

 昵称21399464 2018-04-28

Jeff was the funniest guy in our class.^杰夫是我们班上最滑稽的人。

The whole town thought Jim was a good mayor.^整个镇的人都认为吉姆是一个好市长。

I’m glad to see that you still remember me.^很高兴你还记得我。

How could I forget my favorite college professor?^我怎么会忘记我最喜欢的大学教授?

Alfred was the tallest guy in our school.^阿尔夫瑞德是我们学校最高的人。

Hector was the worst employer I ever had.^海克特是我碰到过的最差劲的老板。

Our nation owes a lot to Martin Luther King Jr.^我们国家欠小马丁?路德?金太多了。

Susan was the prettiest girl in our town.^苏珊是我们镇里最漂亮的姑娘。

Karen had a beautiful singing voice.^凯伦的歌声很优美。

He helped many people in his long career.^在他漫长的生涯中,他帮助过很多人。

Have you kept in touch with many of your old classmates?^你还和你的很多老同学保持联系吗?

There is one person I’m positive I’ll recognize.^有个人我肯定我会认得。

Nevertheless, she is someone I’ll never forget.^不过,她是我永远不会忘记的人。

This autograph is worth a lot because he’s such a memorable figure in baseball and African-American history.^这个签名很有价值,因为他是一个在棒球史和非裔美国人历史上值得纪念的人物。

His courage won’t be forgotten.^他的勇气不会被遗忘。

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