
汉斯·梅姆林《圣母子和天使》(Madonna and Child with Angels,华盛顿国家美术馆)

 阴山工作室 2018-10-14

汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 华盛顿国家美术馆


In the tradition of his Flemish predecessors, Memling's painting contains a wealth of religious meaning; it is filled with symbols which explain the importance of Christ's mission on earth. Jesus reaches out for an apple, emblem of Original Sin; his attitude of acceptance foreshadows his future sacrifice on the cross. The angel who offers the fruit of redemption is in fact dressed in a dalmatic, the liturgical vestment worn by a deacon during the solemn High Mass. Around the arch is a carved vine of grapes referring to the wine of the eucharistic rite. On the crystal and porphyry columns stand David, as an ancestor of Christ, and Isaiah, one of the prophets who foretold the Virgin Birth.
Memling adhered closely to the northern tradition in art; the format and details of the enthroned Madonna theme recall Jan van Eyck. It is believed that Memling worked in the studio of Rogier van der Weyden at Brussels before settling in Bruges; here, he adopted Rogier's angular figural types clothed in heavy, crisp drapery, but transformed the older artist's dramatic intensity into a calm and graceful elegance. The framing archway was a device used by a number of Flemish painters including Rogier. While combining various influences, Hans Memling's own tender and pious sentiment made him the most popular artist of his day in Bruges.
The panel is composed of two boards aligned vertically with a join 34.2 cm from the left edge. It is mounted on a thin secondary panel of the same wood as the cradle. There are numerous very small losses, especially at the top left and top right corners and the bottom of the right angel's robe. Losses along the splits and the join have been filled and inpainted. The Madonna's features and some of the outlines of her robe have been strengthened. In general the numerous tiny strokes of inpainting make the picture appear to be in more pristine condition than is actually the case. The figural group and the landscape are underdrawn in what seems to be black chalk.


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


在他的佛兰芒前辈的传统中,梅姆林的绘画包含了丰富的宗教意义; 它充满了解释基督在地上使命的重要性的符号。耶稣伸手去拿苹果,原罪的象征; 他的接受态度预示着他未来在十字架上的牺牲。提供救赎果实的天使实际上是穿着一件法衣,一位执事在庄严的高质量时穿的礼服。拱门周围是浮雕的葡萄藤,指的是圣体圣事的酒。在水晶和斑岩柱上,大卫作为基督的祖先,以及以赛亚,预言圣母诞生的先知之一。
梅姆林在艺术中密切关注北方传统; 麦当娜登基主题的格式和细节让人联想起扬·凡·艾克(Jan Van Eyck,1385-1441)。人们相信,在布鲁日定居之前,梅姆林在布鲁塞尔的罗吉尔·范德威登工作室工作; 在这里,他采用了罗吉尔的角形图案,饰以沉重、清脆的帷幔,但他将前辈艺术家的戏剧性强度转化为平静的优雅。框架拱门是许多弗拉芒画家使用的元素,包括罗吉尔。在结合各种影响的同时,汉斯·梅姆林自己的柔和与虔诚的情感使他成为布鲁日当时最受欢迎的艺术家。



汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 局部细节


汉斯·梅姆林(Hans Memling,1430-1494),文艺复兴早期德国画家。出生在德国的塞利根施塔特,1465年移居荷兰布鲁日,师从罗吉尔·范德韦登(Rogier van der Weyden,1399-1464)学习传统荷兰早期绘画,后来形成了自己的绘画风格,成为布鲁日主要艺术家之一,主要创作肖像画、双折画(Diptych)和大的宗教作品。他非常成功,在1480年被列入城市纳税名单中最富有的公民之列,成为了当时的标志性画家之一。他的肖像画在意大利很受欢迎。他的顾客中有格里马尼红衣主教、本博红衣主教和美第奇家族的首脑弗洛伦斯。
汉斯·梅姆林是15世纪佛兰德斯绘画的集大成者,也是佛兰德斯画家中最接近意大利画风的画家。他继承了扬·凡艾克(Jan Van Eyck,约1390-1441)、罗吉尔·范德韦登、老迪里克·鲍茨(Dieric Bouts the Elder,约1410-1475)等前辈画家的天才技艺,融会贯通,自成一家。
汉斯·梅姆林宗教题材的作品源于晚期哥特式风格,采用文艺复兴特征的和谐构图及鲜明、欢愉的色彩,人物姿态风雅优美,具有纯朴的牧歌情调。他的肖像画在整个文艺复兴时期具有突出的地位,保拉·努托尔(Paula Nuttall)认为,梅姆林对肖像画的独特贡献在于他对景观背景的运用,其特点是“顶部和底部、前景和背景之间的平衡:头部被天空的中性扩张所抵消,肩膀的中性区域被外部的景观细节所激活”。梅姆林的肖像风格影响了包括拉斐尔在内的许多15世纪末意大利画家。
梅姆林的名声并不局限于意大利或佛兰德斯。他的作品在16世纪受到了广泛的赞赏。15世纪到17世纪从西方世界传入东方的梅姆林地毯(Memling carpets)即以他的名字命名。梅姆林的艺术在19世纪被重新发现,并变得非常流行。


