

 臻顺赴美 2018-07-16

臻顺赴美Tommy抓紧进行了2018年8月25日托福写作独立作文小范围精准预测工作 ,并对核心论证进行简单解析,请大家一定要重视托福机经。预祝你们2018年8月25日托福考试大获全胜!

1. Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a university in a new town?


2. Which of the following classes is the most attractive to students

·Sound engineering

·History of rock music

·Film studies

三选一题目:A/B+C 的模式; 切记:A与B+C的共性特征做比较。


3. You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose?

·Act out a scene from a play with a partner

·Explain your review of a novel you recently you read

·Read a selection of poem

三选一题目:A/B+C 的模式; 切记:A与B+C的共性特征做比较。


4. Teachers now tend to give students group assignment instead of individual assignment. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of it.

注意:整体评价,一个政策“ give students group assignment instead of individual assignment”的优劣。

5. The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below. Which do you prefer and why?

·A theater performance by the student actors;

·A concert provided by professional musician;

·A lecture from a professor;

三选一题目:A/B+C 的模式; 切记:A与B+C的共性特征做比较。

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