
人教版八年级上册Unit 6知识点大全

 政二街 2018-11-28

人教版八年级上册Unit 6知识点大全

语法:“be going to”结构表将来

“be going to + 动词原形”结构用于描述将要发生的事或打算、计划、准备要做的事。其有人称和数的变化。

语法结构上与现在进行时的结构是一致的,因此也称作“现在进行时表将来”的用法。当然也可以直接将“be going to+动词原形”结构归纳至一般将来时的范畴中。

小知识:be going to句型陈述句结构


主语 + be going to + 动词原形+ (其他)。

e.g. He is going to take the bus there. 他准备在那乘巴士。

e.g. They are going to see a movie next week. 他们下周打算去看一部电影。


主语 + be not going to + 动词原形 + (其他)。

e.g. I’m not going to see my friends this weekend. 我这周末不打算去看望我的朋友了。

小知识:be going to句型陈述句变一般疑问句


小知识:be going to句型肯定形式一般疑问句结构

Be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + (其他)?

e.g. Are you going to see your friends this weekend?

Yes ,I am. / No, I’m not.

e.g. Is he going to take the bus there?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

e.g. Are they going to see a movie next week?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

e.g. Is she going to join the music club?

Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

小知识:关于be going to与will的区别

1)be going to 常用于表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 一般不受此限制,即远近都可以。

2)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来很可能发生的事情,will则不包含这层含义。

3)be going to 意为“计划···,准备···,打算···”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思。



computer programmer 电脑程序员。

小知识:programmer n.程序员,程序设计员(可数)

cook n.厨子(可数)

doctor n.医生(可数)

engineer n.工程师 (可数)

school teacher 学校教师

小知识teacher n.老师(可数)

violinist n.小提琴家(可数)

bus driver 巴士司机

小知识:driver n. 司机,驾驶的人。(可数)

race car driver 赛车车手,赛车手

pilot n. 飞行员(可数)

singer n.歌手,唱歌的人。(可数)

pianist n. 钢琴家(可数)

basketball player 篮球运动员

小知识:player n. 运动员;玩家。(可数)

football/soccer player 足球运动员

scientist n.科学家(可数)

reporter n.记者(可数)

writer n.作家,写作的人。(可数)


study computer science 学习电脑科学

take acting/singing lessons 上表演/声乐课

小知识:acting n.表演,演技,演戏 (不可数)

复习:lesson n.课;教训。(可数)

study math really hard 真的很努力的学习数学

复习:study hard 努力学习。

小知识:study (sth.) hard 努力的学习···。

study medicine 学习医学。

小知识:medicine n.医学(不可数)

study education 学习教育学

小知识:education n. 教育学(不可数)

practice basketball 练习篮球

小知识:practice v.练习


1)practice sth. 练习···

e.g. I practiced English three or four times a week last year.

2)practice doing (sth.) 练习做···

e.g. I practiced speaking English three or four times a week last year.

补充:practice n. 实践,练习。(不可数)

e.g. He needs a lot of basketball practice. 他需要大量的篮球练习。

keep on writing stories 坚持写故事。

复习:keep doing (sth.) 继续做某事,一直做某事。(强调持续不断,中途不停)

e.g. She kept watching TV for two hours last night. 她昨晚持续看了两个小时电视。

小知识:keep on doing (sth.) 持续做某事,坚持做某事。


buy a fast car 买一辆很快的车。

go to a cooking school 去上(一所)烹饪学校


What do you want to be when you grow up? 当你长大了你想成为什么?

I’m going to be an actor. 我打算成为一名演员。

What does she want to be when she grows up?

She is going to be a computer programmer.


复习:grow vt. 种,种植。(过去式为grew)

常见用法:grow sth. 种植···。

小知识:grow vi.生长。(过去式为grew)

常见用法:grow up 动词词组,意为“长大;成熟,生长”。(形容人的长大,植物的生长与成熟)

e.g. She grew up in China. 她在中国长大。

e.g. I don’t want to grow up. 我不想长大。

e.g. The apple tree is growing up. 这个苹果树正在生长。


How are you going to do that? 你打算怎么做成那件事?

