

 Radhakrsna520 2018-05-09


Unit 52 Geography And Land Features

766.  原句:Geographically, China is located in the Northern Hemisphere.


The Northern Hemisphere is more developed than the Southern Hemisphere.

Deep South 很南端的地方

Gravity 重力,地心引力


767.  原句:In this country, the weather is usually very awful.

扩展句:awesome 特别好让人惊讶;awful 特别不好让人惊讶

The weather is very terrible/extreme.

Storm 风暴

Drought 干旱

Hailstorm 冰雹

Pleasant 天气很宜人


768.  原句:It is a very beautiful country with many mountains.

扩展句:mountainous 多山的;spontaneous 随性、不做作


769.  原句:This country is famous for its beautiful lakes.

扩展句:It’s the beautiful lakes make the country special. Every time people talk about this country, they immediately think about the lakes in it. Every time we talk about this country, some pictures of the country will automatically appear in my mind. One of the biggest features of the country is its lake.


770.  原句:The land in this region is rather dry and parched.

扩展句:The land of China

Territory 领土

Landscape 地貌

Skyline 天际线

Bird view 鸟瞰:I was flying in the helicopter up in the sky. I got a bird view of the whole city and also the skyline of the city is simply amazing/interesting/magnificent.

Look far away/look up 远眺:If you look far away, you will see those tiny dots, because things usually get bigger when you get closer.


771.  原句:Along the northern coast of this continent, there are many crags.

扩展句:cliff 悬崖


772.  原句:In Brazil, many ancient forests are very well preserved.

扩展句:preserved eggs 皮蛋


773.  原句:Lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries.

扩展句:Wolverine 金刚狼;lumber 木材

They are destroying the nature for money. You depend on the nature.

Service industry 服务业

Heavy industry 重工业

IT, information technology 信息技术


774.  原句:The scenery is very beautiful in the small islands in the Pacific Ocean.

扩展句:scene 情景;act 演戏第几回


775.  原句:What kind of climate do you have in this country?

扩展句:weather, climate, geography 范围从小到大

The investment climate in China is not very good. I think recently is the winter for stock market. I believe that industry can save the country. I’m pretty old school. It’s really worrying, sometimes it’s disturbing. You have to look at the screen.


776.  原句:In the west of America, there are many high peaks and deep canyons.

扩展句:Grand canyons 美国大峡谷


777.  原句:Which one is the longest river in China?

扩展句:Which river runs the longest in China?

Running out of money 钱花光了


778.  原句:Do you get much rain in summer?

扩展句:What about the rainfall right here.


779.  原句:Is the plain along the river good for farming?

扩展句:precipitation 降水,冰雹;highland 高地;basin 盆地;wetland 湿地;grassland 草原;valley 山谷


780.  原句:It's cold and foggy in London at this time of the year.

扩展句:warm and clear 温暖而晴朗


Unit 53 School And Education

781.  原句:Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education.

扩展句:When you decide to study aboard, you have to pick the country first. The environment, the climate is more important than the school.

You can have socializing. 社交

Compulsory education 义务教育

Optional class 选修课


782.  原句:Children enter primary school at the age of 7.

扩展句:elemental school 美国对小学的叫法


783.  原句:Some students quit school due to poverty.

扩展句:college dropout 大学辍学生


784.  原句:There is fierce competition in the College Entrance Examination.

扩展句:It’s really fierce wind. 风很大


785.  原句:He majored in Computers.

扩展句:I’m English major. I major in English. 我主修英语专业

Economics is my minor. 经济学是我的辅修专业


786.  原句:She is working for her double major in English and Economics.



787.  原句:I graduated from Yale University 5 years ago.

扩展句:注意不要说成I’m graduated


788.  原句:It is desirable to apply to good schools.

扩展句:I’m having a good job, sweet family, this is really desirable.


789.  原句:Mary is in her freshman year.


Junior student in high school 初中生

Junior student in college 大三学生


790.  原句:Lily is a Sophomore now.



791.  原句:Mike is already a junior.



792.  原句:As a senior, Peter is writing his thesis.



793.  原句:Mr. Green is a member of the faculty.

扩展句:faculty meeting 教师会议


794.  原句:In Britain, there are open universities.

扩展句:community college 社区大学;double edge sword 双刃剑

We have to switch. 中国需要转型

Added value 附加值

Technology can really change the way we learn and we live.

Labor intensive 劳动密集型

Bugs 问题


795.  原句:There are many training classes and night classes.



Unit 54 About Jobs

796.  原句:What does your father do?

扩展句:What does your father do for a living? What business are you in?

Everybody is under a lot of pressure, because they think Michael is judging them.

Martian 火星人


797.  原句:He is a doctor. He has his own practice.

扩展句:practice 专业的事情


798.  原句:Do you have any plan for your career?

扩展句:Do you have any career plan? Do you know when your next plan/move/step is?


799.  原句:I want to be a pilot if possible.

扩展句:Can I ask you for dinner if possible? 给讲话留点余地


800.  原句:I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary.

扩展句:I just want my salary compatible with my effort. 工资配得上付出

Incompatible 不配套


801.  原句:I have an interview next week.

扩展句:I have an interview due next week. I have an interview scheduled next week.


802.  原句:Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.



803.  原句:I like writing, but I wouldn't take it as my career.

扩展句:Writing is my cup of tea. 最拿手的

I like writing, but to have a job as a writer is a different story.

Loving someone is really great, but getting married is another story.


804.  原句:I worked as an intern in that firm last summer.

扩展句:I worked as a fulltime, 24 hours a day nanny. 保姆

Law firm, accounting firm 小型的专业公司


805.  原句:He's a very efficient young man though a little proud.

扩展句:Despite being a little proud, he’s a very efficient young man.

After several rounds of interview, I finally got the job.

Forget me Not 勿忘我(一种草的名字)


806.  原句:He made a successful career in business.

扩展句:You made it! 你做到啦!


807.  原句:My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major.

扩展句:colonel 上校;Lieutenant 中校;Sergent 下士


808.  原句:He is a manager of a famous corporation.

扩展句:He works as a manager in a famous corporation.


809.  原句:The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.

扩展句:secretary 书记;civil servant 公务员

I work for/in the government.

Gatekeeper 看大门的


810.  原句:He was appointed president of the committee recently.

扩展句:He was designated/elected.


If you can’t remember the NAME of something, try DEFINING it in your own way.


举例1:你不知道复式怎么讲, I have done really well, you know, in the first interview, but there are three interviews before you get the job. So right now, I have two more to go. 这样人们也知道你说的意思了


举例2:你不知道四分之一决赛(quarterfinal)怎么讲,There are 8 teams, but unfortunately there are only 4 teams can make it to the next round. So I don’t know who’s gonna be in the next round. I’m watching.


举例3:如何形容神经病(psycho),He’s crazy. He thinks differently. His mind is kind of like a machine has a lot of problems. You never know when it’s gonna explode. So never try to talk to him. He’s like from another world.


Set me a trap? No, I’m not gonna fall for that. 下全套,我不上钩

Swear words 骂人的话

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