
里予万象 | 全球十大最美徒步旅行之路

 若青玉 2018-10-10



来源 | Tentree

 译者 | 周正



秘鲁 · 印加古道

Peru · Inca Trail

从安第斯山脉到亚马逊丛林,这段为期四到五天的旅程是一场激动人心的感官盛宴。传说这条四十多公里的步道是五个世纪前印加人所开辟的通往马丘比丘的朝圣之路。三条重叠的小径蜿蜒盘旋在山中:Mollepata、Classic、One Day,其中Mollepata和Classic都修建在4200米的海拔之上,极为险峻壮观。

摄影师:Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

From the Andes Mountains to Amazon jungle, this four-to-five day journey is a dramatic feast for the senses. Legend has it the 40-some kilometer path was originally blazed by the Incas five centuries ago as a holy pilgrimage into Machu Picchu. There are three overlapping trails: Mollepata, Classic and One Day with the former two reaching an ascent of 4,200 meters above sea level.

摄影师:Ryan McAlary

尼泊尔 · 安娜普尔纳大环线

Nepal · Anapurna Circuit


摄影师:Tina Wang

Only open to foreigners since the 1980s, the Annapurna Circuit is known for being home to some of the world’s most heavenly paths. It’s a horseshoe shaped trek winding in and out of Himalayan peaks and passing through historical villages that offer famous hospitality from friendly locals. 

摄影师:Giuseppe Mondì

冰岛 · 斯维纳山冰川

Iceland · Svínafellsjökull Glacier



Svínafellsjökull Glacier Trek is the most classic trail in exploring Vatnajökull—the largest ice sheet in Europe, and the ultimate alien landscape in the film Interstellar was here. Crystal ice ridges, deep cracks and intricate ice sculptures await us to discover. The traveler will spend half a day crossing this fairyland, and the amazing scenery of the Vatnajökull Glacier National Park is open to be enjoyed.

摄影师:Deborah Diem

法瑞意 · 环勃朗峰

The Tour du Mont Blanc 


摄影师:Nicolas Cool

The Tour du Mont Blanc is one the world’s most classic hikes, not to mention the highest peak in Western Europe. It takes 10 days to make your way around the alpine countries of Switzerland, Italy, and France. You'll be travelling through a variety of backdrops, from meadows and forests to the glaciers and icicles of the breathtaking “Snow Mountain”.

摄影师:Jonathan Gallegos

尼泊尔 · 珠峰大本营 EBC

Neapl · Everest Base Camp


摄影师:Tina Wang

It’s the most famous trail ever and with very good reason. The high-mountain Everest journey is rewarding in scenery alone, but becomes a truly cultural experience because of the villages and monasteries – allowing for a deeply personal look into Sherpa Buddhist culture. It takes around 15 days to hike through Everest, but going slow is well advised in this altitude.

摄影师:John T

苏格兰 · 西高地

Scoland · West Highland


摄影师:Vanessa Menchaca

The West Highland Route, opened in 1980, is Scotland's first outdoor hiking route, reaching out to Scotland's most rugged and most romantic areas. The Scottish ancestors flocked to the Roman Empire's stalwarts thousands of years ago, and now travelers have come here to experience the rare beauty of the Scottish pastoral scenery.

摄影师:Roland Lösslein

巴塔哥尼亚 · 百内国家公园

Patagonia · Paine National Park


摄影师:Olga Stalska

The Paine and Fitz Roy Trek is the salt of South America, passing through granite peaks, impressive glaciers and beech forests. The most intimate experiences is February and March, when the weather is still mild before the summer crowds set in.

摄影师:Peter Conlan

约旦 · 佩特拉古城

Jordan · Petra


摄影师:Tina Wang

Petra is member of the Seven Wonders of the World, located in the desert hinterland of southern Jordan, at an elevation of 1000 meters in the mountains and canyons. The Canyon rock belt in which the ancient city is located has a reddish hue like a coral gem, which reflects a dazzling color in the sunlight. This desert trail is known for winding through Petra’s most spiritual and historical monuments. Take in such iconic offerings as the Great Temple, Place of Sacrifice and perhaps the most beautiful of all, Al Deir (the Monastery).

摄影师:Andrew Palmer

美国 · 阿巴拉契亚

America · Appalachian


摄影师:Gregory Rec

This All-American trail routes through a whopping total of 15 states totaling 3,500 kilometers of unadulterated wilderness (and a few cross-overs between towns and rivers, of course). The Appalachian is considered the ultimate challenge of endurance for hikers, with the total trek taking between five and seven months to complete.

摄影师:Annie Spratt

塔斯马尼亚 · 欧费兰国家公园

Tasmania · Overland National Park


摄影师:Roxanne Desgagnés

Knowing how to pitch a tent is essential on this 65-kilometre trek across Tasmania. It definitely takes a well-seasoned outdoorsman to make it across the Overland in five days, but the trail itself isn’t too physically demanding – making it easy to enjoy sights like the Waterfall Valley and Lake Windermere.

摄影师:Jonathan Forage


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