I’m going to practice basketball every day.

How is she going to do that?

She is going to take acting lessons at least four times a week.



Where are you going to work? 你打算在哪工作?

回答一:I’m going to work in Shanghai. 我打算在上海工作。

回答二:I’m going to move to Shanghai. 我打算搬到上海(工作)。



When are you going to start? 你打算什么时候开始?

I am going to start when I finish high school and college. 我打算当我完成高中及大学学业时开始。


小知识:finish high school 动词词组,意为“完成高中(学业),高中毕业”。

小知识:finish college 动词词组,意为“完成大学(学业),大学毕业”。

小知识:college n. 大学,学院。(可数)


复习:university n. 大学。(可数)(非元音音素开头)



The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. 海明威所著的《老人与海》。

小知识: The Old Man and the Sea 为一本小说,名为“老人与海”,由美国作家海明威所著。

小知识:Hemingway 人名,意为“海明威”。

复习:by 介词,意为“通过···,由···”

How are you going to become a writer? 你打算怎么成为一名作家?


Well, I’m going to keep on writing stories, of course. 唔,我当然打算坚持写故事咯。

But I’m not sure about that.


小知识:sure adj. 当然的,确信的,一定的。


1)主语 + be + (not) sure +宾语从句。 意为“主语(不)确信···”。(形容词的宾语从句)

e.g. I was not sure where I could go.

e.g. John is sure that he will become a singer.

e.g. They are not sure if/whether my name is Sarah. 他们不确定我的名字是否是沙拉。

2)Be sure to do (sth.) 务必···,确保···。(祈使句)

e.g. Be sure to come home soon. 确保一会回家。

e.g. Be sure to be on time. 确保准时。

Well, don’t worry. 恩,别担心。

复习:worry vi. 担心。

常见用法:worry about sb./sth. 担心···。

复习:worried adj. 担心的,担忧的。(常做表语)

e.g. I feel worried.

e.g. I am worried.

e.g. Don’t be worried.不必担心。(从含义上讲其等于Don’t worry.)

Not everyone knows what they want to be. 不是每个人都知道他们想成为什么的。


Just make sure you try your best. 就确保尽你最大的努力。

小知识:make sure + 宾语从句。 意为“确保···,确信···”。

e.g. I can make sure (that) he will come on time. 我可以确保他会准时来的。

e.g. John can’t make sure if his friends can help him. 约翰无法确信他的朋友们是否会帮助他。

e.g. Please make sure (that) you get there at 5. 请确保你5点钟到达那。

Then you can be anything you want! 意译:那么你就能当上你想当的人了(建议积累)

分析:该例句中包含了一个定语从句。先行词为anything,定语从句的引导词that被省略了,从句部分为“you want”,从句做了先行词的定语。(了解即可)



I am going to study medicine at a university. 我打算在一所大学理学习医学。

小知识:at a/the university 介词短语,意为“在(一所)大学”。


I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 我打算写文章并把他们寄给杂志和报纸。

复习:article n. 文章。(可数)

小知识:write articles 动词词组,意为“写文章”。

小知识:magazine n.杂志(可数)

复习:newspaper n.报纸(可数)

小知识:send v.发送,寄。(过去式为sent)


1)send sb. sth. 送某物给某人。

e.g. My friend Jim sent me a Christmas card last year.我的朋友吉姆去年给我送了一张圣诞卡片。

2)send sth. to sb. 把···送去给某人,给某人发(邮件,信等)。

e.g. Can you send this gift to my mom? 你能把这件礼物送去给我妈妈吗?

e.g. I sent an email to my friend. 我给我的朋友发了一封邮件。



Match the pictures with the New Year’s resolutions. 将图片与新年决心匹配。

小知识:resolution n.决心,决定。(可数)

