

 逻哥斯 2018-05-10


Warfare has shaped the course of human history for thousands of years. As technologies improved, so did the effectiveness of killing, weapon after weapon reaping more carnage than the last.


We take a look at 9 weapons that changed the nature of war and in doing so changed the nature of the world.



1. The Spear(矛)

Dating back over 400,000 years, the humble spear is one of the earliest and most important tools developed by human beings. The simple sharpening of the end of a straight stick provided man with a weapon capable of bringing down big game for food. The spear would become the main weapon of choice for many great armies that followed.



2. The Sword(剑)

It was during the Bronze Age that the creation of one of histories most common weapons occurred. The sword would feature in wars, conflicts and battles for thousands of years to come shaping the world with every slash, thrust and stab. The Roman Empire would not have existed if it weren't for the legendary gladius sword that each foot soldier was armed with.



3. Bow and Arrow(弓箭)

Dating back over 10,000 years, the bow and arrow was an important weapon for both war and hunting before the invention of firearms. The effective use of archers helped to shape a number of societies from the ancient to the medieval. The development of the longbow with its ability to pierce armour, increased the effectiveness of long distance combat which began to take precedence over hand-to hand warfare.



4. Gunpowder(火药)

It was during the 9th century AD that Chinese alchemists accidentally discovered gunpowder whilst searching for an elixir of immortality. Out of the ashes of that discovery came the development of canons, grenades and guns, weapons that would immeasurably shape the course of human events. The world would be a very different place if the musket, howitzer or Colt revolver had never been invented.



5. The Gatling & Maxim Guns(加特林和马克西姆式机枪)

Developed between the mid to later stages of the 19th century, these two rapid-repeating guns were the forerunners of the modern assault rifle and machine guns. Described as the ‘guns that changed everything’, the invention of continuous rapid-fire on the battlefield was devastating to say the least. These guns paved the way for the M2 Browning, the AK47, the Minigun and the M60 to name but a few; weapons that would heavily feature in almost any conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries.



6. Combat aircraft(战斗机)

It wasn't long after man learned to fly that they learned to militarise aircraft. The skies were no longer the fleeting domain of the cannon shell or mortar but were now the permanent home of the combat aircraft. War had been brought to the skies and dominance over that arena meant dominance over the battlefield. Ever since the Fokker E.I took to the skies during WWI, planes have taken on a variety of roles and helped shape the course of modern warfare.

当人类发明了飞机之后,很快就把它用到了军事上。天空不再是加农炮弹或是迫击炮弹的唯一领空,战斗机把它变成了自己永远的家园。战争被带上了天空,而且掌握了制空权就等于赢得了战争。自从第一架战斗机the Fokker E.I在一战期间飞上天空以来,飞机就扮演了各种各样的重要角色,并且塑造了现代战争的发展进程。


7. The Tank(坦克)

Initially designed as a weapon to break the stalemate of trench warfare during WWI, the tank came into its own during WWII. Trench warfare became a thing of the past as movement had been restored to the battlefield. The thick armour of the tank shielded the soldiers inside from enemy fire allowing it to charge through barbed wire and across the most challenging of terrains. The modern tank continues to play a significant role in almost every army, shaping the course of history with every turn of its turret.



8. The Atomic Bomb(原子弹)

As soon as American forces dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII, the global political landscape was changed forever. An estimated 240,000 people were killed either through the initial blasts or through nuclear radiation poisoning. With their ability to wipe out human existence, the sheer destructive power of nuclear weapons continues to shape international relations.



9. Drones(无人机)

They are the ultimate in impersonal conflict. With the ability to fly thousands of miles, drones can carry out surveillance or bombing missions whilst being controlled from safety. They represent the dehumanisation of warfare and the gradual shift towards machines on the battlefield.



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