

 xiaojun6768 2018-04-09

———— 米开朗基罗(二)


Battle of Cascina (central section),1505,Oil on panel, 77 x 130 cm,Holkham Hall, Norfolk

 Bastiano (Aristotile) Sangallo






贝多芬第五交响乐 来自小莫和CAI老师 04:03


Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.5 In C minor,Op.67#I.Allegro con brio


Battle Scene,1504,Pen and ink on paper, 179 x 251 mm,

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Study for the Battle of Cascina,c. 1504,Pencil and silverpoint on paper, 

235 x 356 mm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence


Figure Studies (verso),1503-04,

Black chalk, 258 x 153 mm,

Musée du Louvre, Paris

Standing Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto),c. 1503,

Pen and brown ink, 387 x 195 mm,Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto),1503-04,

Black chalk, pen and brown ink, 

260 x 170 mm,

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Nude Rider Mounting a Horse and a Male Nude (verso),1503-04,

Black chalk, 260 x 170 mm,

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

-Male Nude, Seen from the Rear,

1503-04,Pen and brown ink, 

409 x 285 mm,

Casa Buonarroti, Florence

-Group of Three Male Nudes (recto),


Black chalk over drawing in stylus, 

332 x 174 mm,Musée du Louvre, Paris

Studies of Nudes (verso),1503-04,

Pen and brown ink, black chalk,

 332 x 174 mm,

Musée du Louvre, Paris

Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto),1503-04,Black chalk,

 218 x 174 mm,

Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge

Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (recto),1503-04,Black pencil, 282 x 203 mm,Musée du Louvre, Paris

Two Nude Studies (recto),c. 1504,

Pen and brown ink over drawing in black chalk, 270 x 196 mm,Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Male Nude, Seen from the Rear (verso),

c. 1504,

Black chalk, heightened with white, 

270 x 196 mm,

Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Seven Studies of a Raised Arm with Shoulder Joint,c. 1504,Pen and brown ink, black chalk, 226 x 315 mm,Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Sitting Male Nude (recto),c. 1504,

Pen and brown ink, gray-brown wash, heightened in white, over drawing in stylus, 420 x 285 mm,British Museum, London

Nude Study,1503-04,Pen and brown ink in two shades, 374 x 228 mm,

British Museum, London

Male Nude, Seen from the Right (recto),

c. 1504,

Black chalk, heightened with white, 

405 x 225 mm,Teylers Museum, Haarlem

Study of a Male Nude (recto),c. 1504,Black chalk, partial white heightening, 

404 x 260 mm
Teylers Museum, Haarlem

Kneeling Male Nude-

Black chalk on paper,

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Three Studies of a Leg-

Pen and ink on paper,

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Study of a Male Nude -

ink on paper,

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Helmeted Head of a Youth, and Other Studies (recto),1503-04,

Pen and brown ink, black pencil,

 205 x 253 mm,Kunsthalle, Hamburg

Bust of a Warrior, and a Head in Profile,1503-04,Pen and brown ink, 

139 x 115 mm,

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

-Galloping Rider, a Horse, 

and Other Studies,1503-04,

Pen and brown ink, black chalk, leadpoint, 190 x 260 mm,

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Horse with Two Riders (recto),1508-09,Black chalk, 222 x 198 mm,

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam




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