小知识: New Year’s resolutions 新年决心,新年决定。(大概指的新年的伊始,给自己定下目标,告诉自己要在未来做某些事情)


learn to play an instrument 学习弹一种乐器。

小知识:instrument n.乐器(可数)

make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员,加入足球队。

小知识:team n. 队伍,小队。(可数)


make v. 成为···的一员,加入。

e.g. I am going to make the basketball team. 我计划加入篮球队。

get good grades 取得好成绩

eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物

get lots of exercise 做许多锻炼。

make a resolution 下决心,做决定。

make resolutions 下决心,做决定。

常见用法:make a resolution to do (sth.) 意为“下定决心做某事”。

e.g. He made a resolution to study English hard. 他下定了决心努力学英语。

e.g. I make resolutions to become a pilot.

take guitar lessons 上吉他课。


What are you going to do next year? 你明年打算做什么?

小知识:next year 名词短语,意为“明年”,常做时间状语。

e.g. She is going to read more than three books next year.

Sounds interesting. I’m going to learn another foreign language. 听上去挺有趣的。我打算学习另一门外语。

复习:sound 感官系动词,意为“听起来,听上去”

小知识:learn a foreign language 动词词组,意为“学习一门外语”。

小知识:foreign adj.外国的。(啰嗦:外国是相对的,对于美国人来说中国就算他们的外国)

e.g. The USA is a foreign country for me. 对于我来说美国就是一个外国。

e.g. There were some foreign friends in the park yesterday. 昨天公园里有一些外国友人。

e.g. I want to learn a foreign language. 我想要学习一门外语。

补充:foreigner n.外国人(可数)。

But foreign languages are not for me. 意译:但是外语不适合我/但是我不适合学外语/但是学外语对我来说太难了。

复习:language n. 语言。(可数)


Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work. 写出人们打算如何使他们的决心可行。

小知识:make sth. work 动词词组,意为“使(计划等)可行,使···起作用,使···正常运行。

e.g. My phone isn’t working. Can you make it work? 我的电话坏了,你能使它工作吗?

e.g. John has a good idea. I think we can make it work. 约翰有一个很棒的点子。我认为我们可以使它可行。


How are you going to do that? 意译:你打算如何实现?


Sounds like a good plan. 听上去像是个好计划。


Did you make any resolutions last year? 你去年下了一些决心吗?

小知识:last year 名词短语,意为“去年”,常做时间状语。

Were you able to keep them? 你能坚持它们吗?(建议积累)

小知识:keep a/the resolution 坚持决定。

keep resolutions 坚持决定。

小知识:be able to do (sth.) 动词词组,意为“可以做某事,能够做某事,有能力做某事。”

(说明:与can相比,be able to的主语只能是人。其次,can只有原形与过去式。)。

e.g. I am able to do the dishes. = I can do the dishes.

e.g. I could help you. = I was able to help you. 我曾经可以帮你。

e.g. I will be able to play the guitar. 我将会有能力弹吉他。


To question the idea of making resolutions 来质疑下决定的想法。


复习:question n.问题,疑问(可数)。

小知识:question v.质疑。


question sth./sb. 质疑···。

e.g. Please don’t question me. 请不要质疑我。

e.g. I have to question your decisions. 我不得不质疑你的决定。

To give the meaning of resolution 来给决定赋予意义。


小知识:meaning n. 意思,意义,含义。(既可数又不可数,指具体事物的意义时可数,泛指时不可数。)

e.g. What’s the meaning of this word? 这个单词的意思是什么?

补充:mean v. 意思是,意味着。

e.g. What do you mean? 你意思是什么?(你什么意思?)

To discuss the different kinds of resolutions 来讨论不同类型的决定。


小知识:discuss vt.讨论,交流。

常见用法:discuss sth.

e.g. Let’s discuss the meaning of this word.

