
【道路街道】埃米尔林荫道景观改造,以色列 / BO Landscape Architects

 Rita_M 2018-05-25

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Back in the 1930s, avenues inspired by the luxurious boulevards of Europe became the model leading the planning of Israel’s urban communities and new neighborhoods. Building these broad avenues was designed for residents’ wellbeing, avenues characterized by rows of shade trees, which in recent years were interspersed with seating areas as part of the increasing awareness of the need for shade and the encouragement of walking. Numerous streets were redesigned to become both a place to rest a while and vibrant meeting places in town.

▼埃米尔林荫道概览,overview of the Amir Avenue

亚伯拉罕·巴拉班在《本-古里安大道上的禅意时刻》(《Haaretz文艺副刊》,特拉维夫故事栏目,2016年3月出版)中写到:“与此同时,尽管城市中的楼房再加高一层,甚至三层乃至四层,本-古里安大道依然充满着阳光。在广阔的蓝天下,许多老年人拄着拐杖在街上漫步,家长们有的推着四轮马车,有的在教孩子们骑车,或是在本-古里安大道和迪岑哥夫大街的交汇处教他们用吸管喝果汁……本-耶胡达大街本-古里安大道转角处的小咖啡馆总是人潮拥挤。人们有的是时间与萍水相逢的伙伴交谈,光着臂膀享受日晒,或者在街边的桌上喝一杯咖啡。” 在过去的十年间,这些重焕往日荣光的林荫道代表了以色列最具品质的公共空间:古树掩映的、为步行者和骑行者设计的空间、全年适宜的天气、各种类型的咖啡厅,以及能够作为集会场所的长椅等等。近期还增设了越来越多的户外临时展览空间。

“In the meantime, until the city’s houses grow a second storey, or even a third or fourth, Ben-Gurion Boulevard is a street filled with sunlight. The city is bursting with blue skies, with a multitude of elderly people setting out into the streets to air out their canes, with many parents pushing carriages or teaching their young children to ride a bicycle or drink juice from a straw near ‘Tamara,’ where Ben-Gurion Boulevard meets Dizengoff Street…The small café at the corner of Ben-Yehuda Street and Ben-Gurion Boulevard has a bustling crowd. All have time to exchange a word with a chance acquaintance, bare their arms to the sun, or drink a coffee at a streetside table.” – from Avraham Balaban, “A Zen Moment on Ben-Gurion Boulevard,” Haaretz Literary Supplement, Tel Aviv Stories Section, March 2016. The avenues, restored to their former glory over the past decade, are a model of high quality public space in Israel: spaces for pedestrians and cyclists, shaded with old trees, pleasant all year round, with various types of cafés, offering a variety of options for walking, sitting, and observing passersby, areas with benches as meeting places, and recently also providing a platform for temporary outdoor exhibitions.

▼平面图和剖面图,plan and section


Amir Avenue (Herzl Avenue) is located in the heart of the city of Hadera – a small avenue built in the 1920s. The ficus trees were planted in 1941 by elementary school students from the Ahad Ha’am School. The street is approximately 160m long and 12m wide, constituting an integral part of the city’s historic core. As part of the renewal of the Hadera city center, the Municipality has defined several focal points for initial intervention: Amir Avenue has been mapped as the central focus, with great potential to transform the look of the city and generate change in the urban fabric.

▼热带榕树为埃米尔大道带来荫蔽,the avenue features rows of Binyamina ficus trees


The idea on which the planning is based is the creation of a variation on the historical elements of the avenues, which currently feature three rows of Binyamina ficus trees. However, the central strip of trees is not fully planted. As in the historical avenues, here, too, are strips for walkers located between the rows of tree. One path has steps while the second is graded on an angle enabling accessibility. Differing from the European boulevard tradition, here we sought a different interpretation of the central strip. Instead of a gardened area along which seating areas are placed, we decided to transform the middle route into a play environment and meeting place.

▼中央的小路被改变为可供玩耍和集会的场所,the middle route was transformed into a play environment and meeting place

▼细部,detailed view


At the upper part of the avenue, at the junction of Ahad Ha’am Street, the historic kiosk was recently restored. This had been a “mobile” kiosk used by the first settlers. The restored kiosk was built on the pattern of the historic one and is now used as an active community café. The interface between the café and the avenue is also one of the original main streets, mutually enriching activities along the avenue, thanks also to the stairs and seating opportunities we created between them.

