

 临床营养网 2020-10-24






美国综合排名12名校(Washington University in St Louis)研究生公共健康专业、医学博士预科毕业;



2017年7月6号被《The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》接受的一篇关于核桃的文章表明:核桃加在饮食中,可以改变肠道细菌的组成,有助于改善身体健康,再给你一个要吃核桃的理由。

"Walnuts have been called a 'superfood' because they are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linoleic acid and fiber, and they contain one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants," notes Dr. Byerley. "Now, an additional superfood benefit of walnuts may be their beneficial changes to the gut microbiota."

这篇文章的第一作者是路易斯安娜州立大学新奥尔良健康医学中心生理学研究副教授(Research Associate Professor of Physiology at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine)Lauri Byerley 博士、注册营养师,她说:“核桃被称为‘超级食物’,因为富含对人体有益处的欧米茄3脂肪酸、阿尔法亚油酸和纤维,同时还含有最丰富的抗氧化剂。现在,核桃的价值可能还在于可以改变肠道菌群。

Working in a rodent model, the research team added walnuts to the diet of one group. The diet of the other group contained no walnuts. They then measured the types and numbers of gut bacteria in the descending colon and compared the results. They found that there were two distinct communities of bacteria in the groups. In the walnut-eating group, the numbers and types of bacteria changed, as did the bacteria's functional capacity. The researchers reported a significant increase in beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus.


"We found that walnuts in the diet increased the diversity of bacteria in the gut, and other non-related studies have associated less bacterial diversity with obesity and other diseases like inflammatory bowel disease," says Byerley. "Walnuts increased several bacteria, like Lactobacillus, typically associated with probiotics suggesting walnuts may act as a prebiotic."


Prebiotics are dietary substances that selectively promote the numbers and activity of beneficial bacteria.


"Gut health is an emerging research area, and researchers are finding that greater bacterial diversity may be associated with better health outcomes," adds Byerley.


The researchers conclude that the reshaping of the gut microbe community by adding walnuts to the diet suggests a new physiological mechanism to improve health. 


Eating walnuts has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk, slower tumor growth in animals and improved brain health.


Resource: https://www./releases/2017/07/170728100832.htm

Lauri O. Byerley, Derrick Samuelson, Eugene Blanchard, Meng Luo, Brittany N. Lorenzen, Shelia Banks, Monica A. Ponder, David A Welsh, Christopher M. Taylor. Changes in the Gut Microbial Communities Following Addition of Walnuts to the Diet. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2017; DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2017.07.001



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