
自动阅读文献神器:Paper Digest

 BAYES0t9v8pv2e 2018-09-10








最近,来自东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology)的研究人员开发出一款可以帮助大家的人工智能在线文献总结器:Paper Digest。它的网址是:paper-digest.com

Paper digest打出的口号是:将阅读时间减少到三分钟。

Paper digest的使用十分简单,只需要把文献的DOI(Digital Object ID)输入进去即得。文章的DOI号是什么呢?简单地说,可以看成相当于文章(以及其他数字资源)的身份证,和文章一一对应,且终身不变。关于文章DOI的查找请见下文。这里,需要特别注意的是,文章必须来源于开放获取(open access,简称OA)期刊。看样子该Paper Digest的开发者们对于版权保护做的还是很到位。



开放获取杂志多采取creative common的版权协议以利于文章的传播。其可以分为两类:金色OA(Gold OA)和绿色OA(Green OA)。金色OA是指文章刊发在开放获取期刊上,也就是说期刊上的所有文章全部是开放获取的。一般来说,以这种方式发表的论文需要支付一笔开放获取费用。换言之,科学家们需要花钱为读者买版权。而绿色OA是指文章刊发的期刊依然是传统期刊,但文献存放在特定的开放获取知识库以成为开放获取的文献。

BTW:金色OA期刊虽然包括不少所谓的predatory journal,但也有很多是行业内具有极高的水平的期刊,比如Nature Communications,Plos Biology,Elife,Genome Biology等等。此外,就在两天前,包括英意法荷等11个欧洲国家的11个科研机构联合签署了一项声明,要求自2020年起被他们资助的项目的研究论文必须OA,而且必须是金色OA(包括cns和pnas等大牌杂志,届时都将被排除在外,出版界针对有大的变革吗)。


言归正传,如果你在paper digest里提供的DOI所指向的文章确实符合要求,那么你将看到下面的字样:




我们下面举一个生信人前不久报道过的文章(lncRNA和甲基化联合分析文章解读)为例,从DOI找寻开始看一下Paper Digest如何帮助大家将一篇文章的阅读时间“缩减到三分钟”。文章标题是 Analysis of diet-induced differential methylation, expression, and interactions of lncRNA and protein-coding genes in mouse liver。发表在OA期刊scientific reports。




我们copy完整的DOI(本例中就是https:///10.1038/s41598-018-29993-4)到Paper digest主页下方的检索框。



  • We assessed differential DNA methylation by comparing the average extended read counts of corresponding methylated regions in STD and HFD livers by the t test, followed by correcting the p-values for multiple testing by the family-wise error rate and the less stringent false discovery rate

  • For example it is used internally in the DiffBind program (https:///packages/release/bioc/html/DiffBind.html) as well as in the ChIP-seq pipelines of Genomatix (https://www./online_help/help_regionminer/ChIPSeqWorkflow.html) and Homer (http://homer./homer/ngs/peaksReplicates.html)

  • To exclude that gene expression changes were related to differences in hepatic cell type composition, we estimated cell type frequencies by deconvolving cell-type specific marker gene expression (Table 2) using the Digital Sorting Algorithm18 and the meanProfile algorithm in the CellMix1.6 package19.

  • In addition, we identified 6 unmapped DEG functioning in cholesterol metabolism Algorithm Cell type STD Mean (%) STD SEM (%) HFD Mean (%) HFD SEM (%) p-value t test DSA Hepatocytes 49.7 0.3 50.3 0.3 0.23 DSA Kupffer cells 25.2 0.2 24.8 0.2 0.23 DSA Sinusoidal endothelial cells 25.2 0.2 24.8 0.2 0.23 meanProfile Hepatocytes 44.4 0.3 44.2 0.3 0.51 meanProfile Kupffer cells 28.3 0.1 28.4 0.2 0.44 meanProfile Sinusoidal endothelial cells 27.2 0.1 27.2 0.0 0.88 Table 2.

  • Consistent with previous gene expression studies of livers of HFD-fed C57BL/6 mice, the transcript levels of the cholesterol synthesis genes Cyp5123–25, Dhcr723–25, Fdft123,26, Fdps23–25,27, Hmgcr23,24, Hmgcs123,24,26, Hsd17b723, Idi124–26, Lss23, Mvd23, Mvk23, Msmo123–26, Nsdhl23–27, Pmvk23,24, Sc5d23, Sqle23,24,26,27, and Tm7sf223–25,27 were significantly decreased in HFD livers.

Discussion and Conclusions

  • Exposure of C57BL6/J mice to a 12-week Western-style HFD altered hepatic of 395 protein-coding genes, which were statistically overrepresented for functions in steroid and cholesterol metabolism, FA metabolism, lipid localization, and circadian rhythm.

  •  Deconvolution analysis of cell-type specific marker gene expression revealed no substantial differences in cell type composition between STD and HFD livers, suggesting that differences in gene expression were not primarily due to differences in cell type composition.

  •  Hence, in mouse liver, transcription of lncRNA genes is not linked to transcription of adjacent or overlapping lipid metabolism, lipid localization and circadian clock genes in response to HFD feeding.


大家可以对应我们之前的推送看看,那里我们的小编对文章有十分详细的介绍和总结。不知道大家认为效果如何?小编以为,确实给出了不少单看摘要得不到的信息,不过感觉还是有些 凌乱,而且也遗漏了部分重要的结果。此外你可能还会问,这同阅读摘要有什么区别?


Paper digest团队给出了他们自己的观点:Sometimes the abstract is not informative. Sometimes there is no time for reading the full paper. But there is always time for Paper Digest


为更好地提升自己的产品帮助大家,Paper digest现在也希望用户可以将自己的使用体验告诉他们。不论如何,Paper digest提供了一个崭新的帮助大家快速阅读的平台,特别对于非业内行家,可以急速地提供更多只是阅读摘要无法得到的信息?



1、Bornmann L, Mutz R. Growth rates of modern science: A bibliometric analysis based on the number of publications and cited references. J Assoc Inf Sci Tech. 2015;66(11):2215-22.

2、Tenopir C, King DW, Christian L, Volentine R. Scholarly article seeking, reading, and use: a continuing evolution from print to electronic in the sciences and social sciences. Learned Publishing. 2015;28(2):93-105.

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