

 当以读书通世事 2018-08-08


People’s understanding of walking more and doing aerobic activity, keeping up the heart rate, has grown but the need for us all to do two sessions of strength and balance exercise a week has been the Cinderella of public health advice.”


Cinderella 这个词,有童年的人都知道,是童话故事中的“灰姑娘”,像这种用童话故事,童谣,神话故事等中的人物来指代另一个意思的修辞手法,叫做 allusion 用典,典故。

我们都知道,童话故事中的灰姑娘,无人问津;文中用 Cinderella 来指代关于运动的建议——the need for us all to do two sessions of strength and balance exercise a week,也是在说这个建议受到忽视,无人关注。

英文中有许多童谣,神话故事的典故,如Achilles' heel 致命的弱点,出自希腊神话故事;Draconian 德古拉式的,暴君的;Hercules 大力神,大力士(He is a real Hercules 他力气真大);形容词Herculean 表示艰难的(具体见Hercules 的神话故事);Pandora's box 潘多拉的魔盒,万恶之源(He opened the Pandora's box by rebuting his girlfriend 他跟女朋友顶嘴,无疑是打开了潘多拉魔盒)

英文中有很多的熟语其实都是用典故的,比如 Archilles' heel 现在我们都知道是“致命的弱点”,但是他的典故源于阿基琉斯的故事,我们在学习英语词汇的时候,对于这些有“历史背景”的单词,即要知其然,也要知其所以然。



As a plethora of people and organisations have now said only with a full, independent inquiry can we truly become the party we claim to be: one that deplores prejudice in all its forms and stamps it out wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head.


only 放在句首,主句倒装,将助动词或情态动词提前;only 提前,常用的句型为 only when / after, etc. + 完整句子,或者 only with / after, etc. + 名词或名词性短语。

Only when he truely repents will his father forgive him and let him return home.


七月骄阳似火,大家是不是都在苦寻防晒秘诀呢?这句话送给在骄阳下练车的小可爱们:Only when the girl is armed to teeth could she brave the glaring sun and take the driving lesson.(只有全副武装,她才敢直面骄阳去学车)

only with + 名词或名词性短语

Only with / after a punch on the face and a kick on the shank did he realized he had messed up with the wrong person.



Mr Trump’s confrontational approach has only added to worries that a full falling-out is only an intemperate tweet away.

上榜理由:sth is sth away 句型

英语中有许多我们 take for granted,但是却非常 witty 的句型,只要善于观察,就能发现哦。比如例句中的 a full falling-out is only an intemperate tweet away,一场全面战争只差一篇言语过激的推文就能打响。

A is B away 意思是只差B,A就能发生,有点万事俱备,只差XX的感觉,不懂的话看例句。从最简单的说起:他离家只有100公里远了。→ He is only 100 kms away from home. 如果要juice up,看以下例句:

The contract is only a signature away from taking effect.


You are only a thumbs-up away from making my day.



It is one thing to rail against crime, corruption and impunity, quite another to take command of the apparatus of law enforcement.


在形容两件事截然不同的时候,我们通常会想到 A and B are extremely different 或者 A and B present a stark contrast,但是如果碰到A 和 B 是比较长的句子呢?如:A casual expression of how sorry you are to have hurt someone's feelings and the actual action of making amends with the one you have hurt are totally different / present a stark contrast;在这句话中,由于A 与 B 都比较长,因此显得头重脚轻,这个时候就可以用 It is one thing to... (it is) another to...

It is one thing to casually express how sorry you are to have hurt someone's feelings, (it is) quite another to take actual actions to make amends with the one you have hurt.



The letters to Norway and Canada found their way onto the internet.


sth / sb found their way to sth 是英语中常见的句型,但是正是在再平常不过的句型中,隐藏着 beauty,有多少人想过,例句其实是拟人的修辞手法呢。

find sb's way 找到方向,letters 信件如何找到方向呢?只有人或者动物才有方向感(a sense of direction);find their way onto the internet ”找到网络的方向“,其实就是出现在网上。但是letters 不可能紫气出现在网上,肯定是有人 put them onto the internet

find sb's way 比较平常的用法就是用人做主语,如:He found his way home.→ 他找到了回家的路。或者 S could not find his way out of the misery of home-sickness. → S无法摆脱思乡之苦。

sth finds its way to sth 也有幽默的用法,比如妈妈发现小孩子偷吃糖果,小孩子说出一句“ I didn't steal it. The candy found its way into my mouth.”


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