
思科智能堆叠技术概述(StackWise )

 nethelper 2018-04-24
Cisco StackWise technology provides an innovative new method for collectively utilizing the capabilities of a stack of switches. Individual switches intelligently join to create a single switching unit with a 32-Gbps switching stack interconnect. Configuration and routing information is shared by every switch in the stack, creating a single switching unit. Switches can be added to and deleted from a working stack without affecting performance.
The switches are united into a single logical unit using special stack interconnect cables that create a bidirectional closed-loop path. This bidirectional path acts as a switch fabric for all the connected switches. Network topology and routing information is updated continuously through the stack interconnect. All stack members have full access to the stack interconnect bandwidth. The stack is managed as a single unit by a master switch, which is elected from one of the stack member switches.
Each switch in the stack has the capability to behave as a master or subordinate (member) in the hierarchy. The master switch is elected and serves as the control center for the stack. Both the master member switches act as forwarding processors. Each switch is assigned a number. Up to nine separate switches can be joined together. The stack can have switches added and removed without affecting stack performance.
Online Stack Adds and Removals
Switches can be added and deleted to a working stack without affecting stack performance. When a new switch is added, the master switch automatically configures the unit with the currently running Cisco IOS ? Software image and configuration of the stack. The stack will gather information such as switching table information and update the MAC tables as new addresses are learned. The network manager does not have to do anything to bring up the switch before it is ready to operate. Similarly, switches can be removed from a working stack without any operational effect on the remaining switches. When the stack discovers that a series of ports is no longer present, it will update this information without affecting forwarding or routing.
Master Switch Election
The stack behaves as a single switching unit that is managed by a master switch elected from one of the member switches. The master switch automatically creates and updates all the switching and optional routing tables. Any member of the stack can become the master switch. Upon installation, or reboot of the entire stack, an election process occurs among the switches in the stack. There is a hierarchy of selection criteria for the election.
1. User priority - The network manager can select a switch to be master.
2. Hardware and software priority - This will default to the unit with the most extensive feature set. The Cisco Catalyst 3750 IP Services (IPS) image has the highest priority, followed by Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches with IP Base Software Image (IPB).
Catalyst 3750-E and Catalyst 3750-X run the Universal Image. The feature set on the universal image is determined by the purchased license. The "show version" command will list operating license level for each switch member in the stack.
3. Default configuration - If a switch has preexisting configuration information, it will take precedence over switches that have not been configured.
4. Uptime - The switch that has been running the longest is selected.
5. MAC address - Each switch reports its MAC address to all its neighbors for comparison. The switch with the lowest MAC address is selected.
2.硬件和软件优先级,这是被广泛使用的方式,3750 IP service的IOS拥有最高优先级,然后为3750 IP base版本的IOS

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