
General Manager

 GoodDay99 2018-07-29
Xinhua Holdings is established in 2014. Our principle business include trading of commodities, consumption goods, agricultural products, etc. We not only act as an indispensable commercial bridge between the producers and consumers, but also take advantage of our strong presence in the trading area to provide our clients with comprehensive risk management solutions, to minimize the impact of price fluctuations on their operations. At Xinhua, we work closely with the world’s leading institutions to create and deliver the comparable advantage they need. Our business has been built on reputation and recommendation and we are proud to work with the clients including Raffemet, HNA Group and MRI. 

We aim at providing a one-stop global trading platform which is secure, stable and professional. Our network of offices span the globe ensuring prompt and timely flow of trade intelligence which provides us the ability to act swiftly and efficiently to our customers’ requirements. 

In 2017, Xinhua invested in Newnew International Group Company Limited (Newnew) which focuses on the financial services. Newnew has a solid track record of achieving sound results while executing a strategy to diversify into new products and geographies. The continuing diversification lead us to our greatest achievement. Newnew will start the partnership with Convoy and aim to become a successful financial service provider.

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