

 昵称2530266 2018-12-14

















.Topic 1

说到中国文化,不得不提到长城。从公元前7世纪到公元16世纪,在大约2 200年的时间里,先后有19个朝代修建过长城,所修的长城累计有10万千米以上。主要的长城修建工程是在秦代、汉代和明代。现今存有遗迹的主要是明长城,从东边入海口的山海关(Shanhai Pass)开始,一直到沙漠深处的嘉峪关(Jiayu Pass),全长6 700千米。长城是世界历史上最伟大的工程之一,其建造时间之长、参与人数之多、工程难度之大,在世界上无出其右。


When it comes to Chinese culture, the Great Wall is the one that will be definitely referred to. From the 7th century BC to the 16th century AD, through about 2 200 years, the Great Wall was built in 19 dynasties and reached a length of more than 100 000 kilometers. Major construction was carried out in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties. The Great Wall we visit nowadays is mainly the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, stretching 6 700 kilometers from Shanhai Pass at the eastern river mouth to Jiayu Pass in the depths of desert. The Great Wall is one of the greatest project in the history of the world for its unparalleled span of construction, amount of labor and difficulty.

.Topic 2

筷子由两根长短相同的木棍组成,是中国的传统餐具(eating utensil)。筷子出现在三千多年前,它的出现不仅是中国烹饪文化的变革,也是人类文明的标志。此外,筷子在烹饪技巧的发展过程中也起着推动作用。如今,筷子不仅是一种餐具,还成为一种独特的文化形式,对于我们来说,筷子可以作为艺术品来欣赏、研究和收藏。筷子虽小,但仍被世界上许多人所推崇。一项有趣的实验表明,当你在使用筷子的时候,许多关节和肌肉都会得到锻炼。


Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of equal length sticks. Chopsticks appeared more than three thousand years ago. The appearance of chopsticks is not only a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but also a symbol of human civilization. Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques. Today, chopsticks are not only a kind of tableware, but also have become a unique culture form, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection. Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.

.Topic 3

在数字阅读的强力冲击下,传统图书出版市场近年来一直不太景气,但在低迷的市场中却有一匹“黑马”——儿童出版市场。在图书零售业(book retail industry)总体走低的大背景下,儿童出版市场保持着逆市上扬的趋势,已成为拉动市场的领跑板块。随着国家放开“二胎”政策,业内预计未来几年整个婴童消费市场的收益有望超过2万亿元。教育支出已成为仅次于食物的家庭第二大日常支出。出版物作为儿童教育的重要组成部分,也将迎来快速增长的空间。


In recent years, under the strong impact of digital reading, the traditional book publishing market has always been sluggish. However, there is a “black horse” in this depressed market, that is, the children’s book publishing market. Against the background of the overall downward book retail industry, the children’s book publishing market continues to maintain upward against the overall trend and has become a driving force in the market. As China allows couples to have a second child, it is predicted that the total revenue brought by the baby&children market will exceed 2 trillion yuan in the coming years. The educational expense has become the second greatest daily household expense after food expense. Publications, as an important part of children’s education, will also usher in rapid growth.

.Topic 4

电子商务近几年的迅猛发展,加快了电子货币(electronic money)的普遍应用。电子货币是通过电脑或手机等电子化方式来支付的货币。电子货币最典型的例子是比特币(bitcoin),它可以用现金购买,还能像其他任何货币一样进行交易。与现金支付相比,电子货币更加方便,增加了社会效益(social benefit),但对银行经营方式产生了冲击。安全性一直是电子货币使用过程中最为关注的问题,因此要建立完善的电子货币支付系统,保证支付的安全性。


E-commerce has undergone tremendous growth in recent years, accelerating the widespread application of electronic money. Electronic money is the currency which is used to pay by electronic means like a computer or mobile phone. The most typical example of electronic money is the bitcoin, which can be bought with real money and used to trade like any other currency. Compared with the cash payment, it is more convenient, which raises the social benefit but has an impact on the way the bank operates. Security has always been the biggest concern in the process of using electronic money, so it is required to establish a perfect electronic money payment system to ensure the security of payment.

.Topic 5

如今,3D打印(3D printing)几乎无所不在。消费者可以从互联网上获得设计方案,然后在家里打印出来。如果孩子想要新玩具,老人想要下象棋,你想要换一个新杯子,你要做的只是下载几份图纸,然后在自家的打印机上“打”出来。每一项伟大发明所带来的影响在当时都是很难预测的,如电灯、蒸汽机(steam engine)和印刷术。同样,我们也很难预测,这项被《经济学人》称为“第三次工业革命”的新技术将如何悄然改变人类生活的世界。


Nowadays, the 3D printing can be used almost everywhere. Consumers can acquire the design proposals from the Internet and then print them at home. If the kids want new toys, the parents want to play chess, or you want a new cup, all you have to do is to download some drawings and then “print” them by your printer at home. It is hard to predict every great invention’s influence when it is first invented, such as the electric light, steam engine and printing. Similarly, we can hardly predict how this new technology, acclaimed as “the Third Industrial Revolution” by the Economist, will quietly change the world we live in.

.Topic 6



Since the early 1980s, tourism centering on adventure and natural sightseeing has become increasingly popular. With the enhancement of global environmental consciousness and increasing respect shown for cultural diversity, ecotourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourist industry. Tourists can stay in an urban five-star hotel enjoying the comfort or sit in an elegant restaurant tasting the delight, but people can also choose to climb mountains and go hiking, which are the attractive alternatives offered to people. But ecotourism means more than just traveling to remote destinations. It also emphasizes educating visitors about local conditions and customs, as well as cultural heritage.

