
口语想靠part 2上七分,必须准备哪些话题

 WUCXHEYU 2018-07-06

part 2话题准备 & part 3八词六边形完美解决P3三大题型

part 2 比较难准备的话题有很多,今天以不得不礼貌的经历(帮助他人)为题,我们来展开讨论,应该说这个话题是生活中极有可能经历的,但是却不好说,接下来跟着雅思哥课堂口语名师于磊老师一起来看看。




帮助别人照看小孩Describe an occasion when you helped a person




-When was

-Who did you help

-How you helped

-Why do you want to talk about it



Well, the experience I’d like to describe roughly happened several weeks ago, while I was doing my neighbor a favor of taking care of their children, one is a 5-year old boy and the other one is a 7-year old girl.


At the beginning, when I knew that their father was on a business trip and the mom was taking care of kids’ grandparents in hospital, I was more than willing to give them a hand; plus, I like kids and I happened to have time in that day, I took that duty of giving kids a good day. 


Afterwards, I realized that I couldn’t be more wrong, since their kids were beyond my experience and even ability, since they were extremely naughty and energetic, there was no single moment that they would sit still, they always messed around by running or fighting, I was almost on the verge of losing my temper and patience/I was almost running out of my patience and energy. But I needed to keep calm and talk nicely to them, after all, they were supposed to be naughty kids.


When the day was over, I took such a relief when their mom was back, and I was totally exhausted, that might be the most difficult job I had ever done.


Throughout, I realized that how difficult it is to take care of the whole family, moms are really amazing. 


直接准备 Describe a situation you had to be polite 


-When was it

-Where were you

-What happened

-Why did you have to be polite  


Well, the experience I’d like to describe roughly happened two months ago, while I was flying to Australia for a business trip. And I had to be polite towards my neighbor passenger who was a mum carrying a 1-year old baby, since I was really helpless and frustrated. 


At the beginning, I was rather worried about riding on a red-eye flight, since it would be hard for me to have a good rest if the surrounding was noisy, and then the first day of trip would be rough for me without enough rest and stamina. 


Afterwards, my worry became true when I realized that I was sitting beside a mum with a 1-year old toddler, and it was very likely that the baby would cry during the turbulence or landing; actually the mum was quite sweet and considerate to make apologies first to near passengers by handing out chocolate and candy, which earned our sympathy and understanding; but soon after, as what I expected, the baby cried quite out loud during night while I tried very hard to fall asleep; while I kept my courtesy and patience, I was really frustrated, since no matter how hard I tried, it made no difference, the only thing I could do was to listen to music with my earphone.


eventually, the moment our plane landed, I was exhausted and I wasn't in the mood for getting around at all, the only thought in mind was to take a good sleep after this tiring flight. 


关于part 2的高难度话题准备今天就跟大家分享到这,接下来我们来看看part 3 八次六边形法,解决三大题型。

八次六边形解决part 3三大题型

how to show courtesy:

1 mind your manners; 

2 keep your promise/promise is promise; 

3 respect the elderly and love the young. 

4 Make eye contact; 

5 stay well groomed/dressed 精心打扮; 

6 act chivalrously; chivalry; 

7 be punctual准时的; 

8 stay humble, don’t not be arrogant;    

Are Chinese people becoming much politer or not? 

Yes, I think so, It is believed that Chinese are getting more and more civilized and courteous, since increasingly number of people have accepted higher education, and there is a mindset that the more you respect others, the more esteem you get from others. 

In what ways do people in your country show politeness? 

Showing courtesy is universal, and my people are no exception, they will exhibit/show courtesy in many ways, like xxx

There are heaps of ways that people will show politeness to others, like minding our manners in public places, keeping promising or being punctual, always staying groomed and respecting others. 

What are the impolite behaviors in public places? 

Littering 随地丢垃圾 spitting out gum;

Let me see, I guess some behaviors like smoking or shouting in public places will be regarded as rude and uncivilized, since others will be annoyed and interrupted; after all, unlike private places, people need to put themselves into others’ shoes and being considerate. 

What would you do when this happens? Solution; 

this is a very interesting question, probably in the first place, I will try to ignore them or just walk away if I have no intention of staying longer; conversely, I will address my discomfort to them in a kind way; anyway, I won’t take it seriously, since those rude people just reveal who they are, not who I am. 

part 3 的作答交流其实也是有迹可循的,我们在一定的限制之内可以罗列出许多注意点,如上图老师分享的那样,不该说什么,要适度说什么,以及说的观点是否切题等。


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