复习:different kinds of 不同种的···

Do you know what a resolution is? 你知道决定是什么吗?


It’s a kind of promise. 它是一种承诺。

复习:a kind of··· 一种···。

小知识:promise n.承诺,诺言。(可数)


make a promise (to sb.) (向某人)许下承诺。

make promises (to sb.) (向某人)许下承诺。

小知识:promise v. 承诺,许诺。


1)promise to do (sth.) 承诺去做···。

e.g. John promised to do his homework when he arrives at home.

2)promise sb. sth. 向某人承诺···。

e.g. My father promised me a new bike. 我爸爸承诺我了一辆新自行车。

3)promise +宾语从句。

e.g. I promise that I will help you.

Most of the time, we make promises to other people.


Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.


小知识:该例句中首先包含了一个宾语从句,“I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school”做了动词promise的宾语。在这个宾语从句中,又包含了一个时间状语从句,“when I get back from school”是时间状语从句的从句部分,“I’m going to tidy my room”为时间状语从句的主句部分。


小知识:tidy one’s room 动词词组,意为“整理某人的房间”。

小知识:get back from school 动词词组,意为“从学校返回”。(具体的返回到哪里取决于前后文)

However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. 然而,你对自己做出的承诺就是所谓的决定,同时最常见的一种便是新年决心。(建议积累)

分析:该例句中包含了一个定语从句。定语从句的先行词为“promises”,该定语从句省略了关系词“that”而,“you make to yourself”为从句部分。(了解即可)

小知识:yourself 反身代词,意为“你自己”。

复习:common adj. 普通的,普遍的。(比较级为more common,最高级为most common)

When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.


小知识:beginning n. 开头,开端,起点。(可数)


at the beginning of sth. 介词短语,意为“在···的开始/开端。”常做各种状语。

e.g. At the beginning of our story, I need to tell you about a young boy, John. 在我们故事的开头,我需要告诉你关于一个年轻的男生约翰的事。

e.g. At the beginning of this month, I am poor. Because I spent all my money last month. 在这个个月的月初,我很穷。因为上个月我就花光了我的钱了。

e.g. He always comes here at the beginning of every month.

e.g. You can see a big house at the beginning of the road. 在道路的开端,你可以看见一所大房子。

小知识:improve one’s lives 动词词组,意为“改善(某人的)生活,提高(某人的)生活质量”。

Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. 一些人们为来年记下他们的决定和计划。(建议积累)

复习:write (sth.) down / write down (sth.) 写下···,记下···。(sth.为代词时只能放中间)

小知识:coming adj. 即将到来的。

小知识:do (sth.) for the coming year. 为来年做某事。

e.g. I should save some money for the coming year. 我应该为来年存一些钱。

补充:in the coming year 介词短语,意为“来年,在即将到来的一年里”。

e.g. I will study hard in the coming year. 在接下来的一年里我会好好学习。

e.g. What are you going to do in the coming year? 在接下来的一年里你打算做什么?


plan n.计划。(可数)

常见搭配:make a/the plan 制定计划。

make plans 制定计划

There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health.


小知识:physical health 名词短语,意为“身体的健康,生理(方面的)健康”。

e.g. You need to get a lot of exercise. It’s good for your physical health.

For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.比如,一些人们给他们自己许下承诺,他们打算开始一个锻炼项目或是少吃一些快餐。(建议积累)

分析:该例句中包含了一个省略了从属连词that的宾语从句。“they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food”为从句部分,从句做了promise的直接宾语,themselves为promise的间接宾语。

复习:promise sb. sth. 给某人承诺···。

小知识:themselves 反身代词,意为“他们自己”

小知识:an exercise program 名词短语,意为“一个锻炼项目”

小知识:start an exercise program 动词词组,意为“(着手)开始一个锻炼项目”。

小知识:fast food 名词短语,意为“快餐”。

小知识:eat less fast food 动词词组,意为“少吃一些快餐”。

Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. 许多决定和自我提升有关。(建议积累)

小知识:self-improvement n.自我改进,自我提高。(不可数)

小知识:have (something) to do with sb./sth. 与···有(某方面的)关系。

e.g. Sports have to do with health. 运动与健康有关。

e.g. He must have something to do with the murder. 他一定跟这起谋杀案有关。

e.g. Does that have to do with me? 那和我有关吗?

e.g. What does it have to do with me? 意译:这件事和我有什么关系?

