
方丈微语 | 幸福快乐的源泉

 已矣无 2018-05-19


The words of Abbot

The Source of attaining happiness and delight


According to the Buddha, loving kindness (maitrī), compassion (karuṇā), sympathetic joy (muditā) and equanimity (upekṣā) are the profound and delightful states of mind, which are the four immeasurable qualities of mind (catvāri apramānāni). By practicing loving kindness, one can overcome hatred; by practicing compassion, one can subdue cruelty; by practicing sympathetic joy, one can overcome anger; by practicing equanimity, one can abandon attachment. If one practices the four immeasurable qualities of mind, he or she can attain the source of happiness and delight in this secular world. 

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