

 lylg老马识途 2018-10-09

冠词是一种虚词,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。a (an) 是不定冠词,the是定冠词。a用在辅音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。


1. a加在以辅音开头的词前,(不是辅音字母开头)如a booka pen

a universitya European country,([¢ jʊərə ¢ pɪən] [¢ jʊ¢ piən]

u是元音字母,但发音是[ ju: ],是辅音。其前的不定冠词要用a。在单个元音字母U的前面要用a,而不是an。例如:There is a U in the word “you”.

以元音字母开头,但需用a修饰的单词,可以连成一句话:In a university, a European united a one-eyed man to steal a useful thing, then ran away along a one-way road. This is a usual thing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲人联合独眼龙偷了一件有用的东西,然后沿着一条单行道逃跑了。这是一件平常的事。


It is a most funny story.那是一个非常滑稽的故事。

2. an加在以元音开头的词前,an eggan applean houran honoran island

an houran honor h是辅音字母,但它不发音,hour & honor的音标是元音开头。

有些单词虽然是以辅音字母开头,但发音却是以元音开头,这些单词可以连成一句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一个小时以前,一个诚实人接受了一项光荣的任务。

an interesting book

注意:在a (an) +形容词+单数名词的的结构中, a/ an的选择,关键要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词。例如:

an old desk一张旧课桌,a new orange一个新橘子

an honest man一个诚实的人  a dangerous animal 一种危险的动物

3.在单个辅音字母Ff, Hh, Ll, Mm, Nn, Rr, Ss, Xx, 等的前面,要用an,而不是a,例如:  There is an F in the word “face”.

There is an H in the word “hand”.

There is an R in the word “rose”.

There is an N and an M in the word “name”.

4.当名词被such, halfmany修饰时,不定冠词放在这些词之后。

eg. He is such a famous writer that…= He is so famous a writer that…

She was such a nice girl that she took the blind man to the station.

He left in such a hurry that he forgot to close the door.

It took me half an hour to finish my homework.

Many a man has gone to the big cities for work.

5.当名词前的形容词前有so, too等词时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后。

Eg. She was so nice a girl that she took the blind man to the station.

It’s too expensive a car for me to afford.

This is as difficult a problem as the one we met yesterday.

6.不定冠词与half, many, quite, rather, very连用时时,不定冠词放在half, many, quite, rather之后,very之前。

eg. It took me half an hour to finish my homework.

Many a man has gone to the big cities for work.

It is quite a good book

That is rather a useful tool

half a dozen of eggsmany a teenager

quite a good idea;  rather a cold winter

This is a very interesting story.

注:an hour and a half = one and a half hours一个半小时


What a lovely day it is! = How lovely a day it is!

What a dangerous job it is= How dangerous a job it is!

What a nice film this is!  = How nice a film this is


1.指人或事物的某一种类(泛指)。这是不定冠词a (an)的基本用法。如:

A horse is a useful animal.

She is a girl.   I am a teacher.   Please pass me an apple.


I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.


He borrowed a story-book from the library.

A Wang is looking for you. 一位姓王的同志正在找你。

A Mr. Smith is waiting for you at the school gate.



Eg: We have a every cold winter last year.

   This happened on a rain Sunday towards the end of May.

   We hope we can see a full moon tonight.


eg. There’s a third boy near the shop.


eg. They have music lessons twice a week.

6.用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍:“a + 抽象名词”,起具体化的作用。如:This little girl is a joy to her parents. 这女孩对她父母来说是一个乐趣。

It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交谈真是一件愉快的事情。

It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 参加这个会,对我来说是一种荣誉。


give a talk作报告, give a lesson教(一堂)课  take a bath洗(个)澡 

have a talk听报告  have a fever发烧  have a headache头疼 have a rest 休息

go for a walk/havetakea walk散步 have a nice trip旅途愉快

have a good time过得愉快;have a word with sb.同某人谈话

have a look看一看, have a try(试一试),have a swim游泳,

make a difference to对……有影响, 有关系; make a living谋生;

make a fool of oneself把自己当傻瓜; pay a visit to 参观/访问……;

come as a surprise/shock; 给人惊喜,出人意表

wish sb. a Merry Christmas…祝福……圣诞快乐

a lotof, a few, a little, a bit, a quarter一刻钟, a piece of一块……,

a cup of一杯…, a glass of一杯…, a pile of一堆…, a pair of一双…,

three times a day一日三次, ten Yuan a kilo每公斤10

such aan, half an hour半小时,  for a while一会儿, for a long time很长时间

all of a sudden突然; as a matter of fact事实上; as a result结果;

as a rule通常,一般说来; as a whole整个来说(总体上)

at a distance隔开一段距离; 在相隔一定距离的地方;远距离;远处

in a way在某种程度上; in a hurry匆忙;

in a sense从某种意义上说; in a word总之,一句话;

do sb. a favour; 施某人以恩惠

take an interest in对……感兴趣; tell a lie说谎;

have a good/wise knowledge of精通,熟悉;

a danger/threat to sb.逼向某人的危险;



egThe girl in a red dress comes from America.

The pen on the desk belongs to the girl standing beside Betty.


egI have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is Mark. The girl’s name is Penny.

I saw a film yesterday. The film was ended at eight o’clock.                     



The horse is a useful animal.

The dolphin(海豚) is an intelligent animal.

The compass(指南针) was invented in China about 2000 years ago.

3. 指说话人和听话人都熟悉的人或物。

egLet’s go to the station to meet him.

My shoes are under the bed.  Please open the window.


Eg: He is always the first to come to school.

Monday is the second day of a week.

