
英语口语:zip up your lip是“闭嘴”的意思吗?

 英语老师覃冠平 2021-11-12

英语口语:zip up your lip是“闭嘴”的意思吗?

1) 英语里表示“闭嘴”“闭上你的臭嘴”“闭上你的乌鸦嘴”“打住”的说法可真多(汉语也不少了),看看你都会哪些?

1. Shut up!

2. Be quiet!

3. Close your mouth!

4. Keep your mouth closed!

5. Keep your mouth shut up!

6. Zip (up) your lip(zip 拉链)

7. Zip it(据说这是美国一位著名电视主持人发明的一句口头禅(a catch phrase),语气非常歹毒,容不得对方一点还嘴余地)

8. Zip it up

9. Zip your mouth up!

10.Shut your freakin' mouth!(闭上你的臭嘴/乌鸦嘴)

11. Hush!

2) 英语口语训练:

1.Zip Your Mouth Up/Shut up/Be quiet//Zip it up,etc.You are so annoying.

2. Keep your mouth sealed/Shut up/Zip your mouth up! I've heard enough.

3. Be quiet! Close your mouth and be quiet!

3) 千万不要动不动就把这些英语“翻译”成中文来“学习”,除非你是在“训练”自己英译汉能力。我们应该把英语“翻译”成英语:

1. Well, Shut up means Be quiet, or Close your mouth,or keep your mouth closed/sealed, or zip it up(自己一直“接龙”说下去,你就是在用英语学英语).

2. When we say something like Shut up,or Zip it up, we mean we are telling a person to stop talking or to stop making a noise.

这些英语才是Shut up等英语表达的意思(也是英语口语)

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