

 月亮与六新币 2018-10-12



Dear Club Officers

Every member knows we enter into new era -- Pathways. This article will show how to choose a Path on TI website. 
At the end, there is a video giving more details of a sample path. 
想必很多会员都已经知道Toastmaster Internation新世界的大门Pathways已打开。这篇文章将告诉大家如何在TI官网开启自己的路线(Path)

Where will Pathways take you?

—— Pathways ——

Continue your journey of personal and professional development through Pathways, Toastmasters’ new education program! As the foundation of your Toastmasters experience, Pathways is designed to help you build the competencies you need to communicate and lead. Link: https://www./pathways-overview


The following is the procedure for applying path of Pathways Education System. (All screenshots are made on May 4th, 2018)

Step 1: Login www.toastmaters.org 
步骤 1:登录TI官网 www.toastmaters.org

Enter your username and password (You may use your mail address or member number to login).


Step 2: Click on “Pathways” and find “choose a path”.

步骤 2:点击“Pathways”找到“choose a path”。

Step 3: Click on “Continue to Path Selection” .

步骤 3:点击“Continue to Path Selection”进入 Path 选择页面。

Step 4: Click on “Take Your Assessment”. (First path free)

步骤 4:点击 “Take Your Assessment”。(敲黑板,第一条 Path 免费)

Step 5: Choose the Language, and then start the assessment.

步骤 5:选择语言,然后开始评估。

It may hard for you to understand, then you can switch to mother language.


Step 6-1: Questions' details.

步骤 6-1:开始评测

Step 7: Choose a Path. (Please choose the right language you want to use for this Path)

步骤 7:选择一条路线(*****五星提醒:选择语言这将决定未来的这条Path是何种语言,是不可逆的操作)

Step 8: Confirm and click on “Choose this Path”.

步骤 8:再三核对并点击“选择此路线”按钮。

Step 9: After choosing the path, you will receive a mail! 

步骤 9:成功选择后,会收到一封确认邮件。

Step 10: You can compare the page before/after choosing a Path! 

步骤 10:有没有选过 Path 还是有点点差别的。

Pathways Sample Path

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