

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Fasting For Just A Day Can Regenerate Your Stem Cells


Researchers have been able to reverse the age-related loss of functionality in intestinal stem cells in a very simple way. A 24-hour fast has been shown to dramatically improve how these important cells regenerate in both old and young mice.


The study, reported in Cell Stem Cell, looked at the effect of diet on the gut cells of young and old mice. What the researchers discovered was that after just a single day of fasting, the cells underwent a switch in behavior. They stopped burning carbohydrates and started burning fat. And once the cells started burning fatty acids their functionality got better.


“Intestinal stem cells are the workhorses of the intestine that give rise to more stem cells and to all of the various differentiated cell types of the intestine. Notably, during aging, intestinal stem function declines, which impairs the ability of the intestine to repair itself after damage,” senior author professor Omer Yilmaz, from MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, said in a statement. “In this line of investigation, we focused on understanding how a 24-hour fast enhances the function of young and old intestinal stem cells.”

肠道干细胞是肠道的主力,它能生成更多的肠道干细胞的各种类型的分化细胞。值得注意的是,在衰老过程中,肠道干细胞功能下降,消弱肠道自我修复的能力,从麻省理工学院的科赫综合癌症研究研究所的资深作者Omer Yilmaz 教授在一份声明中说。”在这项调查中,我们针对于24小时禁食提高年轻和老年肠道干细胞的功能做了专门的了解。

What the team realized is that once the mice began fasting, certain transcription factors – proteins that help convert DNA to RNA – activated. They are called PPARs. When they are switched off the cells can’t burn fatty acids, and the analysis showed that when this happens the cells can no longer boost regeneration. The reverse is also true. The team activated the PPARs while the mice were not fasting and still got the beneficial effect.

研究小组意识到,当老鼠开始禁食,某些转录因子—有助于将 DNA 转化为 RNA 的蛋白质--随即开启。它们被称为 PPARs。当PPARs被关闭时,细胞不能燃烧脂肪酸,分析表明,当这种情况发生时,细胞就不能再促进再生。反过来也成立。在老鼠没有禁食的情况下研究人员激活了 PPARs,仍然得到了有益的效果。

“That was also very surprising,” co-lead author Chia-Wei Cheng added. “Just activating one metabolic pathway is sufficient to reverse certain age phenotypes.”

“这同样非常令人惊讶," 联合作者之一的成嘉伟(音译)补充道。”仅仅激活一个代谢通路,就足以逆转某些年龄表型.”

The findings are really important. The discovery that fasting helps the intestines regenerate is important in its own right, but combining it with the potential of simply using a drug to obtain the same effect makes this a key study for medical interventions on the lower digestive system. It could, for example, help patients recovering from chemotherapy or gastrointestinal infections.

这些发现非常重要。禁食有助于肠道再生的发现本身就非常重要,如果把它与单纯使用药物获得相同效果的潜力相结合,会是对消化系统的医疗干预的一项关键性的研究。举例来说, 它可以帮助化疗或胃肠道感染患者康复。

The team is now curious to find out whether cells in other parts of the body also have this capability. Fasting or the use of the drug could boost tissue longevity in many different organs.



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