

 老李y 2018-12-05


癌症协会流行病学研究项目高级流行病学家王莹领导的团队称,诊断前运动量最高的男性死于前列腺癌的可能性比运动量最少的男性低30 %。

研究发现,更多的锻炼似乎带来了更大的好处:诊断后运动量最高的男性死于前列腺癌的可能性比运动量最少的男性低34 %。


While the study couldn''t prove cause-and-effect, ''our results support evidence that prostate cancer survivors should adhere to physical activity guidelines, and suggest that physicians should consider promoting a physically active lifestyle to their prostate cancer patients,'' Wang said in an AACR news release.

The researchers also examined the effects of walking as the only form of exercise. They found that walking for four to six hours a week before diagnosis was also associated with a one-third lower risk of death from prostate cancer. But timing was key, since walkingaftera diagnosis was not associated with a statistically significant lower risk of death, the study authors said.

''The American Cancer Society recommends adults engage in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week,'' Wang said, and ''these results indicate that following these guidelines might be associated with better prognosis.''

Two experts in prostate cancer care said the findings shouldn''t come as a big surprise.

''Physical activity helps all aspects of health,'' said Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urology specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. ''This study reinforces that a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, is one of the few aspects of post-cancer outcome that a patient can control.''

Dr. Manish Vira, of Northwell Health''s Smith Institute for Urology, in New Hyde Park, N.Y., agreed.

The study ''adds to the growing body of evidence that regular exercise is associated with better prostate cancer outcomes,'' he said. ''Multiple studies have shown improvements in other cancers as well, including breast, colon and lung cancer.''

''Regular exercise improves patients'' cardiovascular health, quality of life, and likely, their overall ability to fight disease,'' Vira added.

Wang stressed that further research is needed to see if the findings might differ by patient age at diagnosis, weight or smoking.

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