

 昵称32937624 2018-12-09

原创:斧子 中译英:斧子的二当家




My sister's daughter is amazing!

她在读小学二年级的时候,就敢周游衡阳城。凭着一张小小的公交卡,见着公交站就上车。从起点站坐到终点站,再从终点站坐到起点站。每一路车,她都非常熟悉。她把坐公交 车游衡阳城,当做了一门特别的功课。

When she was in the second grade of primary school, she dared to travel around Hengyang alone. With a little bus pass, she would got on the bus as long as she saw. From the starting point to the terminal, and then from the terminal to the starting point. She knew every single path of the bus. It seemed that traveling around Hengyang was a special lesson for her.

妹夫在单位上班,没有时间陪伴她;妹妹忙着做生意,没有时间管她。她孤零零一个人,在家里实在没有多大的意思。有一次偶然坐错了车,沿途看风景入了迷,就突然喜欢上了 这种自由自在的独自旅游的低消费“驴友”生活。

My brother-in-law worked in the office and did not have time to accompany her; My sister was busy with business and also did not have time for her. It didn't really make much sense for her to be alone at home. On one occasion, she took the wrong bus and was fascinated by the scenery along the way, thus suddenly fell in love with this kind of low-consumption traveling life all by herself.


很多熟人在公交车上碰到过外甥女贺幽,个个都惊奇地发现,她是一个人上车、下车。小小的身影,上车很老练,呲溜一下就钻抢着上去了,熟人像看稀奇一样,看花了眼。特别是逃票,十分职业,专业水准特别高。明明有公交卡,却时常装出父母亲走散、自己不知道回家的样子,装可怜。很多人看着她矮矮的个子,瘦小的身板,永远都是七、八岁的样 子,都很同情她的不幸,赦免了她的车票钱。熟悉的老司机,看着她玩套路,也会心一笑,明明知道怎么一回事,也放过了她,不再计较,甚至于还有点欣赏的样子。

Many acquaintances had met my niece on the bus, and all were surprised to find that she was getting on and off the bus alone. A small figure, slipped on the bus in a very sophisticated way, which was absolutely rare for the familiar, and really made them dazzled. In particular, she was truly skilled in escaping tickets. It was obvious that she had a bus card, but she still often pretended that parents were separated, and she didn't know how to go home in a pathetic way to escape the tickets. Her short shadow, thin body, always an appearance of seven or eight years old, made many people sympathetic, and pardon her ticket money. The familiar old driver, watching her play a trick, would also smile, clearly know how, also let her go, no longer count, even looked at her in some appreciation way.



Therefore, the niece had developed an independent and self-reliant character since childhood, smart and sophisticated, good at observation, with rich Jianghu experience. The most fortunate thing was that she had never encountered a human trafficker, and no one abducted her and cheated her away.

外甥女小学还没有毕业,就修炼成了“衡阳通”。哪里有什么店铺,哪里有好玩的好吃的,哪里有特色,哪里有......她如数家珍,丝毫不差。她能张口就说出哪一路公交 车的哪一站,根本就不要想。这份功力,真非一朝一夕之功,也充分证明了她超强的记忆力。

The niece had been cultivated into 'Hengyang Tong' before she graduated from the elementary school. Where there's a store, where there's fun, there's food, there's character, there's... She always knew well. She could speak out every station of the bus without a thought. This ability wouldn't be a success of one day, which also a proof of her strong memory.



As she grew up, she was admitted to Loudi Teachers College, where was the hometown of Ares Chi You, one of the three great ancestors of the Chinese nation, and also the hometown of Cai Hesen and Zeng Guofan. She became a glorious teacher of the people, an engineer of human soul.


I Wish her students everywhere!


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