补充:have nothing to do with sb./sth. 与···没有丝毫关系,与···无关。

e.g. I have nothing to do with Tom. 我和汤姆没有丝毫关系。

Miss Sun is dead. But it has nothing to do with me. 孙女士死了。但是这件事与我无关。

Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar.


小知识:take up a hobby 动词词组,意为“培养一门爱好。”

Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.


小知识:planning n. 计划,规划,设计。(不可数)

e.g. city planning 城市规划。

复习:homework n. 家庭作业。(不可数)

小知识:schoolwork n. 课堂作业,课外作业。(不可数)


小知识:weekly adj. 每周的,一周一次的。

e.g. We are having a weekly meeting. 我们正在开每周例会。

e.g. We will have a weekly test tomorrow. 我们明天将要举行周测。

小知识:make a weekly plan 动词词组,意为“制定每周计划”。

Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有些时候这些决定或许太难而无法坚持。(建议积累)


“too···to···”结构是一个英语中的固定结构,意为“太···(从)而不能··· ”

e.g. The kid is too young to play this game. 这个小孩玩这个游戏还太小了/这个小孩太小了从而不能玩这个游戏。

e.g. Jack is too young to go to school. 杰克太年轻而不能去上学。

For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!



小知识:for this reason 介词短语,意为“为此,由于这个原因”。(用法:置于句首,逗号隔开)(往往要有前后文来提供合理的语境)

e.g. I like English. For this reason, I always study English very hard. 我喜欢英语。由于这个原因,我总是很努力的学英语。

How about you — will you make any next year?

那你呢? 明年你会下定一些决心吗?


These are about making yourself a better person. 这些是关于使你自己变成一个更好的人。(建议积累)

小知识:make oneself a better person 使某人自己成为一个更好的人。


For example, a student may have to find more time to study. 比如,一名学生或许不得不去寻求更多的时间去学习。(建议积累)

The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 年初通常就是下决心的时候。(建议积累)

复习:time n.时间。(一般泛指时间时不可数。如果指一段时间则可数。)


They may help to make you a better person and to make your life easier.


小知识:make sb. a better person 使某人成为一个更好的人。

e.g. I need to study hard. It makes me a better person. 我需要努力学习,这使我成为一个更好的人。

小知识:make one’s life easier 使某人的生活更加轻松/容易。

I need to save money. The money can make my life easier when I grow up.

The first resolution has to do with my own personal improvement.


小知识:personal adj.自我的,个人的,私人的。

Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to take up a new hobby。明年,或是更早些,我打算培养一门新的爱好。小知识:soon adv.不久,稍后,一会。(比较级为sooner)


The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family. 第三个决定是关于改善我和我家人之间的关系的。

小知识:relationship n. 关系。(人与人之间,群体与群体之间等)(可数)

小知识:improve the/one’s relationship(s) with sb. 提升与某人的关系,改善与某人的关系(是否加s取决于sb.)

e.g. I need to improve my relationship with my brother.

The last resolution is about how to do better at school. 最后一个决定是关于如何在学校做的更好的。


1)主语+ be + about + sb./sth.

e.g. This book is about my mom.

e.g. This book is about food.


2)主语+ be + about + doing (sth.) 主语是关于做某事的。

e.g. This book is about cooking food. 这本书是关于烹饪实物的。

3)主语+ be + about + how to do (sth.) 主语是关于如何做某事的。

e.g. This book is about how to cook food.

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