

 JohnnyYan 2018-02-25


50. Kansas 堪萨斯州

Kansans are a resilientlot, able to find happiness in life's simple pleasures. Their landscapes, which emphasize the latter half of "Great Plains," encourage this enviablecharacter. If Kansans can love their land, no one else has any excuses not to love the bejesusout of theirs.

简称堪州 KS,位于美国本土的正中心,州名来自印地安的语言,代表了“南风之人”(People of the south wind)。西部由Great Plains 北美大平原 所覆盖,大致为平坦或波状地形,而东部多为丘陵和森林。不过Kansas可以说是美国最“土“的一个州了,作为一个农业大州,Kansas最著名的估计就是当地淳朴的美国农民了。因此,就算处于Great Plains,堪萨斯的重点大概是后面那个plain吧。

resilient[rɪ'zɪlɪənt] adj. 能复原的;有弹性的

enviable ['ɛnvɪəbl] adj. 值得羡慕的;引起忌妒的

bejesus [bi'dʒi:zəs] n.老天爷 int.天啊

49. Indiana 印第安纳州

At its top edge, Dunes National Lakeshore 沙丘国家湖滨 does offer a cracklinglittle playground and views of Lake Michigan 密歇根湖. Near its southern border, Indiana's hilly contoursgive towns like Bloomington an idyllicfeel. In between, though? There's not a lot to recommend, aside from summertime drives, and discovering the soothing, almost hypnotizing allureof watching corn flash past your window at 60mph.

缩写IN,印第安纳原意是印第安人的土地的意思。除了北边的Dunes National Lakeshore和坐拥的那么一丢丢密歇根湖,以及南边有一些小丘陵给Indiana附赠了一丝“田园牧歌风“,不然Indiana真的是除了玉米地就啥也没有了啊!当然这不能怪印第安纳,而是美国就是这么一个山脉绵延的国家...不过印第安纳有世界著名高等学府,美国一级国家大学 Purdue University 普渡大学,也算是扳回一局。

crackling ['kræklɪŋ]adj.充满活力的;爆裂的

contour ['kɑntʊr] n.轮廓

idyllic [aɪ'dɪlɪk] adj. 田园牧歌式的

hypnotizing['hɪpnətaɪzɪŋ] allure[əˈlʊr] n.催眠式诱惑;千篇一律的景色

48. Illinois 伊利诺伊州

The largely featureless Midwestern state that compensated in the most effective way possible: plugging dozens of beautiful skyscrapers along Lake Michigan. Yet outside Chicago, you can still find dramatic vistasin Illinois -- the knobbysandstone formations of the Garden of the Gods in the state's southern tail, for one. And do scope those beautiful Mississippi River views along that long meanderingwestern border.

如果倒数第二是印第安纳的话,倒数第三就只能是伊利诺伊了... 缩写IL,位于印第安纳州西边,伊利诺伊同样共享了密歇根湖的一部分。然而为了弥补这个州“没啥特点“这一特点,伊利诺伊的人民沿着密歇根湖建了一堆摩天大楼,也就是著名国际金融中心芝加哥所在了。

不为别的,至少得把隔壁印第安纳给比下去。芝加哥拥有世界顶级学府 The University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 和 Northwestern University 西北大学,然而出了芝加哥,就是最受中国留学生欢迎、美国著名的玉米地大学——University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,因为和印第安纳州一样,这所大学,除了玉米地,就还是玉米地。

vista ['vɪstə] n. 远景,狭长的街景

knobby ['nɒbɪ] adj. 多瘤的;多疙瘩的

meandering[mɪ'ændərɪŋ] 蜿蜒曲折的

47. Iowa 爱荷华州

Iowa may be flat as hell and, well, kindaboring. But it supports a lot of green living things, and it sure looks nice when the lights go down. Iowa sunsets never get old.




kinda['kaɪndə] adv. 有一点;有几分

never get old 永不过时

46. Louisiana 路易斯安那州

There's a ton to recommend a trip to Louisiana, even amidnature -- the fishing's great, the duck hunting is world-class, and the air-boat rides amid alligator-infested cypressknees are not to be missed. But its position at the bottom of the Mississippi (as the nation's cloaca, essentially) doesn't do its beaches or wetlands any favors, and when the highest natural point in the state is only twice as high as the Superdome 超级巨蛋, you're going to be stuck with a lot of scenery that ducks are in the best position to appreciate.

简称LA(不是Los Angeles那个LA),位于Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾 西岸,Mississippi River 密西西比河 流贯该州东部,河两岸是宽广的冲积平原,河口处形成广阔的三角洲,伸入墨西哥湾。嗯这个州吧,钓鱼挺好的,猎鸭子活动也是世界级的,还有在短吻鳄头上划气垫船这种活动据说也是不能错过呢:)

2012年有一部剧情类真人秀《鸭子王朝》讲述生产猎鸭用具的Robertson家族的真实故事,故事背景就是路易斯安那。相信大家都听过的New Orleans新奥尔良这座城市,她就位于路易斯安那。说到新奥尔良,不得不说著名的肯德基新奥尔良烤翅,印第安人的传统烤肉在发展过程中与当地饮食文化逐渐融合,新奥尔良的烤肉,辣中带着甜香,可以说是一大特色了。

由于路易斯安那位于密西西比河被污染的下流,沙滩和湿地好像不是很好...不过即便如此,作为一个全州最高自然景点的海拔只有著名穹顶体育馆 Mercedes-Benz Superdome 梅赛德斯-奔驰超级巨蛋 两倍高的地方,鸭子可能才是最抢镜的幕后赢家吧。

amid [ə'mɪd] prep. 在其中,在其间

cypress['saɪprəs] n. [林] 柏树,柏木属植物


End of today.

See u next time & Have a nice day!

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