
Mark Hyman博士谈:功能医学指导下的体重管理---<功能医学医生>专业分享

 rwm1110 2018-08-21


你也许尝试了各种方式,节食、辟谷、运动、药物、埋线、经络调理等,但效果都不太理想,Mark Hyman博士告诉我们也许你只是对自己缺乏一个清晰的认识,采取了错误的方式,不能减重的根本原因或许不是“营养过剩”,而是“营养缺乏”……

 “Dr. Hyman, I’ve eliminated toxic foods, I exercise every day, and overall I live a healthy lifestyle, yet I haven’t been able to get anywhere near my goal weight,” writes this week’s house call. “What gives?”


I understand how frustrating this can become, especially when you feel like you’ve tried everything. You made a conscious decision to live a healthier lifestyle. You’ve cut out toxic triggers, ditched sugar and you’re eating all the right types of foods. You’re doing everything correctly, yet you can’t lose weight.


Over the years, I’ve had many patients complain about this problem. They feel like they’ve exhausted every option, yet when we dig a bit deeper, we often find a hidden cause for their weight loss resistance.


One big obstacle becomes nutritional imbalances. After reviewing major nutritional research over the last 40 years and doing nutritional testing with over 10,000 patients, I’ve concluded that Americans suffer from massive nutritional deficiencies.


Studies show these deficiencies are more widespread than you might imagine. Over 30 percent of American diets fall short of nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A. Over 80 percent of Americans have low Vitamin D levels. Nine out of 10 people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids which, among other things, help cool inflammation and control blood sugar levels.

研究显示,这些营养缺乏比我们所能想象的更为宽泛, 超过30%的美式饮食缺乏大量营养物质,比如镁、维生素C、维生素E和维生素A等。超过80%的美国人维生素D水平较低,10人中有9人缺乏Omega-3脂肪酸以及其他有助于降低炎症和控制血糖水平的营养元素。

Simply put, Americans have been overfed and undernourished for a very long time. In fact, most obese children and adults are actually malnourished.


While that might sound contradictory, an abundance of calories does not necessarily deliver the right nutrients that your body needs. Actually, the very opposite is true: Overeating can create nutrient deficiencies.  You can eat too many calories and too few nutrients. And guess what – you need vitamins and minerals to process all those empty calories.


Low nutrients = poorly functioning metabolism.


How does this happen and why are we so undernourished? Simply put, food today is less nutritious.  We don’t eat enough whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods. We do eat too much high fructose corn syrup, refined flours, refined vegetable oils, trans fats and overall fake junky processed foods.

这是怎么发生的,为什么会营养不良呢? 简单来说,是由于当今的食物缺乏营养物质。我们吃的不是富含营养,未加工的食物,而是吃进去太多比如高果糖玉米糖浆、精制面粉、精制植物油、反式脂肪和垃圾加工食品。

These foods (and I use that term loosely) were not even in our diet as recent as 100 years ago. Our processed, inflammatory modern diet – which is relatively inexpensive and convenient because of government-subsidized crops like corn, soy and wheat – crowds out more nutrient-dense foods.

这些所谓的“食物”,甚至在100年前并不存在的“食物”, 由于政府补贴的玉米,大豆和小麦等作物,使得现代精加工炎性食品相当便宜而且便捷,而那些营养丰富的、真正的食物却被弃如敝履。

We evolved eating foods that were dramatically higher in vitamins, minerals and essential fats. We ate wild game, which contains higher levels of omega-3 fats and more nutrients than the factory-farmed animals we consume today.


Our hunter-gatherer ancestors also ate fresh fish and meat that grazed from pristine sources, whereas our factory farm-raised meats come loaded with hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, preservatives like nitrates and higher levels of inflammatory omega-6 fats.e evolved eating foods that were dramatically higher in vitamins, minerals and essential fats. We ate wild game, which contains higher levels of omega-3 fats and more nutrients than the factory-farmed animals we consume today.


Industrial farming practices also damage our soil, depleting important nutrients. As a result, vegetables and other plant foods harvested today have fewer nutrients than those picked from the ground just two generations ago.


Equally problematic, the average American today consumes an average of 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour (which converts to sugar) every year Altogether, that’s about a pound of sugar every day! These pharmacological doses cause serious harm to our metabolism and overall health.