Hans Memling
Netherlandish, active c. 1465 - 1494
Madonna and Child with Angels
after 1479
oil on panel
painted surface: 57.6 x 46.4 cm (22 11/16 x 18 1/4 in.)
overall (panel): 58.8 x 48 cm (23 1/8 x 18 7/8 in.)
framed: 86.3 x 77.4 x 11.4 cm (34 x 30 1/2 x 4 1/2 in.)
Andrew W. Mellon Collection
On View:West Building, Main Floor - Gallery 39
Probably Leopold III Friedrich Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau [1740-1817], Gotisches Haus, Wörlitz, near Dessau;[1] probably by inheritance to his grandson, Leopold IV Friedrich, Duke of Anhalt [1794-1871], Gotisches Haus; by inheritance to his son, Friedrich I, Duke of Anhalt [1831-1904], Gotisches Haus; by inheritance to his son, Friedrich II, Duke of Anhalt [1856-1918], Gotisches Haus; by inheritance to his son, Eduard Georg Wilhelm, Duke of Anhalt [1861-1918], Gotisches Haus; by inheritance to his son, Joachim Ernst, Duke of Anhalt [1901-1947], Gotisches Haus; sold early 1927 to (Hugo Perls, Berlin);[2] sold via the Mannheimer collection, Amsterdam, to (Duveen Brothers, Inc., London, New York, and Paris);[3] purchased November 1927 by Andrew W. Mellon, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C.; deeded 5 June 1931 to The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh; gift 1937 to NGA.

[1] This prince built the Gotisches Haus and its English park and was an active collector, adding early German and Netherlandish paintings to the family holdings; see C. Rost, "Der alte Nassau-Oranische Bilderschatz und sein späterer Verbleib," Jahrbücher für Kunstwissenschaft 6 (1873), 52-93, esp. 78-79, listing early catalogues of the collection. The descriptions in the early catalogues of the Anhalt-Dessau collection are not sufficiently specific to identify the Madonna and Child with Angels.
[2] According to a note on a photograph in the Friedländer archive, Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, The Hague; and a letter of 23 October 1961 from Hugo Perls to the NGA (in NGA curatorial files).
[3] Duveen Brothers Records, accession number 960015, Research Library, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles: reel 120, box 265, folder 18; and transcriptions from the Duveen Brothers Records (copies and transcriptions in NGA curatorial files).


1902 Exposition des primitifs flamands et d'art ancien, Hôtel de Gouvernement Provincial, Bruges, 1902, no. 79.
1929 Loan Exhibition of Flemish Primitives, F. Kleinberger Galleries, Inc., New York, 1929, no. 22.
2014 Memling. Rinascimento fiammingo, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, 2014-2015, no. 28, repro.


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1924 Friedländer, Max J. Die altniederländische Malerei. 14 vols. Berlin and Leiden, 1924-1937. Berlin, 1934: 6:30, 127, no. 60, pl. 34. (English transl. 14 vols. Leiden, 1967-1976. Leiden, 1971: 6 pt. 2:21, 53, no. 60, pl. 104.)
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1930 International Studio 97 (December 1930): repro. 28.
1934 Huisman, Georges. Memlinc. Paris, 1934: 146.
1935 Tietze, Hans. Meisterwerke europäischer Malerei in Amerika. Vienna, 1935: 135, repro. (English ed., Masterpieces of European Painting in America. New York, 1939: 135, repro.).
1937 Cortissoz, Royal. An Introduction to the Mellon Collection. Boston, 1937: 34.
1937 Jewell, Edward Alden. "Mellon's Gift." Magazine of Art 30, no. 2 (February 1937): 72, repro.
1941 De Tolnay, Charles. "Flemish Paintings in the National Gallery of Art." Magazine of Art 34 (1941): 181-182, 200, fig. 10.
1941 Duveen Brothers. Duveen Pictures in Public Collections of America. New York, 1941: no. 178, repro.
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1942 Baldass, Ludwig von. Hans Memling. Vienna, 1942: 22, 43, no. 70, fig. 70.
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1945 Comstock, Helen. "A Memling for the Nelson Gallery of Art." The Connoisseur 116 (1945): 37.
1949 Paintings and Sculpture from the Mellon Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1949 (reprinted 1953 and 1958): 57, repro.
1952 Cairns, Huntington, and John Walker, eds., Great Paintings from the National Gallery of Art. New York, 1952: 86, color repro.
1953 Panofsky Erwin. Early Netherlandish Painting: Its Origins and Character. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1953: 1:349-350, 507, 2:pl. 320, fig. 481.
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1956 Walker, John. National Gallery of Art, Washington. New York, 1956: 9, repro.
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汉斯·梅姆林 圣母子和天使 Madonna and Child with Angels 华盛顿国家美术馆



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