

 quasiceo 2018-10-06
            华东理工大学硕士学位论文 第I 页 规则引擎在促销管理系统中的研究及应用 摘要 随着市场竞争的日益激烈以及零售行业的蓬勃发展,促销作为提高商品销售量的 一个重要手段,得到了越来越广泛的采用,比如连锁超市,大卖场等零售商总会实施 一系列的促销战略以求赢得客户更多青睐,并且会频繁变动其促销策略以应对市场种 种变化。促销业务逻辑的不断变化及更新,相应地对软件应用系统也提出了更高的要 求。传统的业务逻辑硬编码到程序中的做法已不能满足市场需要,迫切需要在业务逻 辑层中应用一种新的系统架构,来实现业务逻辑层与程序代码的分离。 本文提出将规则引擎应用于促销规则管理,首先对业务规则及规则引擎技术进行 简单介绍,重点介绍了Drools 规则引擎,包括规则引擎架构,工作原理,并指出本文 采用Drools 规则引擎的原因。 从客户需求入手进行分析,并结合多个系统用户的促销策略,总结出促销模型, 针对一些问题,提出解决方案。本文采用包含客户端、表现层、业务逻辑层、持久层 以及数据层的五层B/S 架构体系,针对现有规则引擎在业务规则的逻辑制定、维护和 用户友好等方面存在的不足,进行了用户界面设计,另外还进行了权限,事实库,接 口等的设计。最终的促销规则管理系统实现了业务逻辑层及程序代码的分离,从而降 低了业务逻辑组件的复杂性,降低了应用程序的维护和可扩展性成本。 关键词: 规则引擎;业务规则;促销模型; Drools 华东理工大学硕士学位论文 第II 页 Research of the Application of Rule Engine in the Promotion Management System Abstract With the increasingly fierce market competition, and the retail industry booming, promotion as an important means of increased merchandise sales gaining more widespread use.Such as supermarket chains, supermarkets and other retailers will always implement a series of promotional strategy in order to win more customers, and will frequently change its marketing strategy to respond to the changes of market. Promotions changing and updating put forward higher requirements for software applications. The traditional business logic hard-coded into the program approach can not meet the market needs, so there is an urgent need for the application business logic layer to apply a new system architecture, to achieve the separation of business logic and code. In this paper, aim to applying the rule engine in sales management, first of all introduced the business rules and rule

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