodesResolve');

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