
“Level Up”公共平台装置,克罗地亚 / 欧洲建筑学生会

 Rita_M 2018-10-09

感谢 Level Up 将以下内容授权gooood发行。
Appreciation towards Level Up for providing the following description:

“Level Up”是欧洲建筑学生会(European Architecture Students’ Assembly,简称EASA)在克罗地亚举办的针对场地的设计与建造工作坊,旨在为位于里耶卡Delta区运河边上的一栋废弃建筑修建一个新的平台,使其成为供当地居民集会和活动的城市场所。本次活动汇聚了超过500名来自欧洲乃至全世界的建筑与设计专业学生,共同致力于为这座城市带来改变。工作坊还包括一系列以设计哲学为主题的研讨会和讲座,为行业专家和年轻的设计者们提供了交流的舞台。

▼平台被建造在一栋50年代工业建筑的外部,the pavilion was built on an extension of a 50’s industrial storage building

Level Up – a site-specific design & construction workshop held at the European Architecture Students’ Assembly, RE:EASA 2018 held in Rijeka, Croatia. The workshop set out to readapt a disused rooftop next to the Dead Canal in Rijeka’s Delta area, bringing it to life as a community meeting and event space for locals. During the event EASA sees the collaboration of over 500 students of Architecture and Design from all over europe and beyond, working to make a difference to the city where its being held. The event is formed of variety of workshops based around the philosophy of design, seminars and lectures by leading professionals and youthful thinkers.


这座平台被建造在名为Export Drvo的50年代工业建筑的外部,从街道层开始,以不同的层级向上延伸,最终到达屋顶上的露台。每个层级均构成了一种私密而又互联的空间,能够使一小群人聚集在一起,同时为正在经历文化再生的Export Drvo大楼赋予一个公共性的立面。这场文化再生以适应性再利用的方式回应了里耶卡对于工业遗产的忽视。作为曾经繁荣的港口和工业核心区,这座城市如今充满了废弃的工业建筑,而这也为城市的发展带来了潜力。

▼平台从街道层开始以不同的层级向上延伸,最终到达屋顶上的露台,the pavilion starts at the street and ascends upwards in a series of levels which progress to an elevated terrace built on top of the existing rooftop

▼屋顶视角,rooftop view


The pavilion, built on an extension of a 50’s industrial storage building named Export Drvo, starts at the street and ascends upwards in a series of levels which progress to an elevated terrace built on top of the existing rooftop. Each level forms an intimate yet connective space for small groups to gather and at the same time provides a public frontage and awareness of the ongoing cultural regeneration of the Export Drvo building. This regeneration is coming in the form of adaptive reuse as a reaction to the disregard of industrial heritage in the city of Rijeka. A once thriving harbour port and nucleus of industry, the city today is populated by disused industrial building which have unlocked potential for the cities growth.

▼每个层级均构成了一种私密而又互联的空间,同时为大楼赋予一个公共性的立面,each level forms an intimate yet connective space for small groups to gather and provides a public frontage for the industrial building


A raised platform on the terrace provides for small gatherings to be addressed and a observation level steps up to allow users to gaze at the city beyond. Level Up is a social space outside the Export Drvo, which is set to become an important venue when Rijeka becomes Europe’s culture capital 2020. From top of the pavilion opens up an exceptionally complex view, a 180 degree panorama varying from the mountains surrounding the city and chimneys of the old industrial district of Hartera to the 19th century theatre and market, the slow-flowing Dead canal with it’s small boats and Tito’s ship Galeb to the post industrial harbour and the open sea with misty mountains in the horizon.

▼屋顶上高架的平台为小型聚会创造了空间,同时形成一处观景平台,a raised platform on the terrace provides a space for small gatherings to be addressed and a observation level steps up to allow users to gaze at the city beyond

▼运河夜景,night view of the canal

与创建新的公共区域有所不同,Level Up着重关注了对现有空间的恢复和再利用。它为Delta区域创造了一个具有工业美感的公共场所,在以持久度来衡量建筑的时代里,强调了短暂城市主义(Ephemeral Urbanism)的内涵。它鼓励每个人思考物质和空间的无常性。对于城市发展而言,物质的短暂性是否是一个不可或缺的因素? Level Up并非只是一种理念,而是对这种理念的实际追求。

Instead of creating new public urban area, Level Up puts focus on reclaiming existing space. It creates a balcony to the Delta with an industrial aesthetic, acting as a public frontage. In an era where permanence of the built form has been defining architecture, Level Up celebrates Ephemeral Urbanism, inviting everyone to ponder material and spatial impermanence. Is a recognition of the transitory nature of physical substances integral to the city growth process? Level Up is not just a construction idea but a pursuit of this philosophy.


▼项目着重关注了对现有空间的回收和再利用,instead of creating new public urban area, Level Up puts focus on reclaiming existing space

▼工作坊现场照片,workshop on the site

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼结构拆解图,axon of structure



Site : Export Drvo Building, Rijeka, Croatia
Built up Area : 110 Sqm
Completion date : August 2018
Facilitator : European Architecture Students’ Assembly (EASA) Croatia 2018 // www.
email : levelup.easa@gmail.com
Instagram : levelup.easa
Materials Used : Steel Scaffolding structural frame (Doka) Solid construction wooden members Decking wooden boards
Spax screws
Plants from Garden center Viskoso (Rijeka)
Collaborating workshops at EASA Croatia 2018 : Masonry
Designers and Tutors :
Brett Mahon (Northern Ireland) Joonas Parviainen (Finland) Saagar Tulshan (India) Shreyansh Sett (India)
Vanja Borovic (Croatia)

More:Level UpEASA

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