.Topic 7

根据快递企业(express delivery enterprise)的性质及规模,可将我国快递企业分为四类。一是外资企业,外资快递企业具有丰富的经验、雄厚的资金和发达的全球网络;二是国有企业,国有快递企业依靠其背景优势和完善的国内网络在快递市场处于领先地位;三是大型民营企业,大型民营快递企业在局部市场站稳脚跟后,已逐步向全国扩张;四是小型民营企业,这类快递企业规模小、经营灵活但管理比较混乱,主要经营特定区域的同城快递(intra-city express delivery)和省内快递业务。


According to the nature and scale, express delivery enterprises in China can be divided into four kinds, namely foreign-funded enterprises, state-owned enterprises, large-sized private enterprises and small-sized private enterprises. The foreign-funded enterprises have rich experience, sufficient funds and a developed global network; the state-owned enterprises lead the market due to their advantageous background and widespread domestic network; the large-sized private enterprises gain a foothold in local markets and have gradually expanded to the rest of the country; the small-sized private enterprises, characterized by small scale, flexible operation and messy management, specialize in intra-city and provincial express delivery in specific regions
















1. 看能否找出90%正反对比要点:第二段:3行对方观点+5-7行我方论点。

2. 实在不是正反对比,就是平行写作原因、结果、对策等。

3. 一篇模板套写任何题目(需要提前练习一下哦)。

4. 即“扯”尽自己所储备的一切英文表达。

.Topic 1

大学开设心理学课程问题 开设心理学课程的原因和意义

Directions:  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on opening psychology course in college. Your essay should include the reasons accounting for and the significance of opening psychology course. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

· 优秀范文 · 

Opening Psychology Course in College

Nowadays many universities and colleges put psychology on their curricula and some even make it a compulsory course. Besides, special centers have sprung up on campus to provide guidance and help for students puzzled by mental or emotional problems.

A wealth of reasons cast light on this phenomenon. On a grand scale, with the rapid growth of society, the pace of life becomes quicker and quicker, and the competition becomes much fiercer, which lead to increasing mental stress on people. Once accumulated for a certain length of time, stress may cause diseases, both physically and mentally. On a specific scale, college students are more likely to be affected by psychological problems for the lack of life experience. To put it another way, they are not mature enough to address setbacks calmly. So it is of utmost importance for universities and colleges to open psychology course to give students proper guidance.

From where I stand, students are in urgent need of learning psychology course on campus. It will not only allow students to have a general understanding of this social science, but also help them deal with mental or emotional problems in a better and more rational way. 

.Topic 2


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Taking Action Is More Important than Daydreaming. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Taking Action Is More Important than Daydreaming

· 优秀范文 · 

Taking Action Is More Important than Daydreaming

As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a young man is sitting on the chair lazily and thinking: “Tomorrow I will begin my magnificent scheme.” Obviously, he is dreaming of being a successful man but delays taking action to realize it.

The thought-provoking drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon that nowadays many young people daydream about being successful without taking immediate action. Two reasons can account for this phenomenon. To begin with, dreaming takes little effort while beginning a grand mission needs courage, determination and above all, the fulfillment of every specific task. In addition, with the fierce competition and the fast pace of life, many young people seem to lack confidence to face difficulties, therefore putting off their plans day by day. Many have even worked out a very detailed schedule, but once they come across certain obstacles, they may easily draw back and count on tomorrow’s efforts.

As an old saying goes, “Well begun is half done.” In order to realize our fantastic dreams, we should take immediate action.

.Topic 3


评论一句名言:“People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.”


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Power of Cooperation by commenting on the saying “People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

· 优秀范文 · 

The Power of Cooperation

There is a famous saying going like this, “People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.” This quotation aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. It’s definitely true that a man’s strength is too limited, so only with cooperation can we achieve our objectives more smoothly.

We should always bear in mind that in such a competitive world, no individual or organization can achieve success without collaboration. If every individual in a group can work together actively and draw on each other’s strength, those once deemed unrealizable tasks for one single person can be efficiently accomplished through joint efforts. As students, it’s cooperation that helps us solve many problems that we can’t deal with alone. That means we can gain lots of benefits from cooperation.

Only when a person knows how to cooperate with others can he learn to share with others, care for and communicate with others. Let’s strive for a better future with cooperation.

.Topic 4



评论“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”(创新区分领导者和追随者)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Be a Person with Innovation by commenting on the remark “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

· 优秀范文 · 

Be a Person with Innovation

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” I assume that you are familiar with Steve Jobs’ famous remark, which aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. As far as I am concerned, the importance of innovation can be seen in the following aspects.

First of all, innovation can promote the advancement of our society. With innovation, any progress can be possible; however, once indulged in tradition, the society will remain stagnant. Moreover, innovation can inject vigor into a company’s growth. Once equipped with a sense of innovation, a company will be prosperous; on the contrary, it will fall behind if keeping on the rail. Last but not least, innovation is essential to the development of individuals. Those who often come up with new ideas usually turn out to be easy to achieve success while a man who always sticks to experience can hardly create new things.

Innovation has been a hot word for a long time. We cannot emphasize the importance of innovation too much. Therefore, we have to learn as much knowledge as possible to prepare ourselves for being creative people. 



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