▼旧凉亭如今成为了社区咖啡馆,the restored kiosk is now used as an active community café


The design comprises three major strips around the ficus trees: two are for walkers and cyclists, while the central pathway is an activity route. As part of the plan, an additional crosswalk was routed from the center of the avenue to improve connectivity with adjacent streets. In the central strip we created four informal sculptural seating foci, between them a path stimulating playfulness passing between grassy hills and balancing wooden logs.

▼新增设的座椅,a new-built bench

设计师在传统林荫道的层面上添加了新的“黄色圆圈”,作为休闲雕塑座椅,可供就坐、集会和玩耍,为林荫道带来额外的体验。每组座位均由设计团队和Lemon Collection公司合作完成,包括4个悬吊在斜梁上的圆形椅子。“黄色圆圈”带来了不同形式的座位:人们可以在一个圆圈内躺下、爬上圆圈,或者在圆圈中间行走。这些圆圈以不同角度被放置在一个细柱上,在夜间会被灯光照亮。由此,这些黄色圆圈在哈代拉的市中心成为了塑造场所的视觉标志。另一项独特的置入是贯穿道路始末的游戏木桩。跷跷板中常用的木板和木桩被放置在草丘中,带来有趣的游戏体验。老榕树形成的天然荫蔽则带来了更多驻足停留的方式。

▼“黄色圆圈”,The Yellow Circles

The Yellow Circles, sculptural seating elements, are an additional layer over the traditional boulevard, designed as informal seats enabling sitting, meeting and play, providing an additional unique experience along its length in addition to the rest and walking options. Each seating complex, designed in collaboration with the Lemon Collection Ltd, comprises four round benches connected to a diagonal beam. The Yellow Circles enable seating in a variety of formats: one can sit or stretch out inside of a circle, climb over it or walk between the circles. The circles are placed on thin pillars, each at a different angle, all painted yellow and illuminated at night. Here we can see that they constitute significant visual placemakers in the heart of the city of Hadera. Another special stratum along the avenue are the wooden play logs dispersed at its center throughout its entire length. Logs and planks for see-saws combined with the hillocks of grass create an experience of play along the avenue. The natural shade from the old ficus trees increase the option of remaining in the place.

▼“黄色圆圈”作为休闲雕塑座椅,可供就坐、集会和玩耍,The Yellow Circles were designed as informal seats enabling sitting, meeting and play


▼平衡木桩被放置在草丘中,带来有趣的游戏体验,wooden logs and planks combined with the hillocks of grass create an experience of play along the avenue


The Yellow Circles and the finish of all elements along the avenue reflect a clean design aesthetic, forming a backdrop to the sculptural character of the sports installations. The paving and walls in the landscaped area are all in shades of light grey, while additional benches creating the seating corners are in wood tones similar to the colors of the seats of the sculptural benches. The vegetation along the avenue comprises three rows of old ficus trees, while the activity strip is characterized by more exposed areas. In the grassy lawns and ground coverings areas, the same logic exists on its margins, characterized by flourishing shade plantings.

▼大道上的各种元素体现出一种简洁的美感,the elements along the avenue reflect a clean design aesthetic


Similar to the historic avenues in Israel and abroad, Amir Avenue has been transformed from a marginal space at the edge of a roadway into an active place. The Yellow Circles and play environment all along the avenue create a unique environment, as a distinct place in the heart of the urban space.

▼一个活跃的新场所,an active place in the city

Project name: Circling the avenue
Architect’s Firm: BO Landscape Architects, Beeri Ben Shalom and Orna Ben Zioni
Website: https://
Contact e-mail: office@
Client: Hadera Municipality and the Nechalim Corporation
Project location: Amir Avenue, Hadera, Israel
Completion Year: 2017
Gross Built :2400 squere meter
Lead Architects: Lital Haimovich Rosenberg
Other participants:
Industrial Design: Lemon Collection Ltd
Industrial Design website: https://www./
Photo credits: Yoav Peled
Photographer’s website: http:///

More: BO Landscape Architects

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