
英汉双语版 ‖ 叫醒世界的花开

 当以读书通世事 2018-08-09

英汉双语版 ‖ 叫醒世界的花开

​​​​​​Wake up the Flowers of the World


The pale moss fills the steps, and the path is covered with fallen flowers. Life on earth is half flowing along the water and half into the dust.


I like the clear and melodious sound of the sirens on the back of the ox, and I appreciate the cool and refreshing brook in front of the house. Time never treats anyone generously, or treat anyone else ungenerously, but passes through the rivers of the earth with fair and just.


When suffering too much and experiencing too much, I will think of a sentence in the jewish classic Talmud: ' The human eye is composed of black and white parts, but why does god want people to see only through the black part? Because life must pass through darkness to see light.

英汉双语版 ‖ 叫醒世界的花开


When you are at leisure, listen to the voice of the heart and the breath. After each blast of wind and rain, you will see the lush green mountains and forests; After a dark cloud drifts by, you can always appreciate the clouds and wind which are light and thin.


Deep in the grass, the pant legs will be stuck with some prickly grass seeds, which is the beauty of walking -- there are always some unexpected surprises, which may happen at any time.


Only warmth and love in the world let us live on well. A fresh heart, is like the first bud. When the sun shines, there will be gold jumping above. Time stands still, and only dense fragrant entangles heart.

英汉双语版 ‖ 叫醒世界的花开


Although the flowers of a spring, into the depth of time, will wither, but their original period of splendid life , has blossomed out the perfect charm and color of life.


When you understand the delightful beauty of a feast to eyes, the heart will often have sunrise, dewdrops and perennial flowers. Only the wind, you know, can go through the thorns and the bamboo fence with ease.


When spring comes, bask in the sun on the green grass of the wild, you may hear the footsteps of the ants lining up to walk, Tada tada tada-------Tada tada tada-------

英汉双语版 ‖ 叫醒世界的花开


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