
《一日一结》吊桶结(Barrel Hitch)

 泉水jaypkwvu4e 2018-02-26


▍来源:wikipedia、animatedknots、壹毫米传媒、[编译]《岩友绳结宝典》《knots and ropes for climbers》中文版(三校毕)-作者:Duane  Raleigh   插画师:Mike Clelland   英文版出版社:STACKPOLE  BOOKS    简体中文版编译:七喜(新昌穿岩部落)、互联网   视频|壹毫米传媒


吊桶结(Barrel Hitch)

The 'barrel hitch', named for their use in hoisting cargo aboard ships, are a simple yet effective way to suspend an object. The barrel sling lays the barrel on its side, while the barrel hitch keeps it vertical. They work by forming a 'sling' around the object, which supports it from either side and underneath.

Warning: For stability, the rope encircling the barrel must be well above the center of gravity but far enough below the top to avoid slipping off. Also, care must be taken to ensure that the rope is properly centered under the barrel. With smooth and steady lifting, the Barrel Hitch provides reasonable security and safety.


two methods: the first in which the Overhand Knot is spread open across the top of the barrel (1 to 8); and the second in which the Overhand Knot is laid out on the floor and then adjusted to resemble a figure 8 (A to E). In fact, one common variation of the second method uses an actual Figure 8 Knot laid out on the floor instead.




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