

 smiller2016 2018-08-23


在“牛九”的参考信息目录中新增了 More like this 同类词语学习 部分,将表现形式相似的一类词语汇总到一起,供读者参考。词典正文中会有参见项引导至这一部分。今天就为大家分享词典中一类有趣的习语。

Rhyming pairs in idioms 


doom and gloom

gloom and doom

a general feeling of having lost all hope, and of PESSIMISM (= expecting things to go badly) 悲观失望;无望;前景暗淡


Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team. 



fair and square

fairly and squarely

1. honestly and according to the rules 诚实;光明正大

We won the election fair and square.



2. (BrE) in a direct way that is easy to understand 直截了当

I told him fair and square to pack his bags.



3. (BrE) exactly in the place you were aiming for 不偏不斜

I hit the target fair and square.


high and dry

1. (of a boat, etc. 小船等) in a position out of the water 高出水面;搁浅


Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.


2. in a difficult situation, without help or money 处境艰难;无依无靠;身无分文


huff and puff

1. to breathe in a noisy way because you are very tired 气喘吁吁;上气不接下气

Jack was huffing and puffing to keep up with her.



2. to make it obvious that you are annoyed about sth without doing anything to change the situation 发牌气;愤然不理;生闷气;气呼呼


After much huffing and puffing, she finally agreed to help.



name and shame

(BrE) to publish the names of people or organizations who have done sth wrong or illegal 公布行为不当或违法者的名单;公布黑名单


slice and dice (sth)

(computing计) to divide information into small parts in order to study it more closely or to see it in different ways 切割;分割(信息)


The software lets you slice and dice the data and display it in different formats.



(the) thrills and spills

(informal) the excitement that is involved in dangerous activities, especially sports (危险活动,尤指体育运动的)紧张和刺激


wear and tear

the damage to objects, furniture, property, etc. that is the result of normal use


The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.



wheel and deal

(usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)to do a lot of complicated deals in business or politics, often in a dishonest way (在商界或政界)工于心计;(以不正当的方式)进行纷繁复杂的交易,周旋


wine and dine (sb)

to go to restaurants, etc. and enjoy good food and drink; to entertain sb by buying them good food and drink (去餐馆等)大吃大喝;用酒宴款待

The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.



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