
都市农场,泰国 / Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

 哈库拉玛塔塔s4 2018-09-19

非常感谢 Integrated Field 予gooood分享以下内容 。Appreciation towards Integrated Field for providing the following description:

醉心于农业的业主Coro兄弟希望借由他们在风景如画的泰国小镇愿拼县(Suan Phueng)所拥有的一块田地,将种类繁多的农产品和平静的田园生活引入城市。项目的第一阶段工程顺理成章的占据了地块与城市接壤的边缘地带,蔬菜、瓜果,各式各样的农业作物在整洁有序的园区内舒展着枝叶,一派田园风光,而在相邻的建筑内,则展示着来自土地,自产自销的农产品。按照整体规划策略,项目的后期阶段也将在短期内相继实施,以增强园区对多样化活动、产品生产和实验的支持度。

041-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 夏季冬季不同的活动展开,summer and winter scenes

064-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

065-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

Originate from the fascination of agriculture, the owner who owns an agriculture field on a vast land in Suan Phueng (a Thailand scenery town) intends to bring the farming products and farming lifestyle from the farm to the urbanites. Therefore, the first phase of “Coro project” was located on the front area of the same plot with the farm to be the prototype of farming lifestyle and the Coro products display.

Due to the long-term strategy, the project extension is soon to be continued to strengthen the Coro ambition with more activities, products and experiments.

▽ 城市中的田野,farming life style in the urban

004-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

002-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

010-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 跨度1.5米的框架网格系统结构覆盖了整片场地,the certain dimension of 1.50m

011-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

012-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

013-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

021-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.   022-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 通向工作坊的小路,path to the workshop

017-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.


This first development of the Coro project is a place for both plant and human with the design for the capability of supporting different activities responding to different circumstances.

The certain dimension of 1.50m, the proper distance of farming, defines a grid system, which connects each building layers from the open space to the enclosed. Structure, skin, services, space plan, and stuff are supporting each other to define different spaces.

▽ 人类与植物共享的小天地,a place for both plant and human

025-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 建筑形式也呼应网格系统,grid system of the building

026-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 室内外空间无缝过渡,the connecting open and enclosed spaces

028-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

029-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

030-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

032-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

033-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 绿意中的卫生间,restroom

035-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

036-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.


Moveable surfaces define different enclosure. Modular furniture system defines different planning. Electrical outlets on the grid structure supply different activities and different adjustments.

▽ 远端的顶棚可随需要移动,Moveable surfaces define different enclosure

034-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 滑动顶棚细部,details of the moveable surface

044-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.   043-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 滑动结构剖面,section


▽ 可移动家具设计,Modular furniture system

031-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

066-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.


Consequently, the relationship of these layers generates the space’s resilience in order to encourage the creativity and diversity.

▽ 夜景,evening view

038-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 建造过程,construction phase

051-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 设计草图,sketchs

067-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.   070-Coro Field by Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.

▽ 平面图,plan


Location: Suan Pheung, Ratchaburi, Thailand
Owner: Coro Brother Co,.Ltd.
Architect: IF (Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.)
Interior architect: IF (Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.)
Landscape architect: IF (Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.)
Lighting designer: Kullakaln Gururatana / Corporate Identity Symbolist Co.,Ltd.
Structural engineer: Kor-IT Structural Design and Construction Co.,Ltd.
Electrical engineer: Kor-IT Structural Design and Construction Co.,Ltd.
Sanitary engineer: Kor-IT Structural Design and Construction Co.,Ltd.
Main contractor: Rattanaphon development Co.,Ltd.
Interior contractor: Rattanaphon development Co.,Ltd.
Modular furniture contractor: The Brick Design and Construction Co.,Ltd.
Softscape contractor: New TL Nature Co.,Ltd.
Signage contractor: Beetwart CNC Co.,Ltd.
Area Architecture: 1,345 sq.m./Landscape 8,548 sq.m.
Design: Dec 2013
Completed: Oct 2015
Photographer: Ketsiree Wongwan

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