同样有问题的是,目前,美国人每年平均消耗152磅的糖和146磅的面粉(转化为糖),平均每天约有一磅糖! 如此之高的剂量对我们的新陈代谢和整体健康会造成非常严重的伤害。

At the same time, healthy fat in our diets has decreased during the past decades because of poor advice from so-called health experts and ourgovernment,  The advice was based on flawed science and conflict-of-interest studies funded by big food companies .


Research also shows that since 1970, we have been eating an average of 500 additional calories a day, mostly from high fructose corn syrupand other carbohydrates. These nutrient-poor, calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate foods crowd out healthier choices while creating nutritional deficiencies like omega-3 fats, magnesium, zinc andvitamin D – negatively affecting our metabolism and our overall health.

研究还显示,自1970年以来,我们每天平均摄入500卡路里,主要来自高果糖玉米糖浆和其他碳水化合物。 这些营养不佳,热量密集,高碳水化合物的食物取代了更为健康的选择,同时,营养物质如Omega-3脂肪酸、镁、锌和维生素D的缺乏对我们的新陈代谢和整体健康都有负面影响。

That low-fiber, highly processed foods diet combined with other factors like environmental toxins results in leaky gut syndrome and numerousother gut problems, which further inhibits nutrient absorption.


When deficiencies become the underlying cause of weight loss resistance, I find nutrient-based treatment can often help reset my patients’ metabolisms to balance out body chemistry. Getting the correct amount of nutrients can help you burn fat, balance blood sugar, stabilize hormones and build and maintain muscle mass.


To optimize nutrient levels and reach their goal weight, my patients often employ these eight strategies.


1.Heal your gut. Focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, fiber and essential fatty acids. These foundation foods also eliminate the many triggers of chronic illness.  You are not only what you eat; you are what you absorb.

治愈肠道,食用富含维生素、矿物质、抗氧化剂、抗炎化合物、纤维和必需脂肪酸的未加工食品,如蔬菜、水果、坚果和种籽。 这些基础的食物也消除了许多慢性病的触发因素。“人如其食”,不仅是指吃进去的食物,更是指人所吸收的营养成分决定了人本身。

2.Prioritize eating plant-based fats. Get most of your healthy dietary fat from extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. Avoid refined vegetable oils like canola and soybean oils, as well as trans fats.


3.Get sufficient protein. At least four to six ounces of lean protein at every meal stabilizes blood sugar and helps you lose weight. Good sources include small, cold-water fish that don’t contain high levels of metals and other contaminants. Wild game such as elk and deer are other rich proteins sources that contain omega-3s and other healthy fats. Many grocery stores now sell healthier protein options including bison, grass-fed beef pastured chicken and barnyard eggs.

获得充足的蛋白质。 保证每次膳食中至少四至六盎司瘦肉蛋白,可以稳定血糖,并帮助减重。 优质蛋白来源包括不含重金属和其他污染物的小型冷水鱼,野生动物如麋鹿和鹿肉,以及含有Omega-3脂肪酸和其他健康脂肪的蛋白来源。 许多食品商店现在有售更健康的肉类食品,包括野牛肉、草饲牛肉、走地鸡和蛋。

4.Use gut-healing nutrients. Glutamine and zinc are among the nutrients that help repair your gut lining. A broad-spectrum digestive enzymebefore meals can also help absorb nutrients optimally. And a good probiotic helps rebuild the healthy bacteria essential for good gut health.


5.with a Functional Medicine doctor. You may need to address deep-rooted issues like yeast overgrowth or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). A Functional Medicine practitioner can help eliminate these and other issues that create weight loss resistance.


6.Manage stress levels. Chronic stress can deplete B vitamins and other nutrients like crazy. You can do deep-breathing exercises or meditation nearly anywhere. Get a massage, sweat in a sauna, take a stress-relieving bath with lavender and Epsom salt or sea salt, relax with friends, listen to soothing music or read a book. Simply do anything that creates calm and peace of mind.


7.Get adequate sleep. Proper sleep becomes essential for optimal nourishment. Sleep patterns affect how your body detoxifies, as well as how it repairs and heals itself. Poor sleep can increase inflammation that contributes to chronic illness.


8.Exercise daily. Among its benefits, exercise is essential in order to sleep better, digest food better, balance blood sugar, relieve stress, rid your body of toxins and balance hormones. Just get moving, period. Find activities that you enjoy and do them daily. Even 30 minutes of walking each day does phenomenal things for your health.


For most patients, these strategies help optimize their nutrient status so they finally can lose weight and feel better. If you’ve utilized these strategies and still can’t lose weight, I highly recommend testing for nutritional deficiencies and working with a Functional Medicine practitioner.


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