Where do you live? I live on the second floor.

Bob is the tallest in his class.

Tom is the taller of the two boys.

on the left 在左边  on the right 在右边 turn to the left 向左转

in the east of 在……的东部  to the north向北方

5.定冠词the用在有形容词onlyverysameright, just等修饰的名词前面:

That’s the very thing I’ve been looking for. 那正是我一直在找的东西。

He is the only person who didn’t pass the exam.


He was the only person who was invited to the ball in his office.

6. 用在世界上独一无二的事物前(如世界、太阳、月亮、地球、天空、宇宙等)。(注:有形容词修饰时要加不定冠词。如:a full moon; a blue sky

EgThe moon moves round the earth.


the rich(富人),the poor(穷人),the deaf(聋人),the blind(盲人),the dead(死者),the wounded(伤员)


eg. The Greens are having dinner at home.

9.用在乐器前。(但中国民族乐器前不用冠词,play Erhu拉二胡)

eg. play the pianoguitarviolindrums.

10. 表示世纪、年代的名词前,用定冠词;

in the 20th century;  in the 1980s

In the 1970s, a highway was built to linkup the city with my hometown.


eg. I think he is in the thirties.

11. 表示“抓、打人的某身体部位”时,身体部位的名词前要加定冠词

The woman took me by the arm. 那个妇女抓着我的胳膊。

He hit me in the mouth(eye,stomach).他打了我的嘴(眼、肚子)。


the Yangzi River长江,the Yellow River黄河, the Pacific Ocean太平洋,

the Alps阿尔比斯山, the Himalayas喜马拉雅山

the North China Plain华北平原

the Rocky Mountains洛矶山脉 the Black Sea黑海


the United States(美国); the People''s Republic of China(中华人民共和国)          

the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党);

the World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织);

the United Nations(联合国);

the Beijing Railway Station(北京(火车)站)

the Great Wall(长城)the Summer Palace(颐和园),

the Science Museum(自然博物馆), the Children’s Palace(少年宫), the Party



the People’s Daily人民日报;  the Times泰晤士报;  the Evening Paper晚报

the Atlantic Pact大西洋公约; the Middle Ages中世纪; the Ming Dynasty明朝


the British; the Chinese


Pencils are sold by the dozen.

You get paid by the hour.


in the morning (afternoon ,evening )在上午(下午、晚上)

on the left 在左边  on the right 在右边 turn to the left 向左转

by the way 顺便说一下

go to the cinema (theatre ,concert)去看电影(看戏、听音乐会……)

in the front of 在前部

in the middle of 在中间

at (in) the beginning 开始

in the end 终于

in the day time 白天

on the one hand , on the other hand 一方面……;另一方面


The horse is a useful animal.(用定冠词)

A horse is a useful animal.(用不定冠词)   马是一种有用的动物。

Horses are useful animals.(用复数)



eg. Failure is the mother of success.

Paper is made from wood.

2. 名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词。


in spring; on Sunday; in January; on Christmas; Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, National Day,

Have breakfast; play basketball; by bus; by telephone…

I like Maths.  My favorite is English.

★在民间节日,即以Festival 组成的节日名称前要加the

如:the Spring festival 春节 (theMid-Autumn Festival 中秋节


Eg: We have a every cold winter last year.

   This happened on a rain Sunday towards the end of May.

   We hope we can see a full moon tonight.

in the spring of 2006;

4. man作“人类”、space作“太空”、nature作“自然界”、society 作“社会”、heaven作“天堂、天国”时不用冠词。


 China is a largest country in the world. 中国是世界上最大的国家。

MikeHenanChina, America, Grade One, Class Two,

但是含有普通名词的专有名词前用定冠词。the University of Toronto; the Philip pines; the Netherlands


Cook was captain船长、上尉 of the ship.

Father is at home, but Mother isn''t.  此时要用大写Mother


Come in, Boy.     What are you doing, Mum?

Sir, may you answer me a question?


7.turn/ go作“变为,成为”,其后做表语的名词不加冠词; 当as引导让步状语从句时,从句中做表语的名词要放在as前,且不加冠词;在以“名词+介词短语”构成的独立主格结构中,名词前不加冠词

He used to be a medical student before he turned writer.成为作家之前

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

A man ran over, sword in hand.


at home, at work, at surprise(惊奇),at last(最后,终于)

  at noonat night

at daybreak/ dawn(黎明)   at dusk(黄昏)/sunset/sundown/(日落)

day and night(日日夜夜);

day after day(一天接一天); day by day(一天又一天);

hand in hand(手拉手); side by side(肩并肩);

from top to bottom(从头到脚); from beginning to end(自始至终);

from east to west(从东到西,到处); from morning till nigh(从早到晚)

by bus, by air=by plane乘飞机), on foot(步行),


in hospital(在住院);  in the hospital(在医院)

in prison(在坐牢);   in the prison(在监狱里)

at table(吃饭,用餐);  at the table(在桌旁)

in front of(在某个范围之外的前面);

in the front of(在某个范围之内的前面)

take place(发生);    take the place(代替)

go to bed 去睡觉;    go to the bed 到床上

go to church去作礼拜;    go to the church到教堂去

go to school/ college(去上学/上大学);

go to the school/college(去那所学校/那所大学)

by day在白天;           by the day 按天计算

in case of 如果,万一;    in the case of 就……来说

in charge of负责,管理;   in the charge of 由……负责

out of question毫无疑问;   out of the question不可能的


write in pencil= write with a pencil 用铅笔写

On the whole= as a whole 大体上,就整体来看

take for example= take as an example 以……为例


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