
【双语】搞保护主义是没有终点的单程票/Protectionism is a One-way Tick...

 昵称22998329 2018-04-01


On March 31, 2018 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the 6th Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Economic Cooperation Leaders’ Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam. 


Wang Yi said that openness is the lifeline of the sub-regional development. The past achievements in sub-regional development could not have been reaped without openness. Nor can we strive for greater development in the future without it. We should keep pushing forward trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, support multilateral trading regime and steer economic globalization in the direction of openness, inclusiveness, balance and shared benefits. We should work for the early conclusion of the negotiation on Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, so as to guide the building of regional free trade system. We should endeavour to improve business environment and make the market players active and economic factors flow in a more unimpeded and effective manner. 


Wang Yi stressed that China always advocates building an open world economy and adheres to achieving win-win outcomes through openness. We are firmly opposed to trade protectionism because it will harm both others and the initiator itself. Protectionism is indeed a one-way ticket to nowhere. The only correct way is to follow the golden rule to settle trade disputes through equal-footed consultation in accordance with the international rules.

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