

 大隆龙 2018-11-17


  Why is it so painful?



     Various types of pains often cause us discomfort and make us trouble.Usually we will  infer what disease we may have according to where the pain occurs, and turn to the appropriate specialist for treatment. For example, we will see a gastroenterologist when we have stomachache, we will see a cardiologist when we have chest pain, and we will see orthopedics doctor when we have joint pain. However, sometimes specialists might not be unable to find the causes of the pain, thus we can’t find a solution to deal with it.

心因性疼痛  Psychogenic Pain



     One of the many kinds of pain is called psychogenic pain, which is caused by  dysfunction of the nervous system, common among people experiencing anxiety or depression, casting the reaction on the body.






      Dr. Tao Qing Ling, chief physician recently met a female patient Ms Wang, who is a typical superwoman. Ms. Wang started to have pain in the left hip joint one year ago. Since her left hip joint never hurt before, she ignored her pain and kept working all the time. However, the pain was getting worse and she was not able to sleep at night. She’s been to the hospital for treatment, took X-ray, CT, and MRI, checked all the items that hospital had, but nothing was found abnormal. She took a lot of painkillers, which were a little effect at first but turned completely useless later. Ms. Wang lost direction of her diseases at the moment, she had symptom of chest tightness and palpitations recently, she had a lot of fear and thought maybe she got an incurable disease right now.



      Recommended by her friend, the patient visited to Dr TAO in Tongren Hospital for a checkup.A comprehensive examination conducted for the female patient had excluded any possible chronic diseases.The prognosis of Dr TAO concluded the pain was caused by depression and anxiety.With treatment combined with psychological counselling and antidepressants,the pain suffered by the patient was lessened and gradually disappeared. 




       Ms Wang was very lucky because Dr. Tao was able to find the reasons of her pain. We don’t usually expect mental issue would cause physical pain! Dr. Tao also told her in the clinic, that such pain is not uncommon. Children can have study stress which lead to abdominal pain. Women might have headache due to relationship or marriage stress. If they have no mental health treatment, these pains can hardly be cured.




     Dear friends who are struggling in workplace and life, we should pay attention to and care about our bodies, know our bodies. When pain occurs, it is a reminder for you that you may have more mental stress. It’s time to adjust. We wish all of you a healthy and happy life.



Dr. Tao Qing Ling, Internal Medicine, Chief physician. The very first fully qualified Psychological Consultant, Shanghai Labor Role Model. Women Pace-Setter. 


Specialized in treating various types of internal body complications, including headache、dizziness、anxiety、depression、insomnia、dysmnesia、cerebrovascular disease、Parkinson disease、Epilepsy, etc.


VIP Clinic opens: Mondays and Wednesdays (All Day)

  Tuesdays、Thursdays and Fridays( Afternoon only )






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