

 新楚 2018-07-05

I have the honor to participate the In Service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 2017/18. with an aim to promote professional collaboration acdemic exchange between teachers in Hong Kong and mainland China. it provides professional development opportunities for the primary school English teachers. I also make many friends with other teachers in ten cities of Guangdong.

On Wednesday morning, Stella, Karen and Cherry interacted with us actively. They can speak English very fluently and they are very warm- hearted and humorous. We playec some ice- breaking games which are effective and interesting. GAME1: Adject Name. GAME2: Find some who ... Game 3: Word storming. Game 4: Fast reading through e-learing.

Dr Chan is a professor with a wide range of knowledge. His research interests are language -literature interface and curriculum development. what is the difference beween learner and the learner.. Dr Chan increased our understanding of the definitions of curriculum, School-based curriculum, learner—centred curriculum. As usual , textbooks closely based on the curriculum are our major teaching material. in my opinion, the school- based curriculum should be developed to meet our students' need.

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