

 缘来是你9520 2018-12-08


1、辨析:must与have to

(1)must表示说话人的主观意图和要求,相当于汉语中的'必须'。have to表示因客观需要'不得不'做某事。

e.g.I must work hard on English.


She has to stay at home because her foot is hurt.


(2)must一般只有现在时,而have to则运用于所有的时态。

e.g.Will they have to meet here?他们必须在这儿见面吗?(不能用must)

Li Lei had to tidy the garden.李雷不得不整理花园。(不能用must)

注意:因为must没有过去时,因此表示过去'必须',一般用had to代替。

在否定句和疑问句中,must相当于一个助动词,因此直接将must提前或在must 后 加not即可,

have to相当于一个实义动词,需加助动词do/does/did来构成疑问句或否定句。

e.g.You don't have to leave now你不必现在离开。

You mustn't play football in the street.你们不能在街上踢足球。

注意:以Must开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答还是用must,但否定回答不能用mustn't,要用don't/doesn't have to或needn't。


e.g.Can you go shopping with me?你能和我一起去逛街吗?




e.g.It may be true.那可能是真的。

注意:may/might表'可能',暗含'不确定'之意,等于possible, perhaps或maybe。may表'可能'时,常指将来。

2、辨析both ... and ...和neither...nor...

both ... and ...两者都(其反义词组是neither...nor...,表示'两者都不')

e.g.Both my father and my mother are teachers.我爸爸和妈妈都是老师。

Neither my father nor my mother is teacher.我爸爸和妈妈都不是老师。


e.g.Neither he nor I am going to play basketball他和我都不准备去打篮球。

3、辨析:care about, care for, take care和take care of

(1)care about为及物动词短语,意为'介意;计较;在乎',其中about为介词,其后可接名词或代词,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。

e.g.The girl never cares about others.那个姑娘从不在乎别人。

(2)care for意为'喜欢'时,常用于疑问句或否定句中,还可意为'照顾'。

e.g.I really don't care for tea.我确实不喜欢喝茶。

(3)take care意为'小心,当心',其后可接to do或that从句,相当于be careful。

e.g.Take care not to drop it.当心别掉了。

(4)take care of意为'照顾,爱护',相当于look after。

e.g.We should take care of our children.我们应该照顾好自己的孩子。



e.g.The train ran through the tunnel quickly.列车迅速地从隧道中通过。


e.g.A few minutes later, they walked across the bridge safely几分钟后,他们安全地过了桥。

辨析:make sure和be sure

(1)make sure的意思是'务必,务请,确信,确保',后面可跟that引导的宾语从句、动词不定式和of短语,常以祈使句的形式要求或请对方'一定做到'。

e.g.Make sure that he's coming on this train.要弄清楚他是否要坐这班火车来。

—You'd better make sure of it.你最好搞清楚。

be sure前面常常有主语,后面也可跟that引导的宾语从句、动词不定式或of短语。

e.g.I'm sure that he'll come on time.我确信他会按时来。

辨析:in the end, at the end与by the end

(1)in the end意为'最后;终于',相当于at last,finally,其后不接of短语。强调'虽然最初……,最后还是产生了一个……的结果'。

e.g.He did one experiment after another and in the end he succeeded.他做了一个又一个实验,最后他成功了。

(2)at the end指'在……的结尾'、'在……的尽头',可表示时间和空间,后常接of短语。

(3)by the end意思是'在……结束时'、'到……末为止',通常指时间,后常与of短语连用。

辨析all the time

all the time表示'一直,总是,三番两次地',该短语常用于表达某一动作持续进行,常用于动词后修饰动词。

e.g.The boys made noise all the time.男孩子们一直吵闹。

all the time是名词词组,类似的还有:

all day long 一天到晚,整天地

all the year round 一年到头,一年四季

all night long 整夜地

all day and all night 整日整夜地

all through the winter 整整一个冬天


1.—Must I wait for you here now?

—No, you _________. You may be back in half an hour.

A.don't have to       B.mustn't

C.can't            D.shouldn't


  对于must的一般疑问句的否定回答为No, you needn't.或者No, you don't have to.故选A

2.—May I smoke here?

—_______, you ________. It can be dangerous.

A.Yes, can          B.No, can't

C.Yes, may          D.No, needn't


3.—Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr. Zhao?

—No, you __________. You may give it to me tomorrow.

A.needn't         B.mustn't

C.can't          D.may not

解析:在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是否定回答,不能用mustn't,而是用needn't或don't have to,故此题应选择A。

4.— Look at the boy running on the ground. Is it Davis?

—It ______be him. I saw him go to the teacher's office just now.

A.must          B.can't

C.could          D.might


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